Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 107: Encountered old classmates

"I'm an old squad leader, you..."


   Wu Gaozhong looked at his old classmate in disbelief. Hasn't seen her in a few years, she has become a big boss?


   "Don't be so surprised, I'm just a little troublemaker now, and I'm far from big bosses like you!"


   Don’t think Wu Gaozhong is now helping others to sell electrical appliances, but in the future he will become the boss of the largest electrical appliance city in Nancheng.


   "Come on, you little mess, you have come to a few shops, old classmate, I'm still working for others."


   "Oh oh, why did I smell a sour smell, I tell you, don't make me sour, please contact me quickly, and wait for my store to open, then go and sit down."


Home by their parents, go out to rely on friends!


   This sentence is really not wrong at all, and as the business grows, she also realizes the importance of friends. If you do business, you must have a few confidants.


   "That's a must. When you open, I will definitely join in. By the way, several of our classmates have opened stores in the city, don't you know?"


   "I don't know, just those in the village, and the others don't know where they went?" Although they are all in the same village, because the tide has begun, many students have gone out of town.


   Several of them went out with others without graduating from elementary school. I didn’t think there was anything before. However, according to her now, she still thinks it would be better to read more in the years when she was mixed up.


   Although going out to work can indeed make a lot of money, but because they are too young, they are all targets of exploitation.


   Another one is that because of my young age, I don’t have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, so I can easily be confused by others.


   And there is such a one in their village. They went to the sea early. As a result, they didn't make any money. They messed up with some second-rate people, and then they started to do some sneaky things.


  As the number of times increased, he also tasted the sweetness. This money comes quickly, and he can no longer stand the life of slow money, so he embarked on a big project-grab!




   This time I did a good job, so I entered.


   "I don't see much, that is, those familiar faces, and I haven't seen the others. When you are settled, our old classmates will still get together."


"That's a must!"


   Childhood is the simplest and most memorable years. With old classmates, it will be like returning to childhood.


   The two people stood in front of the store and chatted for a while, anyway, they talked from one to the other, from that one, and then to the other.


   From his mouth, Luo Xiaohua also knows that many of their classmates are in the city, and it seems that everyone is doing pretty well.


   Actually, education and medical care in the city are better. After all, they attach great importance to this aspect.


   So, when settling down, she also wants her nephew and niece to go to the city to study, so that she can see more of the world. It just so happens that the elder brother and sister-in-law can help with the shop.


   My parents are in the village, they can still raise livestock and farm the land, and go home to help when they are free, so that the business is done and the fields are not deserted.


   It's not that Luo Xiaohua values ​​money too much, but that everyone should have everyone's life and cannot rely on one person. If that person falls, everyone else will not be abandoned.


   Therefore, as long as it is a profitable project, the more the better.




   "Where did you go? Why did you come back so long?"


   As soon as Luo Xiaohua left, Xiao San came over, so he waited for a long time.


   "Are you here so early today?" It is said that Xiao San, because he was helping her with the night market recently, usually didn't come back at five o'clock, and it was only half past four now!


  Because the crayfish purchased are sold by villagers, it usually starts at six o'clock. However, there are also during the day, but because they have to do farm work during the day, they are mostly at night.


   In order to receive enough catties without wasting it, Luo Xiaohua usually makes an appointment with others the day before and asks them to prepare for the next day.


   Nowadays, crayfish are not particularly popular in Nancheng, and no one breeds them. Therefore, if Lao Wang and the others demand more, she really can’t produce that much.


   With this year’s business, she should start to build a crayfish breeding base at the end of the year. After all, crayfish have strong reproductive capacity and are easy to feed.


   Compared to pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks, and geese, crayfish is so good to feed.


   "It's getting late, it's not because your store is about to be renovated. Come here early to see if you can help!"


   The relationship between the two has now been clarified, so in front of Luo's family, he doesn't need to hide it.


  The most important thing is that now the little girl is in need of manpower, and he is so laborious to help, which can also pull in the relationship between them.


   "I don't seem to be able to help yet, my uncle has done it. By the way, I want to build a cold storage, do you think it is feasible or not?"


   The main reason for getting a cold storage is to make it convenient. Then, you can put ice cubes in the crayfish, and then the purchased goods can also be frozen in the cold storage.


   Before, she planned to make a bigger one, but after all, she thought that the location would be so big that she couldn't put anything down.


   "Feasible is feasible, that is, where do you plan to install the cold storage?"


   Xiao San really did not expect that the little girl would even think of getting a cold storage.


   This place is too small. If it is equipped with a cold storage, there will be no place for other things.




   "You mean, make a basement under the dam? But can it be dug here?"


   After hearing Xiao San's analysis Luo Xiaohua was so excited.


   I just thought, if it were to be a basement, would the people next to it say anything, and would the Housing Management Bureau take care of it?


   There are so many rules and regulations in this world. As long as you want to live a good life, you have to abide by the rules.


   "I'll get in touch with you. I have a site under review recently, and I'm already dealing with them, so you don't need to run away."


   The most important thing is to feel sorry for the little daughter-in-law.


   Luo Xiaohua doesn't know why, she doesn't eat less than others every day, but she doesn't grow meat on her body.


   "Can this be done?"


   Luo Xiaohua really hasn’t done anything like this before. She used to go to the housing management office when she bought and sold a house, but it seemed that she never went there again.


   In dealing with this aspect, I am familiar with the management of the street office.


   "You don't move the girder. Besides, there are no houses around. It is absolutely no problem to build a basement."


   Regardless of him, the cowhide must be blown up.


   This is the first time the little daughter-in-law has asked him to do something. She must be done beautifully.


   "It's okay, if it doesn't work, don't force it."


   She is not afraid of anything else, she is afraid that Xiao San will spend a lot of money to fight for the right to build a cold storage for her.



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