Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

: 178. [One more] Cretaceous species 8 major explosions 9 officially started 0

Hearing the voice broadcast of the portable space, watching Pado, who was waking up and eating fern, he felt that everything was so beautiful.

Mongo also heard a voice reminder of his portable space.

These eggs belong to the Mongo and the cockroaches. Although they are cultivated in the hustle and bustle of the space, Mengo can also get the report on the cultivation of the dragon eggs at any time.

He and Mongo look at each other. They have a very tacit understanding. They only need simple eye contact to understand each other's wishes.

There are many dragons to take care of Pado, and all the dragons of Paige Dumbilla, Barbana, Patton, Mongo, and Pelican are fed to Pado in the non-stop fern.

You can immediately take the egg out of the portable space, but he didn't do it. He wants to wait for Pado to eat. After he has finished sleeping, he will come out tomorrow to make Pado happy. Now the main thing for Pado is to Fill the stomach.

Pado's body is still not very moving. He only needs to open his mouth. He has a fern planted in his mouth, and then he can chew and swallow.

With so many dragons feeding, Pado was already full when he didn't know it. He nodded lightly, saying that he didn't have to feed again. They piled the fern next to Pado's head. When you want to eat, you can eat it when you open your mouth.

Even if he is already full, Pado is not very energetic, he needs to rest and rest.

咕噜 Let all the dragons stop disturbing Pado and let them go to sleep. These dragons who have taken care of Pado have not slept for three or four days.

Pado felt very tired and his mind was not very clear. He didn't know if it was all true, or the illusion before his death. Eating fern was only his body's instinctive demand for his own eating behavior.

I saw that Pado closed his eyes again, but this time it was for rest. Only after eating and resting, the body can slowly recover.

The self-healing ability of dinosaurs is very strong. It is a metamorphosis that is unimaginable by human beings. They do not need any drug-assisted treatment at all, and even heavy injuries can miraculously survive.

As a paleontologist, he has done a research project on the "self-healing ability of dinosaurs." He has observed most of the dinosaur fossils found in the world and made a very detailed analysis of these fossils.

Almost all dinosaur fossils have left the scars left by fighting or hunting and being preyed.

Of course, some dinosaur fossils show that they died of natural disasters, but even the dragons who died of natural disasters have old scars that show their life experiences.

Many dinosaur fossils showed that the dragon had suffered fatal injuries at the beginning, such as "Breakout Tyrannosaurus Rex", "Tailed Tyrannosaurus Rex", "Broken Diagonal Dragon", etc. These dragons survived after serious injuries, and Lived for a long time.

Some dragons have broken their ribs four times or more in their lifetime, and they all survived. They became more ferocious after recovery, and their physical functions were not affected at all.

On many dinosaur fossils, they can be seen that they have been bitten by bones, and there are traces of carnivorous teeth on the bones. These broken bones will heal automatically.

The "bag" that is unusually prominent on dinosaur fossils is the trace of healing after the bone breaks.

There are a lot of "bags" on the dragon leg bones, chest ribs and tail bones, which proves that his bones have not only been broken once, but they have been renewed every time.

The dinosaur's body repair function is very powerful, only the tail can not be regenerated, and the rest of the body parts can be regenerated almost.

Unless the injury is too severe, the forelimbs are completely interrupted like the Black Tower, and even if the bones are eaten by himself, the new forelimbs will not grow.

I don't have to worry about Pado's life, but he still can't sleep, and he is quietly accompanying Pado.

Of course, Mongo couldn't sleep, and he was kneeling beside him.

Pado felt sleep until the next afternoon.

He and Mongo fell asleep at dawn, and before he fell asleep, he arranged for the Triangular Dragons in his community to guard Pado. Any abnormalities should wake him up immediately.

For the first time in a few days, he and Mongo had a good night's sleep.

He and Miguel Pappado wake up a little earlier, and they are still in the hands of Pado.

When Pado woke up, he felt that his body had endless strength. The fern planted last night gave him the energy he needed.

At this time, Pado only knew that he would not die.

Pado never thought about it, he could survive, how could he survive if he suffered such a serious injury.

Although Pado was in a coma in the past few days, he knew that he had been chewing and crushing some very cool ferns on his body. Applying these ferns would not be so painful and comfortable.

He also knows that Babbana and Patton and the little nephews have been chewing the fern plant to him. He feels that he is going to starve to death, but the chewing fern is constantly eating. Let him not starve to death.

Mengo kept looking for the very cool fern to come back, and let Babana chew the cool fern to feed him. This kind of cool fern planted into the body is not so uncomfortable. .

All this, Pado knows.

The triceratops around Paddo and Mongo, he looked at him and said, "Hey, I think it’s much better. The ferns you put on me are comfortable."

