Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi reconciled as before, and within two days, Lu Zhaodi took Jin Zhaodi and Jin Pandi back home again, and occasionally took Jin Zhaodi and Jin Pandi out to play, as if she was not the one who favored boys over girls before, and seemed to have avoided them before. She is not the one at home.

Except for those who knew the inside story, everyone thought that the couple had changed their ways.

Divorce is not a good-looking thing, so it’s better not to get divorced!

What's wrong with girls? Women hold up half the sky.

The biggest change is probably Lu Zhaodi. Who doesn't know that she used to be obedient to Jin Hongyan, but now she is domineering. Even if she goes in and out with Jin Hong, she no longer looks like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

The young nurse Zhu Yan breathed a sigh of relief as her unintentional remarks were not implicated, and she has been cautious about her words and actions since then.

When Feng Qingxue learned the cause and effect from Lu Jiang, she couldn't help but be stunned, and then gave Lu Jiang a sideways look.

"There is so much meaning in your eyes, I can't understand it," Lu Jiang said.

Feng Qingxue hummed, "Let me tell you, don't underestimate lesbians. If you are ruthless, a hundred men will be at your disadvantage! Look at Lu Zhaodi, when did she talk loudly to Jin Hong? Now put Jin Hong He squeezed her tightly in the palm of his hand. Even if Jin Hong hated her and hated her, he had to obey her. It was like a big show of surrender. "

"Yes, yes, I will never do anything wrong to you. They are not a family that refuses to enter the same house. Of course we are the same, but their meanings are completely different. Let them torture each other so as not to ruin the rest of the family after the divorce. people."

No matter it is Jin Hong or Lu Zhaodi, it is impossible for them to remarry after divorce.

Jin Hong is a bit older, but he is a cadre in the army and his status is not low. He is not afraid of not getting a wife. Lu Zhaodi is a few years younger than Jin Hong and not ugly. The current situation is that there are more men than women. Maybe no one will marry her.

The main reason is that they still have two daughters. If their parents are really divorced, who cares about their life and death?

Therefore, Zheng Xuefeng told Lu Jiang privately that he hoped that they would never divorce, as snakes and rats are just the same!

Lu Jiang whispered to Feng Qingxue while coaxing Fu Bao to eat dumplings.

Xibao ate about a dozen of the fat and white dumplings on a plate, but he didn't eat enough and shouted for more. Fubao chewed for a long time with his small mouth, and after eating less than three dumplings, he shook his head and refused the next one. .

"No, don't eat, I'm full!" Fu Bao hurried to the kang.

"Eating a meal is like killing her. We really should let her taste the taste of hunger and see if she is still picky about food."

Lu Jiang ate the remaining dumplings from Fu Bao, "How can you be a mother like you? Let your child suffer that kind of suffering. We couldn't help it before, but now that the conditions are better, of course we can't let the child make the same mistake again."

Having said that, Feng Qingxue was reluctant to let go and sighed immediately.

"Let's not talk about these two stinky kids. One is a glutton and the other doesn't eat. Let me ask you, is there any news from the capital? How is Commander Ye doing now?" Feng Qingxue was very worried that Ye Zhengjun was still gone in his previous life. On the road, there is Wang Xinsheng.

It was almost the end of the year, and she hoped that Wang Xinsheng and Ye Zhengjun could survive this catastrophe safely.

Lu Jiang sighed, "Although there is no news about Commander Ye, the situation is not optimistic. I'm afraid this will end in disaster."

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