Ordinary people's monthly salary is just gone, but Lu Tianjun's monthly salary is not enough to settle the bill.

"My monthly salary is not enough for today's mutton-boiled meal!" Lu Tianjun said with a hint of shame, "It seems that I didn't work hard enough, uncle and aunt, so you spent a lot of money!"

Before Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue could speak, Jiang Xiaoyue comforted her: "Not long after you joined the army, which recruit could have a salary of several hundred dollars in one fell swoop? When I first joined the army, my salary was more than yours." It would be several dollars less! If it weren't for the support of my dad and my brother, the salary would not be enough for me. Soldiers' salaries increase with their ranks. When you reach Uncle Lu's level, you have many years in the military. Yes, one month’s salary and subsidy can allow me to eat several meals of mutton-boiled meat.”

Lu Tianjun asked happily: "Do you think I can reach the level of uncle in the future?"

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaoyue didn't hesitate at all, and said simply: "My dad said that you, like your uncle, are both talented generals. There are not many young people who can be evaluated like this by my dad."

Lu Tianjun was stunned, "Comrade Jiang, did you praise me?"

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaoyue said with a bright smile, "My dad really likes you. He said that you are tough-minded, wise and brave, unlike my nephew and I who are both stubborn and can only run rampant. Like some young people in the courtyard who go around showing off their power and tinkering with useless things based on the merits of the older generation. "

"Really?" Lu Tianjun looked in disbelief.

Feng Qingxue drank mutton soup and listened to their conversation.

As for her and Lu Jiang, well, they were probably ignored by the excited couple in front of them.

There was a smile in Lu Jiang's eyes. Although he didn't spend as much time with his nephew as his wife and nephew, he thought he understood his nephew's thoughts very well. This boy's attitude was exactly the same as when he met his wife!

If you know how to be lustful, then you will admire Shao Ai, which is normal, normal.

Unconsciously eating the kebabs handed over by Lu Tianjun, Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly remembered that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were here, her face suddenly turned red, and she stammered: "The mutton soup is too hot, I can't eat it." sweating a lot."

Feng Qingxue suppressed the laughter in her heart, nodded and said: "Mutton is hot in nature, and my face turned red after eating it."

"Ever since Aunt Xue suggested that I eat more hot food, I have always paid attention to it. Every time I go out, I will eat a meal of mutton, not necessarily boiled mutton. Sometimes I will order mutton soup."

"Are you feeling better? What did the doctor say?" Feng Qingxue asked with concern.

Without waiting for Jiang Xiaoyue's answer, Lu Tianjun asked, "Aunt, what's wrong with Comrade Jiang? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Feng Qingxue said hurriedly: "It's okay, it's okay, don't worry. It's just that Xiaoyue's body is a little weak and cold. She asked the doctor to prescribe her a few years ago. Today, I look at Xiaoyue's complexion and it should be fine."

"Yes, I'm fine! Comrade Lu, you don't have to worry." Jiang Xiaoyue followed, with a hint of happiness in her eyes, and then said to Feng Qingxue: "I used the prescription prescribed by Dr. Guo and drank Chinese medicine for half a year. It's very good. Dr. Guo told my dad that it was fortunate that it was discovered early and the blood could be treated quickly when the blood was young. If it had been ten or eight years later, it would have been difficult to treat it. "

When saying these words, Jiang Xiaoyue burst into tears with gratitude for Feng Qingxue's reminder.

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