Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

: The 116th. I said that the love of the mountains and seas and seas 6 can also be 8

He looked at everything in front of him, he couldn’t believe it, Mongo as a Tyrannosaurus, where is the high level of aesthetics, which is too beautiful.

In front of him is a flat boulder with a large garland on the stone. Each flower is very fresh. It can be seen that Mongo took it today, and it was placed in the shape of a garland.

The thing in the wreath is the most shocking thing, it is simply priceless

Dinosaurs are completely different from humans. Dinosaurs have no aesthetic ability to spend flowers. They don't think that flowers are beautiful and beautiful. They don't have such awareness at all.

I think that Mongo must have been with him for too long, so that he knows what he likes as a human being.

Although Mongo is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, he knows exactly what he likes. He will think what is the most beautiful. Mongo often takes you to see all kinds of beautiful scenery.

I am very touched, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mongo is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mongo is not a human being, Mongo always knows what he likes as a human being, Mongo will remember all his joys and sorrows, even if It is his most subtle emotional change that Mongo can feel.

In fact, I knew early on that although there are different species, as long as there is enough love, it can produce an instinct, and instinct is good for each other. This instinct can overcome all kinds of species obstacles.

As a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mongo never knows how to raise the Triceratops cubs, but Mongo can manage the newly-cracked shells very well, and will not secretly go to the Triceratops group to learn, always think of ways.

Tyrannosaurus has no human aesthetic at all, but Mongo always knows what he likes, because he always pays attention to what he likes, what he likes, what he doesn't like, and all his preferences, he knows.

He became a human being, and he gently stroked the "priceless treasure" in the wreath.

There are a ring of colorful and brilliant gemstones in the wreath, natural diamonds with fist size, huge emerald rough green with green drops, rubies, sapphires, gold emeralds, and stone cat eyes.

But what Mongo gave to the real "priceless treasure" is not these "stones."

These gems are everywhere in the dinosaur era, and no dragons will treat them as gems, but they are colored stones and can't be eaten. There is no value for dinosaurs.

But I don't think it's very easy for Mongo to find such a beautiful gem. The gemstones also have various qualities. The ones that Mongo is looking for are more "professional" than the experts who identify the gemstones. They are top gemstones.

I used to tell Mongo that humans used these stone-like "crystals" as valuable gems, and taught Mongo how to identify the value of gems. Mongo knows what kind of gems you like.

Surrounded by these gems is a very large tooth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This tooth is far longer than the length of the common Tyrannosaurus Rex. The length of the common Tyrannosaurus Rex is more than 30 cm, and the tooth has nearly 50 cm.

This huge Tyrannosaurus tooth is the "priceless treasure" that Mongo sent.

The outer gemstone shines with a strange luster under the sunlight, and the gemstone's luster reflects the huge conical shape of the Tyrannosaurus tooth, which is really incompatible.

He shook his hands and stroked this huge tooth. He had never seen such a huge Tyrannosaurus tooth, it was too big.

He picked up this huge tooth and hugged it in his hand. This giant tooth should have been shed for many days. The surface is very dry and rough to the touch. The whole tooth is black, red and black. It looks very domineering.

I know that the teeth of the Tyrannosaurus rex that had just fallen off have a heavy **** smell, but there is no **** smell on the teeth. Only the sand washed has a faint floral fragrance.

Mengo knows that neither humans nor Triceratops like **** smells, so when the teeth fall off, he buryes his teeth in the sand and carefully washes them, and puts them in his favorite flower for a long time. I like floral fragrance.

I know that the biggest tooth in the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex will fall off naturally in the last two years of adulthood. The biggest tooth will soon grow bigger teeth, and the function of this falling tooth is very important.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex will give this detached giant tooth to the object of "seeking the court". The strong and beautiful female tyrants will receive a lot of giant teeth. The more powerful the tyrants, the more tyrants, will receive a lot of giant teeth.

The strong Tyrannosaurus Rex will also be subjected to a lot of Tyrannosaurus's "courting". Comparing the size of the teeth sent by these courtship objects is also an important reference indicator for selecting objects. The larger the teeth, the stronger the stronger the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After receiving these giant teeth, Tyrannosaurus Rex chose the largest tooth, which is equivalent to the courtship of the dragon that sent the tooth. The tyrannosaurus courtship is not necessarily all violent, but also has "send teeth". Romantic operation.

