After hanging up the phone, Feng Qingxue immediately took Lu Jiang to find the deputy commander. She also called in the chief of staff, Ye Zhengjun, Zheng Xuefeng, Zhao Yong, Shang Kun, Su Junlin and others to explain the news from Jiang Xiaoyue in detail. told them.

Since Jiang Xiaoyue had no evidence of Political Commissar Wang, Feng Qingxue did not mention that the person who was hooking up with Chen Chen was Political Commissar Wang.

In fact, she didn't even know the name of political commissar Wang, so she turned around and asked Jiang Xiaoyue.

"Leaders, Comrade Wan Xinguo is a soldier of our army. We cannot sit idly by and let Chen Chen slander us!"

Ye Zhengjun was so angry that he slapped the table and said, "Damn it, damn it!"

"It's so abominable!" Xibao ran to the table and stood still, standing on tiptoes and patting the table. However, he patted the table too hard and hurt his own hand. He quickly pulled back and blew his red palms.

Fubao sat in Lu Jiang's arms, pointed at Xibao and said, "Brother!"

"Yes, my brother is so stupid. He knew it hurts his hands to slap the table, but he still followed the example."

Lu Jiang said casually, Xibao was not happy, glanced at Lu Jiang, and took Ye Zhengjun's hand, "Grandpa, dad is so bad. He takes me for a run every day. You see, I have lost weight. I must Beat daddy for me!"

After hearing what he said, everyone looked over.

I looked at it carefully and drank it, and I really lost a lot of weight.

Because I always wear cotton clothes and pants, I usually don’t notice it. Now I look at it. Not only is my fat and tender double chin less obvious, but it is also a little darker. It is still whiter than the children around me, but it is indeed darker than before. His brows and eyes are full of heroism.

Without noticing, the fat and white baby turned into a handsome little boy.

Even when he grows up, Xibao is still the cutest child.

"Okay, okay, let grandpa talk to your parents first. After a while, grandpa will beat your dad for you." Ye Zhengjun felt heartbroken when he saw Xibao's little appearance. It's not easy to be fat and fat. He will lose weight even if he says he is thin. .

Xibao, who was about to turn four years old, was very sensible and immediately took his sister out with Feng Qingxue, leaving the men behind to discuss specific matters.

Shang Kun said directly: "Qiao Desheng and I originally planned to take a train to the capital to visit relatives. Now that Wan Xinguo's incident happened, we both took a plane directly. We will testify on behalf of the army to prove Wan Xinguo's innocence! I don't believe it. , the two of us came forward, but the cadres in charge of this matter in the Capital Military Region still allowed Chen Chen to confuse right and wrong and slander the country’s soldiers.”

Lu Jiang said in a deep voice: "A certificate issued by the army and brought by Comrade Shang Kun and Comrade Qiao Desheng mainly stated that Comrade Wan Xinguo ate and lived with the soldiers in the army, went out to train or work together, and had no time or opportunity to communicate with him. Other lesbians are fooling around, etc. We cannot tolerate Chen Chen’s slander against Wan Xinguo! Then all our senior generals will sign and put their fingerprints on it as a guarantee. If possible, we also hope that middle- and low-level officers and soldiers will sign and put their fingerprints on it.”

"You can have this!" Ye Zhengjun agreed very much, and turned to Su Junlin and said: "Comrade Su Junlin, I remember that you also applied for family leave to return to the capital, right?"

"Yes, I want to visit my family and Comrade Bai Xue." Su Junlin's heart almost flew away.

If Chen Chen does such a thing, can he not worry about Bai Xue?

Ye Zhengjun nodded, "Okay, you go back to the capital and see Comrade Bai Xue. I hope you can convince Comrade Bai Xue to prove that Comrade Chen Chen once asked her to borrow fifty yuan."

"Okay, I'll also take a flight back to the capital to try to shorten the time."

. . . Let’s update it first and update again at noon. Please vote, monthly vote, recommended vote, monthly vote

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