Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 857 Mandarin ducks playing in the water 1

When visiting a friend's house, what gift would be better?

After returning from the hot spring, Feng Qingxue had been thinking about this issue. Xibao called her several times but she didn't hear her.

Seeing Xibao looking at Feng Qingxue angrily, Lu Jiang hugged the sleeping Fubao and said with a smile: "What's so difficult to decide? Let's give whatever we have, as long as it doesn't violate the taboos of our compatriots. Can."

After listening to this, Feng Qingxue quickly came up with an idea.

Basang Dolma is a girl, and girls love beauty, so I would give her skin care products.

Although some of Feng Qingxue's personal skin care products, such as water creams, are squeezed into cream bottles to hide them from others, it does not mean that she does not buy contemporary skin care products such as Yashuang cream and clam oil.

If she didn't buy it, others would sooner or later become suspicious of her inexhaustible supply of cream.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue prepared two bottles of Yashuang Cream, two bottles of Friendship Cream, several boxes of clam oil, a bottle of wood shavings water, two soaps, and two treasure books of the old leader for Basang Zhuoma.

She has been living in fear recently. As soon as the old leader's anthology was published and sent to the army, she bought a lot of it.

Using the remaining time, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue taught their children etiquette, especially when visiting Tibetan compatriots' homes, they should not look around, face others with the soles of their feet, spit, clap their hands, etc.

"Mom, I'm very good, everyone likes me very much." Xibao's confidence is overwhelming.

Although Fubao is handsome and cute, with a sweet mouth and a clever heart, Xibao can talk more. In front of outsiders, he spits out polite words one after another without stopping. Sure enough, when he arrived at Basang Dolma's house, he was the most popular one. It's Xibao.

Basang Dolma's family was very enthusiastic. As soon as Lu Jiang's family of four arrived, they presented snow-white hada.

Hada is the most precious gift among their clan.

It is about twenty to thirty centimeters wide, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue are about two meters long, and the two children are about one meter long. They are made of silk.

With long hadas hanging on their necks, Xibao and Fubao sweetly thanked Basang Dolma's family.

The other party doesn't understand, but that doesn't mean they can't feel it.

Offer hada first, then offer wine, highland barley wine.

When toasting, the host dipped his finger in the wine and flicked it three times. In addition, he grabbed some barley from the grain bucket and threw it into the air three times. The etiquette was very meticulous and exquisite, which made the two children look at it with surprise.

Because Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had taught their children in advance, their manners were favored by Basang Dolma's family.

Basang Dolma lives in a polyandrous family. Her mother's name is Pema, which means lotus. Her father's name is Tsering, which means longevity. She is the eldest brother of Pema's husband, and Pema's other three The second husband is Tsering's younger brother, and each has children, but the most favored one is Pasang Dolma, who has just grown up and is pursued by many young people in the clan.

Feng Qingxue presented the gifts she had brought and told Basang Dolma what they were and how to use them. Basang Dolma, who was dressed in a costume, suddenly felt like he had found a treasure and smiled happily, "Thank you, Snow."

Basang Dolma also kept his promise and entertained Lu Jiang's family with mutton.

Looking at the mutton with a strand of white hair, which should be the piece of meat with the tail under the mutton spine, Feng Qingxue was flattered. She checked some information yesterday and knew that this meant good luck and good luck. She would be dedicated to him at the banquet. The most distinguished guest.

Obviously, Feng Qingxue is regarded as the most distinguished guest by Basang Zhuoma and his family, not the head of the family, Lu Jiang.

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