Feng Qingxue didn't dare to mention the hidden compartment because she was worried that the staff at the scrapyard and the people who ransacked the house would beat and smash the valuable furniture, and if they couldn't find the hidden compartment, they would split it open, just to check whether there was any hidden compartment. Valuable objects.

It is much simpler to say that the drawer can be opened at any time.

The other party was indeed very happy. He praised them for a while and stopped staring at them when they were rummaging for things.

Of course, the staff member also opened all the furniture drawers one after another and left only after finding that they were empty.

In the evening, when the sky was dark, the mule cart that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue borrowed from the brigade was packed with many valuable furniture parts and junk metal, as well as two bundles of old newspapers and textbooks, among which the most valuable What she collected was the "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry", which was a must-have material for the college entrance examination ten years later. Feng Qingxue picked it up as soon as she saw it.

When Lu Jiang took apart a Qiangong bed and a pair of cabinets, he also discovered the secret compartment and the treasures inside.

After returning home with a full load, Feng Qingxue smiled particularly happily.

"We must live frugally and save money in the future!" Feng Qingxue announced loudly on the way home.

How sad would it be if you met your favorite cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings but had no money?

In the 1970s and 1980s, it was an era when money could be used to buy antiques. Otherwise, how could people take away a large number of cultural relics from the catastrophe period from the cultural relics department at low prices? Rely on money, and also rely on money to buy antiques in the hands of ordinary people.

Lu Jiang thought for a while and said, "When I go back, I will dig out all the gold in my house."

This is not a time of war. Compared with the cultural heritage that is about to be annihilated, the value of gold is negligible.

"That's fine, put it in the space after you get it out, and take it out whenever you use it." Feng Qingxue agreed with Lu Jiang's meaning, "Ajiang, you said that if we give the cultural relics that the trade department is preparing to export to What will happen if you steal it? Or put a sum of gold in it and let them exchange it for foreign currency.”

Lu Jiang knocked on her head and shattered her whims, "How do you steal? Are you flying to the sky and escaping to the earth? Yes, with my ability, I can easily sneak in and clear the way for you, because in the eyes of the world, cultural relics The value is not high, and the guard should not be too tight. If you open a lock and enter it, I can take you in. But what about the future? How will you take it out when the weather is calm? The things were seen by others, so the thief who stole the cultural relics that year has been found. "

Feng Qingxue held her face and smiled, "How can I steal it and send it back when the time comes? Maybe people think it's a miracle, because gods can't bear to let their country's cultural heritage wander overseas, so they give it to Steal it, give it a sum of gold in exchange for foreign currency, and then return it to people for study and appreciation when the country stops destroying cultural heritage.”

Lu Jiang said amusingly: "Do you think there are gods in the world? They also have their own country."

"Then how do you explain the existence of space? Isn't this a magical method? I always thought that God must not have the heart to reward me with a magical space so that I can save these cultural relics that have been lost in the long river of history."

In fact, God's greatest kindness was that her arrival changed the life of the man in front of him.

Feng Qingxue stared at him with a pair of bright eyes, full of affection.

Lu Jiang's heart was shaken and he couldn't speak for a long time.

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