After hearing Feng Qingxue's words, Lu Jiang smiled and said, "Why do I think you have someone chosen?" He just didn't tell him.

Feng Qingxue gave him a white look, "Wash your vegetables and chop your vegetables. Where does all this nonsense come from?"

Guan Cheng covered his mouth and laughed secretly a few times. He looked at the ingredients prepared and said, "Auntie, can the pork be made into Dongpo pork?"

"Huh? Dongpo meat? Why?" Guan Cheng rarely puts forward his own requests, so every time he pleads for mercy, Feng Qingxue takes it seriously, and she will agree to it within the scope of her ability.

"Teacher Jin's teeth are not very good, but he prefers to eat meat, and it is Dongpo meat..."

Aunt Xu explained: "Mr. Jin Ruochu was decentralized from the capital. He is seventy years old this year. He has been abroad before. He is proficient in Russian, French and Japanese. He also understands medicine, is good at calligraphy and painting, and is full of economics. He is a mathematician. , physicist, with the help of your father, Guancheng secretly became his disciple and became his close disciple. "

Father Lu knew Guancheng's wish, so he did this. Fortunately, Jin Ruochu was very satisfied with Guancheng.

Feng Qingxue was surprised and happy, "What a good thing!"

Jin Ruochu, he has taught dozens of outstanding students in various industries, and some of them are national scientific research talents. He should be in the stage of anonymity now, so he has not been affected by the ten years of catastrophe.

"Auntie, do you think so too? Don't you care about Teacher Jin's composition?"

"Of course, character, knowledge and composition have nothing to do with each other. Who said that those with bad composition are bad people? Just think about your grandfather and father. If I had cared about Mr. Jin and their composition, I wouldn't have given tonight's treat. ”

Feng Qingxue had a smile on her face, "Acheng, I'm happy for you, really. Although my father has been teaching you and Tianjun secretly over the years, I know that the old man feels it is not enough, so he helps you connect the dots." , let you worship Mr. Jin as your teacher. You must cherish this opportunity, even if you don’t have the opportunity now, you must study hard, and all the accumulation is to prepare for the future.”

Guan Cheng nodded heavily, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will study hard and be filial to my teacher."

He knows better than anyone else that he must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As he grows older, the more he learns and sees, the more he understands his own shallowness, and the more he wants to learn knowledge that he has not been exposed to.

Everything about the Guan family has disappeared. He can only rely on his own efforts and never miss any opportunity to learn.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Okay, this piece of meat will be made into Dongpo pork." I originally planned to make braised pork.

This piece of meat was fresh meat, of course it was taken out of the space, and was going to be given to the family as a tooth memorial. However, apparently she and Lu Jiang took the time to get off the mule cart and go to the grocery store to buy it. In fact, the grocery store was empty.

According to the number of people provided by Aunt Xu, Feng Qingxue prepared meals for sixteen people.

Uncle Xu and his wife, Lu's father, Lu Jiang, her, and Guancheng, that's six people. Among the remaining ten, two are from Wanglou Brigade School, three are from Huaihai City, and five are from the capital.

There are five masters from the capital, four men and one woman, Wen Ruyu, Jin Ruochu, Huang Qinghong, Zhu Ling and Wenyue.

The five masters include painters, writers, translators, mathematicians, physicists, educators, calligraphers, etc. Some of them have many names combined into one, and they can be called the Taishan Beidou of the academic world.

Among them, the oldest and most noble ones are Wen Ruyu, Jin Ruochu and Zhu Ling.

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