Lu Jiang never expected that he would have to deal with the marriage issues of Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi on his first day of work after the holiday. Although there are special departments to manage the marriage issues of soldiers, as a military commander, he also has to ask about the following matters.

Zheng Xuefeng said as he continued to read: "Yes, you read it right, Jin Hong wants to divorce Lu Zhaodi."

"What's the reason?" Lu Jiang asked.

"Look for yourself, the reason is clearly written."

Lu Jiang looked down for a few times and couldn't help frowning, "The reason is to obey the instructions from above to break the old and establish the new? To break the old ideas, break the old ideas of Lu Zhaodi who favors boys over girls? So Jin Hong applied for a divorce? To draw a clear line with Lu Zhaodi."

"You read it right, that's the reason!" Zheng Xuefeng sneered. Although he and his wife and children have been separated for a long time, they have a very good relationship. He admired Zhu Rong and Li Shuitian. Even though their wives were so weird that they were outrageous, Jin Hong was not in his eyes, even though Jin Hong was the deputy director of the Political Department.

Lu Jiang thought for a moment and put down the divorce application. "I remember Jin Zhaodi's sister is called Jin Pandi. Wasn't this name given by Jin Hong? His attitude of favoring boys over girls is obvious. Why do you blame his wife for favoring boys over girls?"

"People's hearts are hard to predict." Zheng Xuefeng sighed. "The feudal idea of ​​favoring boys over girls is based on men's attitude."

Not many people know that Jin Hong favors boys over girls, but everyone knows that Lu Zhaodi favors boys over girls.

Good news doesn't go out, but bad news spreads a thousand miles.

Lu Jiang said in a deep voice: "This Jin Hong is so cunning. He applied for a divorce in the name of breaking the old and establishing the new. If we don't agree, it means we are not obeying the orders from above."

"I won't divorce!" Lu Zhaodi was yelling at Jin Hong at home. She was disheveled, skinny, and looked almost crazy. "Ah Hong, Ah Hong, I will definitely give you a son, I will, I will definitely let you have successors! I just gave birth to two money-losing goods. Many people give birth to three, four, or five children before giving birth to a son. I will give you a son in the next pregnancy!"

Jin Hong's eyes flashed with disgust, and he whispered: "Why are you yelling? Can't you be quieter? Are you afraid that others don't know that you favor boys over girls? Do you think I'm not shameful enough?"

Lu Zhaodi shrank back and begged: "Ah Hong, a husband and wife for a day is a hundred days of grace, please don't leave me."

"Your head is full of feudal old ideas, which should be broken. I am I am following the instructions from above, I am ashamed to be associated with you!" Jin Hong said indifferently, "I have a bright future, why should I be controversial because of you? You should be sensible and go through the divorce procedures with me as soon as possible. You can take the two girls Zhaodi and Pandi away, and you don't have to pay me back the money I gave you before."

"I don't want it! I don't want it!" Lu Zhaodi grabbed Jin Hong tightly, and never thought that Jin Hong only gave him 20 yuan a month. "Ah Hong, Ah Hong, don't do this, I will change, I will change, isn't it okay? The above said that my ideas are old ideas, I will change, I will learn new ideas, don't everyone in the military region have to learn new ideas now? I will learn, I won't embarrass you, I will change, didn't everyone say it? It is great to know your mistakes and improve, a prodigal son who returns is more valuable than gold, more valuable than gold!"

In order to save her marriage, Lu Zhaodi was extremely humble at this moment, and she almost knelt on the ground to beg Jin Hong.

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