The tears of the cockroaches couldn’t help but flow out. He choked and said, "Pado, you can’t scare me anymore. I can’t live without you, we can’t live without you.”

Pado nodded and said, "Stupid, Dad is not all right now, don't cry, crying triangulation."

Not only crying, Barbana Patton and Paige Du Midila could not help but cry.

Meng Ge's eyes are filled with crystal clear tears. He knows that he can't live without Pato. If Pado is dead, he will be sad, and he is not willing to let him go.

Pado reluctantly said, "I am not okay, don't cry, I think of walking, oh, give your body to me."

Although now Pado feels that he has had endless strength, he is actually weak, but his mental state is very good. He wants to stand up on his own. It is still a little difficult, and he has to rely on other dragons to stand. stand up.

I quickly said, "Pado, don't stand up, you shouldn't move around now, you have to lie for a few days to get up, and wait for the wound to be better."

Pado can also feel the blood hole in his stomach. As long as he moves a little, it will be very painful. It is only the leader of the most powerful Triceratops. He does not allow himself to be weak. He is not afraid of pain.

Whether it was before or now, Pado was very awkward. He said, "Then I will lie for a few more days. I have never been so leisurely, lying down comfortably, I also enjoy a few days."

They also prepared fresh fern plants for Pado. After Pado had eaten, he lazily basking in the sun, and there was a ride with Barbana and the little sisters.

He called Mengo to the side and said, "Mongo, we will take the dragon egg to Pado and see if it is good. He will be very happy."

Mengo nodded his head and said, "Okay."

Pado felt very bored. He never lie on the ground like he does now.

For the triceratops who are as powerful as Pado, it is very difficult to be idle. They like to fight and fight, and they like to work day and night in order to develop and strengthen the ethnic group. This is the meaning of their life.

He walked over to Pado and squatted down, unable to restrain his excitement and said, "Pado, the space has already nurtured me and Mongo's dragon eggs. I will show it to you now, you don't want to. Too excited."

Meng Ge was very well-behaved standing behind him. In fact, he was very excited. He was very excited after learning the news last night. His small short hands could not control the air in his arms, and his hind legs were long. The claws of the sickle kept licking the ground.

Pado is very excited and said, "Quick and fast, hey, come out and show us."

Because the surrounding dragons couldn't see the hustle and bustle of the portable space, they could only see that the cockroaches became human beings and took out one huge dragon egg from the air with both hands.

The eggs of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops are very similar, almost the size of a basketball, and the surface of the thick eggshell of beige looks rough.

The cuddle is very careful, although he knows that the eggshell of the dragon egg is very hard, even if it is hard to fall on the ground, it is not bad, but every newbie is the same, and all the little scorpions are afraid of falling in their hands. It’s scared in my mouth.

Almost all the dinosaurs are standing on the ground. These dragon eggs fall from the stomach of a few meters high and fall on the ground. It can be seen how thick and hard the eggshell is.

Even the caries or thieves who specialize in stealing dragon eggs don't want to bite the dragon eggs. They often eat the dragon eggs and escape from the nest.

小心 Put all the nine dragon eggs carefully in front of Pado.

Pado looked at these dragon eggs, and then looked at 咕噜 and Mongo. He didn't realize that he was so excited that he cried. What he was most worried about was what he and he didn't have when they had no scorpion. I didn't expect him. The worry is superfluous, and he is happy to be overwhelmed.

Pado, who was almost killed by the carnivorous dragon, did not shed a tear. The powerful triceratops like Pado never cried, and every time Pado shed tears because of jealousy.

Barbana also cried, and she was kneeling beside Pado, watching the dragon eggs with gaze, although she never stopped the monk and Mongo very strongly, but her worry was no more than that of Pa. Now she can finally be completely relieved.

As an old father, Pado used to hatch their dragon eggs with Barbana. The hatching of Dudu and Paqi was done by Barbana and Pado. It can be said that it is experienced, but facing the monk and Mongo. Dragon egg, he wants to sneak a sneak peek, just watch carefully.

He always fears that these dragon eggs that are not born from female dragons will not be the same as ordinary dragon eggs. They are always afraid of hurting these dragon eggs. Barbana is also the same. They are just watching and not touching.

Pach looked at these dragon eggs. He was very happy for him. Pach was originally prepared to give his dragon egg to the cockroach and Mengo hatching. He knew that he could have a lot of scorpions with the female triangle dragon. Ge can't make a little bitch.

Originally, Paige had already said it to the female Triceratops. Pacci now has two female triceratops, the daughters of Stewart and Knock.

