Three groups of students appeared one after another on the road. The last two groups were not large in number, but together they were quite large. Not only did the food and food on the train not run out, it also caused the train to be delayed by four hours.

Wang Zhengguo and Guan Cheng were both stunned. They finally waited until the train arrived at the station. The first thing they faced was a torrent of students. Wang Zhengguo had experience and saw the opportunity quickly, so he quickly stopped the mule cart with Guan Cheng before they rushed out. He rushed to the side and got out of the way, narrowly avoiding the frightened mule and running wildly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Wang Zhengguo touched the mule's head as if coaxing a child.

When these students were almost gone, they saw the figures of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

Lu Jiang was carrying a huge quilt bag on his left shoulder and a large bag in his right hand. Feng Qingxue was carrying a luggage bag with a little girl tied to her chest and holding Xibao in her hand.

A family of four, extremely eye-catching.

Wang Zhengguo and Guan Cheng quickly stepped forward to take the luggage, "It's over!"

"Uncle, Acheng, isn't my father here?" Feng Qingxue was surprised not to see Lu's father.

"It's not convenient for your father to go out, so Acheng and I came here." Wang Zhengguo didn't mean to hide anything. He looked at Xibao and Fubao, "Time flies so fast. Both children are so old."

"Uncle, I miss you so much!" Xibao cried sweetly, pointing to the mule cart, "Can I ride a big horse?"

Wang Zhengguo was very surprised, "Xibao, do you still recognize me?" It's been more than two years since we met in the capital, right?

"I'm very smart!" Xibao said proudly.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue did not expose the fact that he looked at photos every day to identify people.

Father Lu and Wang Zhengguo were received by the old leader together, and Wang Zhengguo was naturally indispensable in the group photo.

"My dear!" Wang Zhengguo quickly put his luggage bag on the mule cart and reached out to pick up Xibao. His old face turned into a smile, "Xibao, my uncle misses you too. How about you go home with your uncle? ? This is the mule, the big horse is at home."


Fu Bao was untied by Lu Jiang and held in his arms. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Wang Zhengguo and Guan Cheng. She didn't recognize Guan Cheng because Feng Qingxue didn't have photos of Guan Cheng as an adult, but she recognized Wang Zhengguo. , seeing him holding Xibao, he immediately said unhappily: "Uncle, uncle, hug me! Hug me! My name is Lu Fubao!"

"Okay, okay, let uncle and grandpa hug our little Fubao!" Wang Zhengguo took Xibao to the car and sat there. He turned around and hugged Fubao, looking at her little face that was very similar to Feng Qingxue, "My little darling. , let’s go, uncle will take you home.”

After tying up their luggage and getting into the car, Lu Jiang and Guan Cheng sat in the front and drove. Feng Qingxue asked Wang Zhengguo and Guan Cheng if they had eaten.

"The train is four hours late. Uncle, you and Acheng should have been waiting. Let's go have a meal first."

Wang Zhengguo waved his hand, "No, no, no, look, where is the place for us to eat in the state-owned hotel? Don't cause trouble to them, let's go home and eat. After receiving the telegram from you back, your father and the children I am so happy that I have tidied up the room and dried the quilt early, waiting for you to go home. "

Feng Qingxue took a closer look and saw that many students rushed directly into the state-owned hotel. Then, there were loud noises inside. Listen carefully, they were all scolding the state-owned hotel for not giving them food and sabotaging the revolution. Content.

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