Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 885 New official takes office 5

A few days later, when the train was halfway through, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue immediately noticed something unusual.

The train stopped after it entered the station. You can see many students gathered outside the glass window. They are both male and female, and they are all between fifteen or sixteen years old. They are all wearing red armbands, carrying a red flag, and shouting: They even sent a few people to guard the door to prevent other passengers from getting on first. They waited until all their own passengers were on board before allowing other passengers to get on the bus.

As soon as they got on the train, they occupied countless empty seats and berths. They took it for granted and shouted at the conductor.

Lu Jiang took Xibao to the toilet and found that the carriage was packed with all these students.

Originally, a few teenagers rushed directly into the box chosen by the couple. However, when they saw Feng Qingxue wearing a military uniform, and then Lu Jiang, who brought the child in with four pockets on his jacket, quickly apologized and left.

It's been a long time since meal time, but the dining car waiter and Xiao Wang never showed up.

Fu Bao sat in Lu Jiang's arms, twitching his eyebrows, "Dad, the baby is hungry. Is there anything delicious?"

Xibao, who was lying on the sleeper and seemed to be reading the quotation, instantly turned over and sat up, "Mom, your big baby is also hungry, his belly is flat, and he needs to fill it with delicious food!" He said and touched it. own belly.

When Feng Qingxue heard this, she immediately let her children eat hot meals before the dining car came over.

She poured some boiling water into the lunch box, made butter tea, then pretended to take out a stack of steamed buns from the space in her luggage bag, rolled them in chili sauce mixed with fried white rice strips, and handed it to Lu Jiang.

Seeing the red hot sauce in the can, Xibao looked frightened and said, "It's spicy!"

"Yes, it's spicy. Children can't eat it." Feng Qingxue said.

Children like to imitate adults. They always think that what adults eat is the most delicious and must try it. For example, on the first day of getting on the bus, when Lu Jiang ate delicious food, Xibao insisted on eating it. Lu Jiang dipped his chopsticks into it a little bit. It was so spicy that the little guy burst into tears and never dared to touch the bottle of chili sauce again.

"Mom, I don't eat spicy food!" Xibao said, "You have to love the big baby."

"Okay, okay!" He means that just because he has a baby, that is, Fu Bao, he can't stop loving him.

Feng Qingxue picked up a piece of steamed bun and rolled it with meat sauce without adding chili pepper. As for Fu Bao, who didn't eat these things at all, Feng Qingxue peeled off an egg she bought in the morning for her to fill her belly first. , wait for the dining car to come and then heat her soup and rice.

As a result, when the eggs were finished, there was no sign of the dining car.

Afraid that one egg would not fill her daughter's stomach, Feng Qingxue hurriedly made malted milk for her and took out the chicken cake that she didn't want to give her.

The little girl particularly likes snacks such as chicken, cakes, biscuits, canned milk, candies, etc. This is probably the main reason why she doesn't like to eat, so Feng Qingxue will never let her eat snacks when it's time to eat unless absolutely necessary.

After a long, long time, it was almost time to finish dinner in the evening, and Xiao Wang came over sweating profusely.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, none of us expected that there would be so many students in tandem at this stop."

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Serial connection?"

"Yes, we are connected in series." Xiao Wang smiled bitterly and whispered: "It probably started in September or October last year. Teachers and students from all over the world started to connect in series. Most of the students went to the capital and did not attend our school. I didn’t pay much attention to this train, I just heard it from my colleagues who took the train to the capital.”

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