Stefan and Knock are the best brothers of Pado. Pach and their little nephews are playing together from childhood. These two triceratops and Pach are equivalent to "green childhood."

Paige is the most robust and most beautiful male triangle dragon in the Pado ethnic group. Even if he is placed in the entire Yukan mainland, Paige is also very powerful, but he is not as competitive as he is, he compares "Buddha".

He won't go to find other dragon triangle dragon fights. He doesn't like to express himself. Even so, Pach's body is very strong and very beautiful, which is inherited from Pado.

Pado and Barbana held the biggest collective mating competition for the Triceratops, and Paige’s ranking was not bad. He entered the top 20. At that time, Paige and Pei were the Asian Diagonal Dragons. So powerful, the current Pach is even more powerful.

Stefan and Knock's daughters all liked Pach. They grew up together and their feelings were very good. The two female triceratops were also willing to take out their dragon eggs and hand them over to 咕噜 and Mengo to hatch.

咕噜 is the most powerful triceratops leader. Any triceratops hope that their little scorpion can be adopted by crickets. After being raised, the triceratops will become the most powerful triceratops.

Only now, Paige and their dragon egg baby have not yet been born, and have not had time to give it.

Paige's dragon was very smooth, basically did not let Pado and Barbana worry about it. In addition to the big earthquake, he followed the hustle and wandering for a while, which is the most bizarre in Pach's dragon life.

At the time when Barbana and Pado were the most popular "election competitions" for the aunts, Pach and the two female triceratops were already "falling in love". Although they did not see it, Pado and Barbana. They all saw it, and they were not worried about Pach’s spouse at all.

Mira also looked at the dragon eggs of Miao and Meng Ge. She has been reluctant to be with the male triangle dragons who are begging for her because her first male triangle dragon must choose a very powerful male triangle dragon. .

Because she has already decided, she and the first dragon egg of the first triangle will be handed over to her to hatch, she must choose the most satisfactory male triangle dragon, only the most powerful male triangle dragon The dragon scorpion is the most powerful, she wants to support the most powerful triangle dragon scorpion.

Milla didn't think of it. He and Mongo could have their own dragon scorpion. This is of course the best. After you grow up, your dragon scorpion must be the most powerful.

Dudu as the daughter of Pado, many male triangle dragons courted for her, and there are also many male dragon dragon leaders, and even some male triangle dragon leaders are willing to join the Pado ethnic group for the wrong leader, like Pado to Barbana Forever, only a female triangle dragon is tooted.

But Dudu also rejected a lot of the male triangle dragon, because she and Milla's thoughts, she and the first triangle of the triceratops must be handed over to support, she must find a very powerful male triangle dragon scorpion .

Of course, I don’t know that his brothers and sisters have broken their hearts for him and Mongo.

Now they are looking around the nine dragon eggs, the atmosphere does not dare to come out, for fear that their breathing hurt the dragon egg baby.

咕噜 "Pado, Barbana, you don't have to be so careful. Although Mongo's dragon egg is space to help us hatch, but the egg is exactly the same as the female dragon, don't be afraid, you lick me and Mongo. Dragon egg baby."

When Pado and Barbana listened to the words, they carefully licked the nine dragon eggs.

Mongo has begun to prepare the nest for the little nephews very carefully. Although he has done the lair, he has seen him done, and as a new father, his instinctive father's love will make him consider it very comprehensive.

I saw that Mongo chose the nest under the huge and dense banyan tree. The banyan tree would cover most of the sun exposure for the nest, surrounded by lush ferns, very hidden.

Meng Ge used his strong hind legs to plan the fern planting land, and gradually made a big deep pit. This is already a perfect nest. If it is a rough dragon parent, put the egg directly into it. It’s over.

Obviously, for the first time, my father’s Mongo would not be satisfied with this simple nest. He used a mouth to smash a huge cycad leaf at the bottom of the pit. The cycad leaf can be waterproof and moisture-proof, keeping the nest dry.

Then Mongo bitten a lot of ferns and planted on the cycad leaves. These ferns are very soft and covered with a thick layer to make the nest warm and comfortable. The newborn baby needs the warmth and comfort. Conducive to incubation.

Barbana was originally afraid of Mongo's first time when Dad didn't know how to hatch the dragon egg's lair. I didn't expect Mongo to do a good job. She didn't need her to teach.

Pado still kept saying "Babana, you go to look at it, Mongo made a nest for the first time, certainly not very understanding."

Barbana "Well, I will go see it."

Dudu and Mila were curiously watching Mongo as a lair. Pach was about to be a daddy. He stood by and watched Mengo busy.

I watched it all over Pato. It’s like a family busy preparing a variety of baby products for a newborn baby. The baby room is actually the same. The little nephew can't.

