Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 975 Raising troops to investigate 4

Lu Jiang glanced sideways at his nephew, "You brat, don't just be happy, come on!"

If your daughter-in-law is criticized by others, you must be a man and you must not hide behind your daughter-in-law and do nothing.

Lu Tianjun lived up to his uncle's expectations and took a step forward, blocking Jiang Xiaoyue behind him, "Comrade Ye, as you said, I am just a soldier, and I am definitely not as noble as your son..."

"Since you are self-aware, why are you standing here?" Ye Qing interrupted him with a sharp look on his face, "Xiaoyue is the apple of Comrade Jiang's eye. She has been loved by thousands of people since she was a child. Among girls of this age "There are not many high-ranking officials and daughters who can compare with her. Do you think you are worthy of her?"

Seeing Lu Tianjun being bullied, Jiang Xiaoyue was unhappy, with a rare look of anger on her face, "Aunt Ye, what do you mean? Whether Tianjun is worthy or not is up to me and my family! "

"Xiaoyue, I'm doing this for your own good!" Ye Qing said.

"For my own good?" Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't stop laughing, with a hint of cold air in her smile, "If you were for my own good, you should bless me and Tian Juan, instead of coming to our house to ask questions and blame Tian Juan! You come to raise the army Asking questions, my dad has explained that neither my dad nor I have violated the agreement. You accused Tianjun. Let me tell you the truth. Except for his family background, which is not important to us, there is nothing wrong with Tianjun. I just like his motivation, his filial piety, his ability and his demeanor!”

If it weren't for the concern about the friendship between the two families, and if it wasn't for the fear of causing unnecessary trouble to Lu Tianjun, Jiang Xiaoyue would have said that Li Jun couldn't compare to Lu Tianjun in every aspect, not even a hair.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled softly, and suddenly said: "Comrade Li Jun, your mother has been talking since you came here. As one of the parties involved, don't you think you should say something?"

"Your Majesty?" Li Jun didn't react for a moment.

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Jiang Yun wanted to cover his face. No wonder those cultural people said that they were a bunch of rough guys and illiterate!

Even though Li Junsi looks elegant and wears a pair of glasses, he is not as knowledgeable as Lu Tianjun.

Ye Qing said angrily: "It's your mother!"

"My mother is just my mother, just say no. Who can understand such a polite person? When I was in school, the teacher didn't say that your mother meant my mother!" Li Jun's complaint gradually faded away when he saw Qing Feng Qingxue's appearance. Lowered until it disappeared, "What did I say? What is there to say? Xiaoyue is with your nephew now, do you have the right to speak to me?"

Feng Qingxue smiled slightly, showing off her unparalleled elegance, "How could it not be so? You guys from the big courtyard often pursue female soldiers from the art troupe, especially those who are very beautiful. They block and intercept them and do whatever they can to stop them. You are here Which one to pursue?”

Li Jun turned pale and blurted out: "How do you know?"

Feng Qingxue was originally testing. In order to understand the siege between Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue, she felt that after Li Jun dated Jiang Xiaoyue, he took advantage of the visit to fool around with the female soldiers of the art troupe. It seemed that the development was too fast. Moreover, the relationship If this is the case later, what about before the relationship? Are you really just keeping yourself clean? You know, dogs can’t change their habit of eating daddy.

Now, seeing Li Jun's reaction, she knew that her temptation was successful, and Li Jun really had something in his heart.

Jiang Xiaoyue and Feng Qingxue had been getting along for a long time, and her response was very quick, "Okay, Li Jun, you guys are working together and often do this kind of thing, but you still have the nerve to come to our house with Aunt Ye to ask questions! I really misjudged you!" "

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