Before Jiang Yun and Captain Bai could speak, Chen Chen said first, "I don't have anything to say to you. You should go back first. Don't disturb my rehearsal. I'll talk to you when I'm free."

Now, let alone Jiang Yun and Jiang Xiaoyue, even Captain Bai couldn't stand it anymore.

"Chen Chen, what's your attitude?" Captain Bai was very unhappy.

Chen Chen glanced at Captain Bai, but the mocking look made him understand what he meant. He had followed the same path as her, so how could he have the nerve to point fingers at her affairs here.

Wan Xinguo said calmly: "Comrade Chen Chen, are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Chen Chen was confident and answered simply.

"Okay!" Wan Xinguo said without saying a word, he said directly to Jiang Yun: "Leader Jiang, can you arrange a place for me to live? I will talk to Comrade Chen Chen when she has time."

"Where to stay? No problem, just live in my dormitory." Jiang Yun said.

Chen Chen's anger finally rose, "Okay, okay, isn't it just a matter of talking? Just talk, who is afraid of whom?"

Captain Bai shook her head. She didn't know what Chen Chen was thinking, and she didn't understand why she did such a thing. It was like she couldn't get away in time, but she was willing to let herself down, not feeling ashamed, but feeling proud.

Jiang Yun said: "Let's talk in my office. No one dares to come close and eavesdrop."

Captain Bai was considerate and said, "Then please trouble Leader Jiang and ask Comrade Jiang Xiaoyue and Comrade Chen Chen to go together and come back together after the conversation to avoid any unforeseen problems along the way."

Jiang Yun gave her an appreciative look. No wonder Su Junshu and his wife were fighting each other, but no one touched Captain Bai.

Smart, cautious, and know how to advance and retreat.

If she hadn't made the wrong move when she was young, ignorant and vain, then her current development must not be underestimated.

After sending Wan Xinguo and Chen Chen to the office, Jiang Yun took his daughter out and walked away.

"Dad, I will pass the news to Sister Xue according to your wishes. Commander Wan is here now. What will he do?" Jiang Xiaoyue whispered. After all, it was Old General Jiang who couldn't bear a man who was loyal to the country. The soldier was raped by his wife to this extent, otherwise, Jiang Xiaoyue would not mind her own business, and chewing her tongue would rot her intestines.

Jiang Yun sighed, "I don't know what he will do. Just wait, there will be results."

The results appeared quickly.

Chen Chen didn't say anything, and Wan Xinguo said directly: "Comrade Chen Chen, I'm here just to get you to be right."

"Say what you want to say quickly. I don't have time to waste time with you. I have to rush back to rehearse. There is a dance for me to lead. I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I don't want your arrival to ruin my career." Chen Chen said impatiently.

Hearing this, Wan Xinguo no longer wanted that accurate statement and said, "Let's get a divorce."

"What did you say? Do you know what you are talking about?"

Looking at the shocked Chen Chen, Wan Xinguo suddenly felt relieved, as if the shackles on his shoulders were loosened, and he said seriously and slowly: "Since you feel annoyed when you see me, then I will let you go free, and I will tell you The army made a report and said that we live in different places and have almost no revolutionary feelings, so we dissolved the marriage and from now on, the marriage between man and woman has nothing to do with each other. "

As for what Chen Chen did in the capital after his marriage, he didn't care whether it was true or false. He was too lazy to ask, investigate, or pursue the matter. If it made a big fuss, it would be of no benefit to anyone.

Wan Xinguo wanted to put things to rest, but Chen Chen disagreed.

"Why do you propose to divorce me? Who do you think you are?" Chen Chen became angry. She thought about a thousand things that Wan Xin Congress would say, but she never thought it would be divorce.

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