Feng Qingxue's eyes, which were originally just crooked, turned into slits in an instant, and her heart was as elated as the king of flowers.

Who doesn’t like to hear sweet words?

If it weren't for being in public, Feng Qingxue would have really wanted to stand on tiptoes and kiss his mouth to express her passion. Unfortunately, the gate of the camp was far away, and there were quite a few soldiers coming and going on the road.

On the rest day, Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue were not the only ones to come out.

The two caught up quickly. Jiang Xiaoyue's face was red, and her eyes were filled with the joy of getting her wish, as if she had put down the big stone called uneasiness in her heart, and her whole body was filled with the radiance of happiness.

"What are your plans for the future?" Feng Qingxue took Jiang Xiaoyue's hand and asked.

Although she was very shy, Jiang Xiaoyue did not show off, "Tianjun and I plan to hand in the love report first, and then tell our families about it separately, hoping to get their approval and blessing. As for the marriage, we will wait." "We are still young and not familiar with each other. We want to get to know each other first before talking about marriage. We also want to work well in the army for a few years."

The most important thing is that Lu Tianjun is not yet twenty years old, how can he get a marriage certificate?

Girls can obtain a marriage certificate when they are eighteen years old, but boys are generally two years older.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Okay! We respect your intentions. Your decision makes us feel more relieved. It shows that you are not just a whim, but have already made plans for the future and taken every step carefully." Steady, all aspects have been considered. Your grandfather must be so happy that he couldn’t sleep for three days!”

Jiang Xiaoyue pulled her aside and asked quietly: "Aunt Xue, will Grandpa Lu not like me?"

She is so proactive. I heard that many people hate girls who actively pursue men.

"How could it be? It's not like you haven't met his old man before. He always praises you in front of me!" Feng Qingxue quickly comforted her, "If he doesn't like such an outstanding girl like you, how can you let Tian Juan marries a heavenly being? Even if he is a heavenly being, he will not be as good as you in Tian Juan's eyes."

Jiang Xiaoyue's words made her smile happily, "Aunt Xue, please don't coax me."

Feng Qingxue raised her hand and swore, "I'm telling the truth."

Although Jiang Xiaoyue was relieved, she still did not forget to tell Feng Qingxue, "Aunt Xue, you must speak well of me in front of Grandpa Lu when you go back. We have such a good relationship, you have to help me no matter what."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have already treated you as my niece-in-law!" Feng Qingxue covered her mouth after saying that.

Oops, I let it slip.

Jiang Xiaoyue didn't understand at first, but soon her eyes widened, "Aunt Xue! Could it be that you asked me to help on purpose?"

Under the guise of helping, he met Lu Tianjun.

"Of course not!" Even if it was, I couldn't admit it at this moment.

Feng Qingxue let go of her hand and put it down to pull Jiang Xiaoyue, "You know, although I have done several matchmaking in the army, you know the situation at that time and it was all based on their wishes. How could I plot against you? Besides, how much confidence do I have in Tianjun that you will fall in love with him at first sight? At that time, we couldn't ask anyone for help, so we naturally thought of you. But to be honest, I was more surprised than anyone else. , I was surprised, and I was so happy that I regarded you as my nephew-in-law."

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