But whether it is "fighting" or "sending the biggest teeth" is to prove that they are strong, the only criterion for Tyrannosaurus mate selection is that the stronger the better.

Unbelievably looking at Mongo "Give it to me?"

Mengo nodded.

咕噜 "But Mungo, you should give your biggest tooth to you to ask for the tyrannosaurus, and should not give it to me."

Mongo "I will give it to you."

This gift is too expensive, I know that he should not accept it, but he really wants it, because this is Meng Ge's teeth, and because this must be the biggest Tyrannosaurus tooth in the past.

咕噜 "What do you do when you courtmate later?"

Mongo "I can fight."

This is why Tyrannosaurus Rex began to look for courtship from the two years before the age of two, because only in this way can the dragons be sent when the biggest teeth naturally fall off.

I feel that it is obvious that Mongo has not found the Tyrannosaurus Rex he likes. Such a large tooth, Mongo can't be brought around at any time. It is too much trouble, just because he has the space to carry it, he can put it in the portable space. Inside, he can help Mongo collect.

Think about it this way, he said, "I will accept it. If you find a favorite Tyrannosaurus Rex, you can always ask me if you want."

Mongo looked at him and said, "I can fight, I only want to give you this tooth."

Hey, holding this giant tooth tightly, to be honest, if Mongo wants to go back one day, he will really reluctantly, he loves this tooth too much, this is the biggest Tyrannosaurus tooth, or the teeth of Mongo. , too much love.

Mongo said with his big head, gently licking the human body, "Like it, hey."

点 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 , 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜

Looking up at Mongo, he looked down at the giant tooth held in his hand. He thought that Meng Ge was so handsome, and the giant teeth in his hand were also domineering.

At this time, I really want to say, tyrannical dragon, this **** romance, I can’t stand it, who can stand it?

Mengo is very happy, he never felt happier than now.

Carefully, the giant teeth of Mongo and the gems that Mongo sent him were received in the portable space, and then they changed back to the shape of the Triceratops.

In fact, at the beginning, I was a bit skeptical about whether I could put down my teeth and gems in my portable space. This portable space is useless. Even meat can't be eaten, but it seems like a small thing, or something that won't deteriorate.

Meng Ge knows that there is a magical place where he can put down a lot of things, but he can't see this place. The last time he gave the clothes of Yu Yulong's fur, he also put it inside, and he can take it out at any time.

蒙 "Mongo, if the gems you collect are taken to the human world, we will be developed. If you want to buy gems, you can buy them, but even if those gems are worth more, they are not as good as the teeth of Mongo. The teeth of Mongo are invaluable. ”

Mongo has no concept of money and value, but he can understand more if he hears more. He said, "As long as you like it."

Look at this garland, think of a gemstone ring inside the wreath, a huge tooth inside the gemstone ring, although this aesthetic is not elegant, a bit too jewel, but for a Tyrannosaurus Rex Aesthetic ability is already not easy.

I don't know if Mongo is afraid that only sending teeth is a little too beautiful, but I really want to say to Mongo that he only needs teeth, and this tooth is invaluable.

I found that there are many footprints of Tyrannosaurus Rex next to the big stones that put teeth. It should be that Mongo asked his brothers to take care of this tooth in a few days. Tyrannosaurus can’t carry such big teeth with him, and bite in his mouth. inconvenient.

Meng Ge puts such an important thing on the other Tyrannosaurus Rex, and waited for him to give him a few days, and he was a little bit in tears.

On the way back, Meng Ge thought for a while or said, "Hey, don't tell other dragons, I will give you the teeth."

咕噜 "Why?"

Mongo "No reason, I said can't just can't."

In fact, you can understand Mengo. Of course, such an important thing is that you can't just send a dragon. He is happy to say "Well, I know, I will not tell other dragons."

Later, he and Mongo returned to the ethnic group together.

