Next, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue went to the flea market.

Because of the popular trend of destroying old ideas and old culture, there are more goods in the flea market than before. People who have old goods at home sell them to avoid attracting attention at home.

Of course, some people send them directly to scrapyards instead of setting up stalls at flea markets.

Although the situation is not as tragic as the few months last year, many things are still going on, and everyone is frightened. If you set up a stall, won't it let people know that you have old things in your home?

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had a great time browsing the flea market without having to be sneaky.

Not long after shopping, Feng Qingxue took a fancy to a pair of Yuan blue and white small tea cans, which were perfectly preserved. In the name of taking them home as salt shakers, she put them in her bag for two yuan. They were so beautiful that she smiled brightly. Incomparable.

"So happy?" Lu Jiang was at a loss for words.

It has been almost five years since they became adults, and they have only had the opportunity to be alone today.

He cherishes the hard-won opportunity and naturally talks more, at least more than before.

"Of course I'm happy!" Needless to say, Yuan Qinghua's value in future generations? Although it is just a tea can, not a large can like Guiguzi Xiashan Yuanqinghua, its value is also very extraordinary, because there are too few Yuanqinghua in the world.

The happiest thing is that the things you buy belong to you completely, and you don’t have to feel guilty or return them to their original owners.

Lu Jiang had a very good eye, so he picked out a fancy celestial sphere bottle, paid for it and put it in his backpack.

The flowers are particularly colorful and make people dizzy.

After leaving the seller, Lu Jiang muttered something in a low voice, "If it didn't have some origin and value, I wouldn't even look down on something like this."

"During the Qianlong period!" Feng Qingxue covered her mouth and smiled. The aesthetics of Qianlong and Yongzheng were really completely different. The porcelain of the Yongzheng period was extremely elegant, while the porcelain of the Qianlong period was so fancy that it would make people with trypophobia immediately get goosebumps.

Lu Jiang shrugged. He was so similar to Xibao, and their hobbies were also very similar. He didn't know why Qianlong was so different from Yongzheng.

After walking for a few minutes, the two of them stopped in front of a stall at the same time. It was full of messy old goods, about twenty or thirty pieces. But at a glance, they knew that most of them were good things, and those who owned them could Our ancestors were either rich or noble.

"How to sell it?" Lu Jiang squatted down to negotiate with the stall owner, a young man with a sinister look on his face.

The young man stretched out his palm and turned it over, "One hundred yuan, wrapped in circles."

Lu Jiang casually picked up an emerald green jade quill, "Is it so expensive? Can it be cheaper?"

"No!" The young man said in a loud voice, lowering his voice: "Big brother, I got this thing from a poor family of Eight Banners children. Their ancestors had Lord Baylor! Life can't go on anymore, dozens of They lived entirely by selling off their belongings. Before their house was confiscated, I came to collect these things, which cost me a total of ninety yuan. You have to let me make some money, right?"

In fact, he spent fifty yuan, but he couldn't tell the buyer this.

Lu Jiang smiled slightly, "Didn't I say that under the current circumstances, there are not many buyers coming to the flea market, right? It's just that the family is really short of a plate or a chair or something and comes here to hang out, like your stall No one pays attention to these things, right? At least no one visited your stall during our journey."

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