After Mongo made the nest, they put the dragon eggs one by one into the nest.

The nest is not far from Pado. When Pado is lying down, he can see the dragon egg in the lair. He keeps watching, and he doesn't see enough.

He and Mongo looked at the side of the nest, and they didn’t see enough.

Pado fell asleep as he looked at him. His body was still very weak. Sleepiness is the performance of the body being self-healing.

He and Meng Ge whispered about their division of labor these days, for fear of awakening Pado. Although the sound of dragons is everywhere, the voices of their speech will not really quarrel with Pado, they still unconsciously push down. The volume.

Mongo "Hey, I went out to Pardo to find ferns and hunt for myself. You hatch the little scorpions, can you?"

咕噜 "Mongo, you are not familiar with those ferns, I am looking for no faster, I am going out to find ferns, you hatch the scorpions at home, when you go out to hunt and eat, I will hatch the little scorpions."

Mengo nodded and said, "This is fine."

The sun in the afternoon was just as strong. Even if the banyan tree blocked most of the sun exposure, the scorpion and the mongo were afraid that the dragon eggs would be sunburned. They squatted on the nest together, leaving only the gaps in the side to ventilate.

Barbana was kneeling beside them. She wanted to guide the two dragons who were their fathers for the first time, but she found that he and Mongo did very well.

Look at the mountain not far away, five days ago, the **** battle of the mountains.

Now the original obscured hill has a name, all the dragons call it, Carnivorous Longshan, or Wanlong Mountain.

Because the body of the carnivorous dragon is covered with the whole mountain, it looks like a mountain that is stacked by the dead carnivorous dragon.

The source of Wanlong Mountain is that there are many dead carnivores on this mountain. There are countless numbers, at least 10,000, so it is called Wanlong Mountain.

Of course, not only is this mountain remembered, but the battle between the cockroach and the carnivorous dragon is also passed down. A triceratops killed so many carnivorous dragons, and the bodies were piled up into a mountain.

The battle between the original 食 and the carnivorous dragon was very legendary, but it was described more legendary in the course of the legend.

The carnivorous dragon in this piece of fern plain has less than 100,000, and there are only about 10,000 carnivores involved in this war, most of them died in the mountains.

So many carnivorous corpses make this other carnivorous dragon that does not participate in the fern planting plains to eat every day.

Not only that, but so many carnivorous corpses also attracted the fare of other ferns in the fern plains, they ran here because they knew there was a meat mountain here.

Even with so many carnivores eating, the carnivorous dragon body on this mountain was eaten for more than ten days.

Every day, I watched a group of carnivorous dragons eating wildly on the mountain.

Every day, you will go out and find a fern that can be used for anti-inflammatory and pain relief.

He found that when he walked through this Longshan, the carnivorous dragons who ate the bodies on them would be very afraid. They would stop eating and lay on the ground and pretend to die, as if they were afraid that he would rush to kill them.

In order not to scare these carnivores to eat, I often deliberately circumvent it. There are so many dragons on the mountain. The heavens are big and the smell is very bad. These bodies must be eaten as soon as possible.

He was looking for the fern he needed in the lush fern plants. He was very serious. He did not notice that a group of carnivores were coming towards him.

Because the fern planting is too lush, it is found on the ground, and the carnivorous dragon group has not found it.

He finally found the rarest fern plant, and he was happy in his mouth and stood up.

At this time, the distance between the carnivorous dragons and the dragonflies is very close, they are almost a face-to-face.

I thought, I blame me too seriously, actually did not find this group of carnivorous dragons.

There are more than one hundred dragons in this group, and all kinds of dragons are there. They seem to be servant, obviously coming from far away, specializing in eating free meals.

It is impossible to win more than 100 carnivorous dragons with a triceratops, but he is not afraid. Carefully guard the ferns in his mouth and prepare for a big fight.

Suddenly the group of carnivores all fell to the ground, and it was very sudden, and they were all forced.

Later, I realized that this group of carnivores was pretending to be dead.

But these group of carnivorous dragons are basically large carnivorous dragons, and there are more than one hundred. In any case, they are in an absolute position, and they are scared to death.

The performance of these carnivorous dragons is not good, they are too afraid of embarrassment, the body can not control the trembling.

He shook his head and left.

He knows that the fear of these carnivores will at least take a while to slowly fade.

However, he did not go far, he saw a dragon he had never seen before. This dragon indicates that the Cretaceous species broke out officially.

Compared to the Jurassic period, the Cretaceous was the heyday of the dinosaurs, and many dragons appeared and developed in the Cretaceous.

I am very excited, and the Cretaceous species is coming out more intensely.

In the face of the blast, the dragon

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