The tooth that had licked his mouth was thrown in front of the mongo and the cockroach and said, "Brother, you see, this is the teeth of the tyrannosaurs that Yuya and Ula received. These are the female tyrannosaurus we received. Teeth, none of your teeth are half big"

It is just wondering if there are any Tyrannosaurus teeth that are bigger than the teeth of his brother Mongo. All the teeth here are not as big as the brother’s teeth. It feels that his brother is really the whole of the continent. The most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Ula and Yuya are often courted by the tyrants, and those who dominate the king will leave their teeth.

The brothers of Mongo are also very strong and often receive the teeth of the female Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In the past, the little nephews were at the side of Yuya, and the tyrants Wang Long would hardly ask for a courtesy, because the female tyrants with the little scorpion would not accept the courtship of any tyrants.

But during this time, the little nephews are not around the side of Yuya, and Yanya is also a very strong and beautiful female Tyrannosaurus Rex, of course, will attract some tyrants Wang Long to court him.

It was the two days that I saw the tooth that Meng Ge naturally fell off. The brothers of Mengo saw it. The teeth were very huge, especially huge, and they were shocked.

咕噜 "Well, Mengo's teeth are so big, all the teeth here are not half as big as the teeth of Mongo, I saw it, it is super big."

In fact, I almost said that I missed my mouth. Originally, he wanted to blurt out and gave him his teeth. I am very happy.

The main reason is that the ethnic groups in Mengo have never lie. The dragons of the Mongo group are very good to him. He does not need to lie. Naturally, he wants to express his true feelings. Fortunately, he did not say it.

It’s "Brother, your teeth. Didn’t you let us guard the tooth before, why don’t you guard it now? Which female tyrannosaurus did you give that tooth? Is it Ula?"

Ula stood right beside him. Before it was asked to find Ula to have teeth, Ula took the teeth she had received in the last two days. She listened to the words and said, "I didn't receive it, Mongo. Didn't give it to me."

All the dragons look at Mongo and 咕噜.

He was a little bit nervous, he wanted to tell the dragons, Meng Ge gave him the teeth, but he promised that Mongo could not tell other dragons.

Mongo "I threw it."

Ula shocked "Mongo, why are you throwing it away?"

Mongo’s brothers kept asking, “Yes, Mongo, why are you throwing it?”

I don’t know if it’s my guilty conscience or what reason. He always thinks that other dragons can see Mongo’s teeth and put them here, although he knows that other dragons are absolutely invisible.

Mongo did not pay attention to these dragons, how to deal with his teeth and how he wants to deal with them.

Ula also saw the giant tooth of Mongo. It was really big and big, and it was a pity to lose it.

In fact, the teeth of Tyrannosaurus Rex are also used to compare the size of the court, and then they will be bitten and discarded, but the teeth of Mongo have not been used for courtship, they are lost directly, and it is such a big tooth, any one Tyrannosaurus Rex It will be a pity.

Look at these Tyrannosaurus Rex and I am so distressed that Mongo lost his teeth. He really wants to tell them that Meng Ge’s teeth are here, and of course he still didn’t say it.

On the night of the night, Ula began to look for the fern in the boundless fern, looking for the teeth of Mongo.

Ute followed Ula far away. Originally, Ula refused to follow him. He could only secretly follow. He didn't know what Ula was looking for and he was looking so seriously.

After the night, Ula is still looking for, Ute suddenly wakes up, and Ula must be looking for the teeth of Mongo.

Ute saw with his own eyes that Mongo gave his teeth to him, because he would carry it to Mongo. He often wanted to know what happened to Mongo and He went out alone. Sometimes it would be done. Followed secretly, he flew in the sky, or hidden in the lush forest, Meng Ge and Yan did not find him.

Today, Mongo said that he had thrown his teeth away. Ute did not dare to say it. He saw Mengo giving his teeth to him. If he came out, Mengo knew that he was secretly watching them, and Mengo would definitely Very angry, he was afraid that Mongo would be angry.

Ute certainly knows the meaning of Tyrannosaurus Rex to give teeth to other dragons. He also knows that Mongo likes it very much. Mongo likes to surpass all Tyrannosaurus Rex, but he is a Triceratops. They can never be together.

This is also the reason why Ute did not fall to death, but only scared the embarrassment, Ute knows that Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops are impossible to be together.

Now Ute can't help it anymore, he fell to the side of Ula.

Ula is very angry. "Isn't it for you to sleep? What are you doing with me?"

