For this little disciple, Wen Ruyu made no secret of her love and pretended to be displeased: "Xiao Xibao, we are all grandpas. Why do you only call your grandpas for dinner and not us grandpas? You are so unfair. I Very sad."

"I'm fine!" Xibao blinked his big eyes and pointed at Aunt Xu who came in: "I've delivered food, delicious cakes!"

Wen Ruyu was stunned, and Aunt Xu laughed.

"Brother Wen, our Xibao is very smart and cannot be deceived. Now, Xibao gave one of the scallion pancakes made by Xiaoxue to each of us. We quickly ate them while they were hot and then drank the wild vegetable soup that Wen Yue and I cooked. You don’t have to go out and burp to make people smell lard.”

Father Lu took the opportunity to take his grandson away without speaking to these old men.

The diet of everyone in the cowshed was really bad. It was either wild vegetable soup or rice porridge with dried sweet potatoes and corn crumbs. It gave them stomachaches.

Jin Ruochu couldn't wait to take a piece of scallion pancake from Aunt Xu's hand. The round scallion pancake was rolled up and held in his hand. He opened his mouth and took a big mouthful, "It's delicious! Xiaoxue's craftsmanship is really good!"

The other hand patted his belly and said, "Old man, you are rich again today."

Everyone laughed, took the scallion pancakes handed over by Aunt Xu, and started eating them one after another, applauding as they ate.

The weather was particularly good today and there was plenty of sunshine. Wang Zhengguo did not arrange for them to go to work. Instead, he called a dozen strong laborers to help dig bricks and prepare to build a row of thatched houses for these old people who were sent down to the countryside.

The cowshed is a stable building and must be used to house the animals in the brigade. Their presence cannot affect the lives of the animals.

This is said in name, but which of the old people present is not a smart person? Wang Zhengguo probably considered that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, it was inconvenient for them to live in a cowshed, and the smell emitted by a group of animals was not good, so he used this name to choose a piece of land south of Lu Jiang's house and build a few houses. come out.

These old people work for themselves and do not receive work points. The strong laborers who come to help will be credited with ten work points each. They do not care about food. There are many strong laborers who are willing to come over.

Lu Jiang came over to help after dinner. He was very strong and could beat adobe very well.

The old people who were decentralized thought that Wang Zhengguo was doing it for their own good, but Lu Jiang knew that Wang Zhengguo was doing it for Lu's father. How deep is their friendship as classmates? Father Lu refused to leave the bullpen, so of course Wang Zhengguo had to find a way.

Living alone in the cowshed is relaxing and comfortable. Ten people are not too crowded.

Aunt Xu and Wen Yue dug wild vegetables and came back to cook. They were preparing to wash the dried sweet potatoes that had been soaked for a long time. Feng Qingxue secretly sent some brown rice over, "We are doing physical work today, how can we just eat wild vegetable soup? Steaming it?" rice."

"Why are you so embarrassed? You asked Xibao to give you scallion pancakes this morning." Wen Yue's face was a little red, she deserved it!

Feng Qingxue handed the rice bag to Aunt Xu and said nonchalantly: "It's not delivered every day, what's the point of being embarrassed? I can't let my teacher starve. This adobe has to be dried thoroughly in the sun. You can continue to build a house. You don’t have to do such heavy physical work tomorrow, and I won’t send you rice for cooking.”

Aunt Xu was not polite, and while washing rice, she said: "Let Ajiang eat here at noon."

"Okay, I'll cook two more dishes and deliver them over later." Feng Qingxue also wanted her husband to establish a good relationship with these elderly people. In ten years, they will all have strong connections. It would be a fool not to seize the opportunity.

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