Lu Jiang touched her head and said, "Wife, you ignored your own safety in the black market before. I won't settle the score with you now. In the future, you just have to keep your promise to me and don't take risks. But, I suddenly discovered that you Extraordinarily whimsical.”

"I'm telling the truth, why am I so whimsical?" Feng Qingxue made a big face at him.

"A century of war has left us devastated. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, everything has been in ruins. After concerted efforts, the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb have been successfully developed one after another, strengthening the country's armed equipment. The economy has finally improved, but there is such a turmoil again. In an instant, In the meantime, talents in various industries are withering, students' studies are interrupted, and successors are unable to succeed. I think this movement is likely to continue. In this case, national development will be affected. When will the value of jewelry and antiques really rise? At that level, at least when the country is prosperous and peaceful, the country is prosperous and the people are prosperous, and the economy is prosperous, only wealthy people will develop a large-scale collection. "

Feng Qingxue nodded, "You're right, I'm just waiting for that time."

Lu Jiang laughed, "However, at the current level, under the vigorous activities, all walks of life have been paralyzed, and the economy has shrunk. It will be difficult to reach the level I told you in less than 180 years. ”

"Ajiang, how about we make a bet?".

"What bet?"

"Ten years from now, the economy will take off and then continue to develop. Thirty years from now, the country will be rich and the people are strong. And in more than ten years, no one will care about our clothes and label us as capitalist." Feng Qingxue said loudly. .

Lu Jiang was stunned after hearing this.

Feng Qingxue tilted her head and looked at him, "Why, you don't dare to bet? Are you afraid that I will win?"

"I hope you will win, which means that our country is prosperous and strong, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the brothers who are sleeping underground can rest in peace." Lu Jiang finally said, "But according to the current situation..."

"Just tell me whether you dare to gamble! If you take a gamble, you will win or lose in thirty years." Feng Qingxue interrupted him, "Don't always use the current situation as an example. Now does not mean the future, because the country's policies are ever-changing. , so fast that it catches you off guard. Under the leadership of different leaders, different national policies will be issued. You can't deny this, right?"

Lu Jiang nodded first, then thought for a moment, then shook his head decisively, "No gambling!"

Feng Qingxue said unhappily: "Why? Are you afraid of losing? It doesn't matter if you lose, you have nothing to lose."

"Because my wife, you are so smart! According to what you said, you will definitely start capitalism and vigorously develop the economy in the future." Lu Jiang would not be a fool who bets with his wife. "Sometimes I wonder if you know something. Just like when you wrote to Mr. Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen, how did you expect that the order from above would be directed at the academic world? "

Feng Qingxue just played dumb with him, "Ah, don't you know? I've always been smart!"

"Xibao is bragging. Wife, you are so smart..." Lu Jiang paused deliberately and patted her silly smile, "You are really smart, and you are clever and clever, so you don't need to pretend to be stupid with me. "

Feng Qingxue slapped his hand off, "I won't tell you anymore. I practice calligraphy and painting, and I will ask the teacher for advice at night."

After becoming a disciple, I focused on rescuing cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings that were about to be destroyed, and never focused on my studies. Sin, sin!

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