Ute, "Ula, don't look for it. I saw Mengo give the tooth to you."

After a while of silence, Ula said, "Give it to you why Mongo wants to throw it away."

Ute "I don't know, Mongo is still not allowed to say it."

If Mongo directly told them to give the teeth to the cockroach, Ula would not feel that something was wrong. Mongo did not like the dragon, and it was good to give it to his little sister-in-law.

But now Ula feels suspicious, why is Mongo afraid that other dragons know that he gave his teeth?

This problem is too complicated, and Ula can't figure it out. In the end, she can only comfort herself. It is a triceratops. Mongo gives teeth to cockroaches, which is better than giving any tyrannosaurus.

In the following days, almost all the Tyrannosaurus rex in the vicinity were looking for the teeth of Mongo.

The female Tyrannosaurus wants to find the teeth of Mongo, even if it is just a look, the male dragons want to find the teeth of Mongo, because they know that the teeth of Mongo are the largest Tyrannosaurus teeth in the entire Yukan continent. As long as you find the teeth of Mongo, holding Mongo's teeth to court the female overlord, it is not a casual success, and easily crush other dragons.

Even the cockroaches know that all the tyrannosaurus are looking for the teeth of Mongo. He seems to say to the tyrannosaurus that you don’t look for it. The teeth of Mongo are here. I am absolutely impossible to give you, give you a look. I am reluctant

Although these Tyrannosaurus Rex had never seen Mongo’s teeth, they all heard that Mongo’s teeth were twice as big as the other male Tyrannosaurus teeth. For this, they are convinced that Mongo’s body is It is twice as big as many Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It was half a month since the heavy rainstorm. The dragons that died in the vast land were basically eaten up by the carnivores, and these carnivorous dragons began to attack the herbivorous dragons.

帕 Use Pado to teach his method to manage the ethnic group, always give priority to occupying the best habitat in the geographical position. Under the condition that the fern plant meets all the dragons of the ethnic group, choose the most central position of all the herbivorous dinosaurs. rest.

Pado said that the medium-sized large carnivores can be hunted for the Triceratops. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mapron, and Allosaurus are the favorite to hunt the Triceratops. Only these large carnivores can hunt the Triceratops.

When choosing a resting place for the ethnic group, it is best to choose two or three Argentinian dragon groups next to it, one or two relatively small triangular dragons next to each other, a relatively powerful triangular dragon group, and then several Lianglong groups.

If there are these dragons around, Tyrannosaurus rex is the favorite to hunt the Triceratops, but Tyrannosaurus Rex will generally choose a relatively small triceratops to hunt. Mapron will prioritize hunting Argentine dragons, and Allosaurus will hunt Liang Longqun.

As a result, the risk of ethnic groups being hunted is greatly reduced.

咕噜 Choose the habitat in strict accordance with the experience that Pado taught him. The ethnic group is rarely hunted by carnivores.

Gradually, Oro felt that Pado was indeed the most powerful Triceratops. Pado taught these things. He did not know the leader who had been doing this for a long time, but he was still so small but he could use the protection of Pado. It also protects the ethnic group so well.

All the triceratops of the Oro group can be clearly felt. Since 咕噜 became their leader, the ethnic group is rarely attacked by carnivores, and always eats the best fern plants, always avoiding all dangers.

Even with the carnivorous attacking group, under the leadership of Zhai and Oro, the ethnic group can quickly drive away these carnivorous dragons and minimize losses.

Gradually, the prestige of the Oro group is very high, and even the whole of the Yukan continent is passed down. All the dragons say that the triceratops led by the dragon are not hunted, and they are better than Pado.

Of course, there are exaggerated elements in it. It is impossible for a dragon to be hunted. The main reason is that the age is too small, and it is true that the Oro ethnic group is rarely hunted. All the dragons think it is incredible.

On this day, the Oro ethnic group suffered the hunting of two very strong male kings.

He and his younger brothers are all in the center of the ethnic group. Oro is also in the center of the ethnic group. These two male tyrannical dragons are so powerful that they can only hunt the old triceratops on the edge of a group to eat.

Because even the particularly strong male triangle dragons go out and the two Tyrannosaurus rex also have a great chance to be killed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the strong male triangle dragon is too important for the ethnic group to die.

