Li Shuitian pondered for a moment, "Hongzhu, I have ways to take precautions in advance, but you must promise me one thing."

"Whatever it is, tell me! As long as you say it, I will promise you." Cao Hongzhu responded seriously.

"Don't slander innocent people with reports in the future." Li Shuitian took her hand and patted the back of her hand gently, "Hongzhu, my parents and children have been away for many years. We don't want to be immersed in it all the time. In the past, life, old age, illness and death could not be reversed without human intervention. What kind of tragedy have we seen? In the future, I will work hard and conscientiously to let you live a good life. We don’t have to worry about others. If a person's life is good, then he suspects that his background is not right."

Cao Hongzhu's eye circles suddenly turned red, "Shui Tian..."

"If you have real evidence to report corruption, I agree with it, because their behavior harms the interests of the people, and their prosperity is based on the hardship of the people." Li Shuitian did not obliterate the justice in his wife's bones. Feeling, "However, we can't slander others just because of hearsay, and don't make unfounded accusations, just like the army chief. Hongzhu, you are right to report others, but you are wrong to report them. They are good people, really ”

Cao Hongzhu bit her lower lip and lowered her head, "I know I was wrong, Shuitian. I have regretted it for a long time. I regretted reporting them based on a few hearsays in a moment of anger. At that time, I was blinded by jealousy and did not go. The investigation concluded, but I have caused them so much trouble and almost caused disaster. I have no shame to see them, and I don't expect their forgiveness. "

Cao Hongzhu is self-aware. Although it is said that knowing your mistakes can greatly improve things, some mistakes cannot be undone after they are made. The so-called apology is worthless to the person who was hurt.

Hearing his wife's soft words, Li Shuitian finally felt a little relieved, which meant that his wife had let go of the past.

After so many years, he didn't want his wife to indulge in hatred, and he didn't want her to use her intelligence, the outside situation, and the instructions from above to harm innocent people.

It can be used as a weapon to protect yourself, but it cannot be used as a weapon to hurt others.

Li Shuitian has always had his own principles in life, so he tried his best to make amends after his wife made a big mistake. Some people below expressed dissatisfaction with Lu Jiang's appointment as acting army commander, so he quietly solved the problem. There were several people who were older than Lu Jiang. The officers made a fuss, but instead led their subordinates to take the lead in obeying all Lu Jiang's instructions and unconditionally supported Lu Jiang at the meeting.

Lu Jiang could feel the latter point and guessed that Li Shuitian might want to make up for Cao Hongzhu's fault. Regarding the former matter, someone leaked it while drinking, and Zheng Xuefeng happened to hear it, so he told him when he came back.

Li Shuitian is impeccable in terms of his personal abilities and his sense of responsibility to his family.

Cao Hongzhu was notorious for reporting others. Why did everyone tolerate Li Shuitian in the end? On the contrary, Jin Hong's popularity is getting worse and worse? Just because Li Shuitian himself has done a good job, Cao Hongzhu should not be angry with him for the mistakes he made.

After Zheng Xuefeng told Lu Jiang what he had heard, someone outside reported that Li Shuitian was here.

"Oh, this really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here!" Zheng Xuefeng sighed with emotion.

"Invite him in." Lu Jiang said as he stood up.

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