Sewing machine, bicycle, watch and radio, three turns and one beep, are the four essential items for a wedding.

Many people in later generations complained that the burden of marriage was too heavy, including the house, car and money. They said that getting married in the 1960s and 1970s was very easy. In fact, there has not been much change in marriage since ancient times. In the 1960s and 1970s, the woman required three turns and one ring. Seventy-two legs are no less valuable than a house or a car in later generations, and are even more rare.

Tickets and industrial coupons are hard to come by, and the average salary is low. It takes a long time to save up for one industrial coupon.

And what about future generations? As long as you have money, you can buy anything.

Hearing Feng Qingxue proudly say that he had a three-turn radio at home, Lu Jiang, who was carrying the radio box, couldn't help but laugh, "If I had known you would like it, I would have found a way to buy it when we got married." Five or six years earlier than now.

"That's not necessary!" Feng Qingxue said.

When she first married Lu Jiang, what she valued was Lu Jiang, not the things outside her body.

Of course, she has the confidence to not care about the other person's financial conditions.

The two of them turned to the daily necessities counter, and Feng Qingxue stood still. She leaned on the counter and smiled sweetly at the salesperson, "Study hard and make progress every day. Comrade, how much does a toothbrush cost?"

Buy some more and keep them at home.

There are a lot of toothbrushes in the space that cannot be taken out, and a group of elderly and children in my hometown have to be taken care of.

"Serve the people. Seven cents a hand, no votes, no industrial coupons."

"Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Give me twenty!" Feng Qingxue picked up a toothbrush and looked at it. The quality seemed good.

The salesperson smiled and said: "Don't fight an unprepared battle. This long brand-name toothbrush made in Shanghai will not pluck out a hair!"

"Modility makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind. Is not pulling out a hair a toothbrush advertisement?" Feng Qingxue was eye-opening.

"Unity is strength. Who doesn't know how to grow a famous brand toothbrush? It is very durable, so you can buy it with confidence and use it again."

After buying toothbrushes, Feng Qingxue wondered if her husband and wife would go to Shanghai, so she took the opportunity to buy some cream, clam oil, wood shavings water, and a lot of toilet paper. These things did not require tickets or industrial coupons.

After buying all these daily necessities, the couple went to the grocery store and bought four cream cakes.

Returning to the guest house, Feng Qingxue immediately put the cream cake into the space. It would definitely deteriorate if left outside. Although there is no such thing as spoilage in this era, there is no such thing as a shelf life for canned biscuits, candies and other foods.

Although Guo Ming, his wife and others said they didn’t need to say hello when leaving, they still left.

After many rounds of investigations, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had just entered the compound door when they met Cui Shaoyuan and an old comrade with gray eyebrows, wearing old patched military uniforms.

"What do you mean by this? Cao Cao will be here right away." Cui Shaoyuan put his hands on his hands and laughed, "Come on, come on, Comrade Ding, let me introduce you. Didn't you come to me specially to ask about Ding Hailan's savior Lu? Where do Comrade Jiang and Comrade Qingxue live now? You don't need to ask now, the real owner is here, saving you a trip."

Before Cui Shaoyuan could finish speaking, Ding Hailan took two steps forward and gave Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue a standard military salute. How could the two couples be worthy of such a grand ceremony as an old senior? He hurriedly avoided it and then saluted the old-timer.

Ding Laozhong returned the salute and said angrily: "The grace of saving my life will never be forgotten. You can bear this military salute."

The old leader and the guards around him went out for a walk. When they saw this scene, they asked what was going on.

. . . I am behind on monthly tickets. Please give me monthly tickets. I have tickets at the beginning of the month. Please please.

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