If it is an Allosaurus or Mapronon hunter hunting, 咕噜 and Oro will drive away these allosaurus with a strong male triangle dragon, but the Tyrannosaurus will not work, and the Oro ethnic group does not have such a powerful triangle as Pado. Dragons, they can't be hard.

Although he is still a Triceratops cub, he used to help the younger brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex. He has already learned more about **** a carnivorous dragon than many adult male triangle dragons. He is more than a mature adult triceratops. More powerful.

I don’t know if it’s bad luck today. After the two Tyrannosaurus rexed an old Triceratops of the ethnic group, he and Oro ran with the ethnic group, trying to stay away from the two Tyrannosaurus Rex, running and running, their The ethnic group also encountered eight allosaurus.

Isometric is not as difficult to deal with as Tyrannosaurus Rex, and must be driven away from the eight Allosaurus. He and Oro rushed past the strongest male triangle dragon in the group.

The eight allosaurus are also a lot, and I know that I have to kill one or two to make the Allosaurus afraid, and then drive away these Allosaurus.

Although the Tetralong is not as powerful as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Allosaurus is very flexible, and the number of Triceratops is too much. They are running back and forth between these Triceratops, consuming the power of the Triceratops and bypassing these Majestic Dragons. Other weak triceratops in the hunting community.

Many old triceratops on the edge of the ethnic group have been bitten by Allosaurus, but Allosaurus does not have the ability to kill the Triceratops in a short time. They must also attack these older Triceratops more violently to kill them.

Oro has always been unwilling to attack the carnivores with them. He knows that he is very powerful, but he always feels that he is too small to take such a big risk.

He will not let himself take great risks. The younger brothers can't live without him. If he dies, his brothers will never live to meet the ethnic groups of Mongo Pado. He will not allow himself to be in danger.

Allosaurus is not a dangerous carnivorous dragon for the present cockroaches.

I don't know how long I have been playing. The body is full of blood, but he is basically not hurt, and he does not know the pain at all. The blood on his body is left by him who has injured the Allosaurus.

I know that I must speed up and I must kill two Allosaurus.

At this time, I saw an allosaurus biting the neck of an old Triceratops. Heteron Dragon tried his best to bite and tried to bite the throat of the Triceratops and kill him.

Taking advantage of the extreme focus of the Allotone bite, the rushing rushed over, the long horns were deeply inserted into the neck of the Allosaurus, and the blood squirted and turned him into a red triangle. Dragon.

The surrounding Triceratops were shocked. They were shocked by the speed and power of raging to kill the fleshy dragon. They were not the carnivorous dragons who had never seen the attacking and attacking ethnic groups, but every time they shot, they would still shock them.

He immediately took out his long horn and escaped another attack from Allosaurus.

At this time, Oro also killed an Allosaurus, but another Allosaurus rushed to Oro and saw that he would bite Oro's neck.

He rushed over at a fast speed. He first slammed into the stomach of Allotron with his own body. Heteron stood unsteadily and slammed into the ground, then inserted into the corner. The neck of the Allosaurus.

In such a short period of time, he repeatedly killed two Allosaurus. His skill in hunting was completely derived from the killing of the carnivorous dragon that he faced every day when he and his brothers were struggling to survive outside. They are unique, they can't live now.

The rest of the Allosaurus did not dare to hunt again and immediately fled.

Oro licked his head and smashed the blood down the line.

Then he and Oro immediately left the fern planting land with the ethnic group. This fern planted land had just fought fiercely, and the **** smell would attract other carnivorous dragons.

They ran far away with the ethnic group until they could no longer smell the blood.

All the strong male triangle dragons in the ethnic group surrounded Oro and the donkey. They kept licking the two leaders and personally cleaned the two leaders.

After running this far way, the blood on the body has already been crusted, and a thick layer of blood is formed. The Triceratops do not like **** smell, but the blood of the leader is going to pick up the blood. It is the Triceratops group. The highest reverence for the leader's expression.

The status and prestige of the shackles in the ethnic group is exactly the same as that of Oro, even if he only arrived in these ethnic groups for less than a month.

