Fortunately, due to the limitations of the times, I didn't take out the cosmetics in my space. Otherwise, wouldn't the little girl steal her own lipstick and put it on her mouth every day?

Feng Qingxue lowered her head and watched the little girl climb onto the chair without forgetting to put her leather shoes on her feet.

The tiny feet and big leather shoes look funny no matter how you look at them.

Picking some children's cream squeezed into the cream bottle, Feng Qingxue put her hands on her face, then pushed it away for her and spread it evenly.

"You have your own cream, don't steal mom's."

"Mom's fragrance!" After wiping his face, Fu Bao pouted, looking very unhappy.

"Who said mom's fragrance is fragrant? Smell Fubao's fragrance."

"Mom is beautiful, and mom's ointment is good." Fu Bao pointed to Feng Qingxue's porcelain-like skin, then touched his little face, and said in frustration: "Mom is white, Fu Bao is already tanned ”

Regarding the skin, Fengqing Snowman is as white as snow as its name suggests.

Although Fu Bao and Xi Bao were both white when they were young, they were indeed slightly inferior to Feng Qingxue.

Xibao has never made a fuss over the question of whether her skin is white or not, but Fubao is different. The stinky little girl can't tolerate even the slightest stain on her clothes.

Feng Qingxue kissed her daughter on the forehead, "When Fu Bao grows up, he will be just like his mother."

"When?" Fu Bao asked immediately, with a look of longing on her face. She really hoped to grow up now.

Feng Qingxue thought for a while, "About ten years!"

Fubao, who had no knowledge of more than ten years, stretched out his little finger and hooked it with Feng Qingxue's, "Pull the hook!"

"Okay, okay! Hang yourself with a hook, and it won't change for a hundred years."

Xibao covered his mouth and laughed. His sister is so stupid. He has eaten so much food and has not grown up. He is still a child in front of his parents. His sister usually eats so little. How can he grow up? !

As soon as the mother and daughter put down their hands, Lu Jiang came in with a letter, "Qingxue, Tianjun has been assigned to the Capital Military District."

Feng Qingxue was shocked, "What?" The capital is so dangerous.

This news greatly exceeded her expectations.

When she checked the information recently, she found Lu Tianjun. He was not assigned to the Capital Military Region at first, but to the Southeast Military Region.

Now something has changed, and Feng Qingxue is a little panicked.

"After the recruits have gone through certain training, it is up to the army to decide where all the qualified recruits will be assigned. They have no choice of their own." Lu Jiang didn't find it strange. "What's wrong with you, Qingxue? Are you unhappy?"

"It's not that I'm unhappy, I'm worried." I'm worried that what happens in the capital will affect Lu Tianjun.

Really worried, Feng Qingxue had no choice but to call Jiang Xiaoyue. The person who answered the phone was Jiang Yun. Without saying a word, he promised to pay attention to Lu Tianjun's safety, "It's messed up, it's messed up, it's all messed up, it's all messed up. I I’ll help you pay attention to Lu Tianjun’s situation, Xiaoxue. Please also pay attention to one of the recruits named Jiang Wei for me. If he’s not dead or injured, don’t worry about him.”

"Jiang Wei?"

"My third grandson! A bunch of brats wanted to cause trouble. I thought about it and decided, no, I couldn't let them get involved, so I kicked them into the army. One of them was assigned to your military area."

Hey, something different from the previous life has happened again.

Feng Qingxue promised Jiang Yun, "Don't worry, Lu Jiang and I will pay attention."

There was a violent storm in the capital, and all units, schools, and troops except the field army were in chaos and completely paralyzed!

Suddenly, everyone is in danger.

. . Changed again and again, revised again, hey

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