Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 859 Mandarin ducks playing in the water 3

The day was very pleasant. Before going to bed at night, Feng Qingxue helped Fu Bao take off her necklace and wanted to put her in a sleeping bag to avoid freezing at night. Unexpectedly, the sleepy Fu Bao suddenly grabbed her necklace.

"My necklace!" Fu Bao opened his big eyes.

She didn't take a nap at noon, so she was already very sleepy, but she still tried to keep her eyes open, although she didn't feel energetic, just sleepy.

Feng Qingxue said in a good voice: "I know it's your necklace. Mom won't take it away from you. Can you put it on tomorrow? Now you have to go to bed. The necklace will irritate when you wear it around your neck."

"No, no, my necklace!" Fu Bao held it tightly.

Lu Jiang had already changed Xibao's clothes, and Xibao was already fast asleep. He turned around and saw his wife and daughter arguing. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, okay, you can take it off after she falls asleep." Isn’t it okay? Let her sleep first.”

This was the only option, Feng Qingxue sighed helplessly.

"I won't take it, I won't take it, Fu Bao, just sleep well."

Fu Bao was very afraid that Feng Qingxue wouldn't keep her words, so she held on tightly and wouldn't let go even when she was changing into pajamas. It was still the same when she fell asleep. Feng Qingxue waited for her to fall asleep, which took a lot of effort. Just took it down.

They made a ground floor in the tent, covered with thick felt and several quilts that Feng Qingxue took out from the space.

In order to prevent moisture and cold, a sheepskin mattress was placed between the quilt and the felt.

Not only that, but two adjacent floors were built.

Lu Jiang became particularly diligent today. He moved his son and daughter into a quilt inside the tent, lying on each side with their own small pillows, while he and his wife hugged each other on the same quilt.

Being turned upside down cannot stop the joy of husband and wife being one.

"I didn't have a mandarin duck bath today." Lu Jiang lay on Feng Qingxue's neck and sighed, feeling very sad.

"This is someone else's territory, we have to do as the Romans do!"

Feng Qingxue is also a little pity, what a happy couple!

Because of the existence of their two children, the couple had not had enough fun for a long time.

Lu Jiang was unwilling to give in and said, "We will go there tomorrow." He did not believe that Tibetan compatriots went to bathe every day.

"I heard what Basang Dolma said. They often go to bathe in the holy spring."

"They don't go there every day." Lu Jiang is relatively familiar with the customs and habits of Tibetan compatriots. "As the weather gets colder, they bathe less and less often. They rarely bathe in winter because they bathe too frequently and don't bathe enough." To adapt to the weather here, their bathing festival is held in June and July of the Tibetan calendar.”

Unfortunately, the next day they went to a hot spring and met a group of fellow Tibetans.

Most of them are not the same people as yesterday, but Basang Zhuoma is here. She made an appointment with Feng Qingxue before, so naturally she will come.

Fu Bao immediately ran to her and touched the big and heavy necklace on his chest, "Sister, does my necklace look good? I was so scared that I cried when I didn't see the necklace."

Yes, I cried, crying heartbreakingly.

Feng Qingxue translated it for Basang Dolma. Basang Dolma couldn't help but smile at Fubao and said, "You like it so much?"

"Children, especially girls, prefer beauty." Feng Qingxue secretly decided to wait for the dark era to pass, take out all the jewelry in the space, and dress up her daughter to her heart's content, so as not to treat her as a peerless person when she sees a necklace. Just like treasures, everyone knows that the value and significance of this necklace are not one thousand percent of that of Xibao's Dzi Bead.

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