Oro looked at the hustle and bustle, and the dark blue of the skull shield under the sun has not completely faded out. It is such a domineering power.

Soon, the blood of Oro and the body of Oro had been dealt with. They found a piece of sand on their own, and they smashed it in the sand, and they had no blood smell at all.

Just as the scorpion and Oro took a sand bath, the three Tyrannosaurus scorpions were surrounded by two fierce adult triceratops.

The two triceratops said, "Get out of our ethnic group today. There are tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus that have eaten our ethnic group. How many triceratops have you eaten? How many triceratops do you have to eat when you grow up?"

The three Tyrannosaurus scorpions don’t pay attention to these two triceratops. They want to wait for their brothers to come back. We will tell your brother to let your brother hit you and punish you.

Before the Tyrannosaurus Rex, they were not bullied. They were very sensible and would not take the initiative to bite these Triceratops. When the brother came back, he told his brother that his brother would help them out.

As long as you know that there are trigonometric dragons in the tribe to bully the brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex, he will definitely go to the triceratops. He is the leader. Those triceratops do not dare to fight back. They can only be jealous.

As the prestige of the ethnic group is getting higher and higher, now basically no triceratops will bully the three tyrannosaurus dragons.

But today these two Triceratops are completely different. They only rushed to the Tyrannosaurus and the little nephews with a few words, obviously wanting their lives.

The three Tyrannosaurus scorpions were hiding at first, but they found that they could not hide and fight with the two triceratops.

He and Oro certainly saw the turmoil in the ethnic group, and they immediately rushed over.

But when 咕噜 and Oro rushed past, one of the two adult triceratops had been killed by three tyrannosaurus scorpions, and the other triceratops were bloody, and the tyrannosaurus It’s all blood.

He didn't care about these Triceratops. He immediately checked the injuries of the brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex. His stomach was drawn into a deep blood trough. His **** was poked in a hole. Although it was not deep, it was definitely painful. The skull's head was marked with a blood trough.

In fact, before the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the triceratops in the ethnic group had played, but they were all small and small, and they stopped in time. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was not injured, and the Triceratops were not injured. That's it.

But this time obviously can't be counted, and I am already dying.

The three Tyrannosaurus scorpions are also afraid of seeing a Triceratops. They don’t want to kill this Triceratops. But this Triceratops is too fierce and wants to kill them. They can’t do anything.

While checking the wounds on my brothers, I said, "Is there any injury? Just tell my brother, there is no pain anywhere."

The tyrannosaurus scorpions were all blood, and the twins were afraid of hurting the key. For fear that the scorpions were seriously injured, he did not find any delay.

"Brother, we didn't mean to kill him, he wanted to kill us, we are."

The three Tyrannosaurus scorpions did not expect that their brothers were most concerned about whether they were injured or not, instead of killing a Triceratops and killing the Triceratops, they could not live in the ethnic group.

He was very anxious. He used his own head to say the blood of his brothers. "Don't say those useless, tell your brother, do you have a stomachache? Is there any special pain in your stomach?"

Seriously injured by the Triceratops, there is another possibility that the trauma is not obvious, but the internal organs are damaged, and I am worried about this.

The Tyrannosaurus scorpion quickly said, "No, my brother, it doesn't hurt, and there is no pain in my stomach."

Oh, this is reassuring. He looks at the gaze of the two triceratops. Even the dead triceratops can't make him feel mercy.

The roar snorted, and all the triceratops around did not consciously step back. Although they were all adult and healthy male triangle dragons, even though they were bigger than their bodies, they would be afraid of embarrassment.

The triangulation dragon who did not die roared and said, "Every time we hunt us, we are all Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Tyrannosaurus Rex eats the tricornites of our ethnic group. How many Triceratops that I have grown up after these three Tyrannosaurus Rex To kill them"

I screamed, "You will kill them, I will kill you."

Oro also roared, "I have said that I have not hurt the three Tyrannosaurus Rex."

The Triceratops had some guilty conscience. He smashed the Triceratops that had fallen to the ground and said, "Oro, you also said that these three Tyrannosaurus Rex can not harm the Triceratops. Now they have killed the Triceratops of our ethnic group, even if they can't Kill them and drive them away."

