Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 876: The rat-throwing weapon 6

Lu Jiang and Zheng Xuefeng looked at each other, what day is it today? All come to them.

"Please come in!" Lu Jiang said.

No matter why Jin Hong came, they had to see him.

As a result, as soon as they entered the door, they said: "Comrade Lu, Comrade Zheng, I want to withdraw my previous divorce application, is that okay?"

He actually withdrew his divorce application!

Lu Jiang and Zheng Xuefeng immediately thought of Li Shuitian's advance explanation. Did Li Shuitian really guess it?

"Withdraw? Comrade Jin Hong, what do you think of the army? If you want to apply for a divorce, apply for it. If you don't want a divorce, then withdraw it? This is not your place!" Zheng Xuefeng said seriously.

Jin Hong's face turned red and he kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

According to the rules, when the army receives a divorce application, they will talk to the person involved and try to save the person's marriage. If it is really irreversible, they will only approve the divorce if both parties agree to the divorce.

Therefore, Jin Hong knew that he had a chance to withdraw.

Zheng Xuefeng said solemnly: "Jin Hong, you really want to withdraw your previous divorce application."


"Why? Do you think marriage is a child's play?"

Jin Hong took a deep breath and said, "After I quarreled with Comrade Lu Zhaodi, I was carried away by anger. It's all because Comrade Lu Zhaodi wanted a son one by one and lost money one by one. He was unwilling to take back his two daughters. At that time, he drank some wine. , I mustered up the courage to break away from my old thoughts and write this report. After calming down, I felt regretful. After all, we have been married for ten years, and we cannot be reckless. End this revolutionary relationship.”

Jin Hong lowered his figure and spoke very sincerely, as if he was not the one who broke up with Lu Zhaodi and insisted on divorcing her before, as if he was not the one who secretly pursued Zhu Yan as a married man.

After Zhu Yan agreed, Feng Qingxue told Lu Jiang and then Zheng Xuefeng about it.

Regarding life style, it should not be underestimated.

Zheng Xuefeng pretended not to know the dirty things Jin Hong had done, and said sternly: "Comrade Jin Hong, you have to think carefully about it and don't regret it if you withdraw it. If you regret it, I won't accept your divorce application. We are soldiers, although Your wedding was not held in the military, but marriage is sacred, and divorce is not something you can get away with. "

Jin Hong said hurriedly: "No regrets, no regrets, never regrets. Only after careful consideration did I come to ask the two comrades to agree to withdraw my divorce application, because I value my revolutionary family very much."

Although it was for this reason, Zheng Xuefeng did not agree.

"Let us consider it." Zheng Xuefeng said, "We need to see your performance before deciding whether to return your divorce application. If your revolutionary feelings are deeply rooted and your husband and wife are harmonious, then we will definitely return your divorce application without your reminding. , If you reconcile, don’t you save us from mediating for you? On the contrary, you understand what I mean.”

Of course Jin Hong understood and said hurriedly: "No, no, there is no opposite, no opposite. Comrade Lu Zhaodi and I will definitely live a good life. I will try my best to reform her old feudal ideas and obey the orders from above."

Hearing that he used the instructions from above as a cover again, Zheng Xuefeng and Lu Jiang felt disgusted, but they couldn't show it on their faces.

"Okay, okay, you can go back. After I check that you and your wife are really reconciled, I will return your divorce application to you." Zheng Xuefeng didn't want to see Jin Hong's face again, so he spoke bluntly.

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