Although Father Lu is a landowner, he is a landowner who is full of knowledge. He has a lot in common with the academic gentlemen. Now that they live in the same cowshed, he can't help but feel sympathy for them and provide them with some help in private, so Father Lu knows their specific situation.

Hearing Father Lu say a personal name, Feng Qingxue swallowed her saliva and stared blankly.

The few gentlemen who came from the capital are all masters in the academic world, and they are still top masters. If you just name them casually, they are all masters who will be admired by future generations.

In terms of seniority, Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen are both their descendants.

Moreover, two of the old gentlemen should have died in August or September last year in their previous lives. Not only did they not die now, they were also sent to the Wanglou Brigade. Based on the situation of the Wanglou Brigade, they can definitely save their lives.

In fact, the folks in Wanglou Brigade respect scholars, are honest and kind-hearted, and are very grateful.

Even if the people assigned here are known to be of bad quality, no one will deliberately harm them. The main reason is that they are worried that the people in their own brigade will not be able to take the responsibility for their lives.

Of course, the most important thing is that the folks have life experience and are not as hot-headed as students from the outside world.

"Dad, Comrade Cui is probably Comrade Cui Shaoyuan." Feng Qingxue said.

Without Father Lu asking, Feng Qingxue told him exactly what happened to save Cui Hongbin on the road.

"Comrade Cui Shaoyuan is the son of Comrade Cui Hongbin. When Ajiang and I were reported, the person who handled the matter was Comrade Cui Shaoyuan. It can be said that he also helped us a lot. If someone we don't know or an enemy comes to investigate , even if we were not involved in corruption and bribery, they would still charge us with an unfounded crime.”

Father Lu patted his heart and said, "What goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around! Maybe Comrade Cui considered you and A Jiang's character and knew the situation of our Wanglou Brigade, so he arranged them here."

The men themselves said that if they left the capital in June and July, their lives would be saved, because there were so many casualties in August and September.

Speaking of this, Father Lu whispered: "Two of those from the capital have taught Comrade Cui. In other words, they are Comrade Cui's former teachers. Don't forget the teacher, this Comrade Cui is amazing. "

Feng Qingxue asked which two they were and found that they had not died in their previous life because they were devolved.

From this point of view, Cui Shaoyuan really lived up to his name.

Lu Jiangdao: "Dad, since they are all old-timers, let's treat them to a meal in the evening. The dinner will be later, and the children are almost asleep. It is a bit deliberate to disturb them late at night after the meal."

"You and Xiaoxue have just arrived home. Are you busy cooking for so many people? Let's talk about it another day."

Feng Qingxue naturally sides with her husband. She also wants to get to know those masters in history as soon as possible. Even if they meet once and exchange a few words, they can be praised for a lifetime.

"What's the point of having a simple meal? Just bake a bunch of cakes, stir-fry a few vegetables, and cook a pot of rice. There are people at home taking care of the children. A Jiang and I will do it. It won't take long. They come from afar, We should fulfill our friendship as landlords, and only by treating them on the first day can we show that Ajiang and I value them."

Since the couple said so, Father Lu naturally had no objection.

So Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were busy at home. He went back to the cowshed to take care of the animals. When the group of decentralized intellectuals came back from their work, he smiled and said to them: "My son and his wife are back. Come to my house in the evening on an empty stomach." Eat it!”

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