I know that today I must let all the triceratops understand and dare to hurt his younger brother. The end is not to drive out the ethnic group. The end is trampled into the meat.

The three tyrannosaurus scorpions quickly said, "You guys who first hit us, we want to kill us, we don't bite you, we are already dead."

The three tyrannosaurus brothers comforted them.

Then I said, "Today, my Tyrannosaurus brothers have killed a Triceratops. I can take them away from the community right now."

He paused for a moment, and Oro immediately said, "No, you can't walk. These two triceratops are picking things up. You can't blame the king dragons. They won't kill this trilobite and they will be killed."

More and more Triceratops have stood up and said, "Hey, you can't go, you are our leader, you can't go, we don't blame these three Tyrannosaurus scorpions, we don't blame them, we blame these two Triceratops"

This is exactly what you want.

Although he knows that he has a high reputation in this group, he still does not think that all the dragons of almost ethnic groups are on his side. It is too serious for the Tyrannosaurus Rex to bite the triceratops.

These triceratops don't want to let go. They have been used to the good days of protection by two leaders. Since the shackles, the ethnic groups have rarely been attacked by carnivores. Even if they are attacked, they will soon be able to drive away those carnivores. , 咕噜 is a very good leader.

咕噜 "I can't stand any triangulations that killed my brother and trampled him, I will stay."

Ordovici was the most excited. He immediately slammed into the triceratops and slammed and said, "Are you full of food? Is it true that 奥 and Oro protect the ethnic group so well that you will pass too much every day? Ok, you have to find something."

Then more and more Triceratops slammed into the Triceratops.

The Triceratops prayed for a sigh, and shouted loudly, "Hey, let me go, drive me away, I will leave the ethnic group, I will never dare again, I will never hit your brothers again, hey, Don't step on me"

But soon the Triceratops was killed, and then the triceratops of the entire ethnic group stepped on him, completely merging the Triceratops and the fern plantings, and the other one was killed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex It was also trampled into meat.

I looked at the two triceratops that had become muddy, and nodded with satisfaction.

Oro looked at him, and this kind of jealousy made him more obsessed.

He said loudly, "All the triceratops of the ethnic group have given me a good hearing. I can't accept these three tyrannosaurus dragons. Now I will leave the ethnic group and leave the ethnic group now. I will accept three tyrannosaurs by default. Scorpion, there will be a triceratops to hurt my tyrannosaurus brother in the future, and the same as the two triceratops today."

All the triceratops in the ethnic group were scared of the atmosphere and did not dare to come out.

The three tyrannical dragons looked at them, and they always knew that their brother was such a mighty domineering.

Taipa carefully cleaned the wounds for the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Fortunately, the skin injuries were not serious.

After this incident, there are no more dragons in the ethnic group to dare to bully the tyrannosaurus.

Time passed quickly, and they unwittingly walked out of this fern plantation.

After walking this fern planting land, it is basically a day's journey to meet Mongo and Paddo.

He walked forward with the group without stopping.

Oro didn't want to go so fast, but he ran with the ethnic group and he had to follow.

Both Pach and the three Tyrannosaurus scorpions are in the middle of the ethnic group. The three chief fighters, the three tyrannosaurus scorpions, have not fully recovered from the triceratops last time. They are not allowed to run too fast.

Oro was with the little nephews. He didn't want to follow him. He ran too fast.

Pach "Oro, thank you for taking care of us during this time."

Oro "Pach, you can call me Orogo."

Pach "But you are not saying, you are not our brother, can't you call you Olego?"

Oro blamed me for the first time.

Seeing that the ethnic groups of Mongo and Pado are coming together, Oro knows that he will leave his ethnic group, but he does not want to leave his ethnic group, he has to think of a way.

He ran wildly on this side, and the ethnic groups of Mongo and Pado ran wildly across from each other.

Finally, in the evening, they ran to the confluence, and the Great Rift was over. They all ran up to the unspoiled fern.

Mengo ran in the front and he also ran ahead.

In the sunset, Mongo and 咕噜 ran all the way to each other.

Although during this time, Mongo and 咕噜 often meet, but how can they be compared to the real, always together, no longer need to separate.

Even if the mainland splits, even if I am across the mainland, I will find you.

At this time, I realized that I could love the sentence.

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