In the cold spring, you can bathe in Huaqing Pool, and the hot spring water will wash away your fat.

The waiter helped her weakly, and it was the beginning of her new grace.

Although this was not Huaqing Pool, nor was it the time of spring cold, Feng Qingxue relied on Lu Jiang to carry her out of the hot spring. She quickly took out a dry bath towel from the space and wrapped it around her body. She glared at him hatefully. She didn't know. Temperance!

Lu Jiang looked satisfied and came to her side, "Wife, let me help you."

Feng Qingxue turned her back, "No, I'll wear it myself!" It's not like she didn't have long hands.

"Let me help you!" His tone was exactly the same as that of two- or three-year-old Xibao and now Fubao.


The couple was tugging and tugging. It took more than ten minutes to put on the clothes that should have been put on in a few minutes. Fu Bao's cry came from the small tent, "Mom, Mom, where are you? I can't see you." ”

Feng Qingxue pushed Lu Jiang's chest with her elbow, "Go quickly!"

She buttoned up her coat, and Lu Jiang also bent down into the small tent and took his daughter out.

The first thing the little girl did was to touch her neck, and she found nothing. Originally it was just thunder but no rain, but now her tears came out like a fountain.

"Where is my necklace? Dad, where is the baby's necklace?"

Feng Qingxue quickly entered the small tent, took out the Qibao necklace from under the pillow, and hung it around her neck.

"Why are you crying, little girl? Your necklace doesn't have legs, so it won't run away." Feng Qingxue was helpless. If this situation continues, what will she do when she returns to the camp? There was absolutely no way she could continue to wear the necklace.

In this era, the main colors of clothing were black, blue, gray and green, and during the ten years it became even darker.

The styles and colors of clothes are like this, let alone the colorful jewelry that represents the decadent life of the bourgeoisie?

Seeing the necklace, Fu Bao finally stopped crying. Two lines of tears were still hanging on his cheeks. After being washed by the tears, his eyes became clearer, like stars in the night sky and lakes on the ground.

Xibao rubbed his eyes and crawled out of the tent, "Mom, I beat my sister to tears, what should I do?"

Feng Qingxue chuckled, "Where did you hit my sister?" Could it be a dream?

Fu Bao would also beat her brother in her dreams, and when she woke up, she would proudly tell herself that she had defeated her brother.

Xibao's eyes haven't fully opened yet, "I kicked her and spanked her, and she cried. Will she not like me? I like my sister very much. I don't want to be a bad brother!" Even if my sister always It steals mom and dad’s attention.

"Brother didn't hit me!" Fu Bao was no longer sad. "My necklace was gone, so I cried."

Xibao's eyes opened immediately, he looked at his sister in his father's arms, pointed to her necklace and said, "It's not lost, sister, your necklace is around your neck, it's not lost!"

"I got it back!" Fu Bao replied seriously.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue returned to the tent amid the childish words of a pair of children.

The vacation is coming to an end and they are packing their things to go back.

Some things that were no longer needed were placed in the car, but were actually put into the space by Feng Qingxue. Otherwise, their car would not be able to carry people to pull things.

Portable space is indeed a magical thing that is necessary for home.

They had a good night's rest and broke camp early the next morning. Basang Zhuoma ran over panting and handed Feng Qingxue a nine-eyed dzi bead on Qibao's lanyard.

"This is?"

"I went to the temple, and the master asked me to hand it over to you. He said that you have both good fortune and good luck. The Dzi Bead, which has been cultivated for thousands of years in front of the Buddha, is willing to choose you as the master. Please cherish it." Basang Dolma said seriously.

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