Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 111: Reminiscing about the past

After talking to the night elf for a while, he heard movement outside, Luo Xiaohua waved his hand to make him disappear, and then saw another brown butterfly appeared on the white and flawless arm just now.

"Are you okay?"

Opening the door, Luo Xiaohua was surprised to see Xiao Sanyi's nervous expression outside the door, and it was already 10:30 unknowingly.

Recently, Lao Gu and Lao Wang took the goods earlier and earlier. From 12 o’clock every day to more than eleven o’clock, Luo Xiaohua is also very helpless. Who calls the customer is God? Well, when the business is finished, she must take a good rest, or she will decline before she gets old.

Knowing that the little daughter-in-law can't be busy alone, Xiao San always comes in advance every time, and also brings two people.

The person who brought it was to help move the goods, and it cost ten yuan for one person at a time, and twenty yuan for two people. Although the money was paid, people would be much more relaxed. This was also an arrangement made by Xiao San after careful consideration. He didn't want his little daughter-in-law to be too tired.

"Are you okay? I just knocked on the door for a while."

Xiao San asked anxiously without getting an answer from the little wife.

After learning that her hands had the ability to revitalize, she couldn't help but worry about her, for fear that her overuse would cause backlash, and then the gain would not be worth the loss.

Therefore, to come early, apart from being afraid of the old Gu and the others, the most important thing is to worry about her accident.

"It's okay, it's okay, just fell asleep."

Dad also went home today, and she was the only one in this shop, and she was still a little bit distressed.

"It's okay, Gu and they haven't come here yet, or you just go to sleep for a while?"

Seeing the exhausted look of the little daughter-in-law, Xiao San was also very distressed, and wanted to marry her home, and then married her husband and son at home.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua felt more distressed and more guilty than Xiao San.

This man is usually busy with the purchase and delivery of several stores, as well as new products. At night, he also helps him manage the night market and the goods. During this period of time, he has obviously lost a lot of weight.

Luo Xiaohua actually planned to do so when everything went on the right track, she also had to make arrangements so that he could not be so tired.

"When will you two invite us to drink?"

When Old Gu got out of the car, he took the cigarette that Xiao San handed over, and immediately joked in his mouth.

"Uncle Gu, don't worry, you are definitely indispensable when you have a wedding drink."

I have also helped here for a while, and I can be considered familiar with Lao Gu and Lao Wang.

Sometimes it is easier to talk between men and men.

"Then you kid, don't forget! The little girl has lost a lot of weight recently. After a few months of work, she will take a good rest. There is no way to make money."

"Yo yo yo, our boss Gu has a time when he dislikes the lack of money!"

The loud voice of Lao Wang also arrived, and after stopping the car on the side of the road, he said loudly.

Luo Xiaohua is still a little unaccustomed to Lao Wang's loud voice, not because he feels scary, but because he is afraid of awakening nearby residents.

Fortunately, her store is located at Qiaotou. In addition, it is a two-story store. There are no other residents. Otherwise, she rushes to it. Maybe someone will get up and curse the street in the middle of the night.

"Do you think you have too much money?"

"I don't have one. The two stinky boys in my family are now using the money, but now I puck my **** and make a lot of money."

Both of Lao Wang's sons are in high school. The older one graduates soon, and the younger one is also in the second year of high school, and his grades are particularly good.

Although the university still doesn't need money, the living expenses have to be paid by oneself. Besides, when I go to college, it can't be compared with high school. It costs money to eat and wear.

Therefore, he can only make money hard now.

Not to mention graduating from university and having a daughter-in-law, which is another big expense.

Especially nowadays it is very popular to study abroad. It’s not good to go for gilding and then come back with a high salary. As far as his eldest brother-in-law’s eldest brother-in-law’s son is, isn’t it just going to study abroad, and now, when he comes back, one month’s salary can catch up with the money he earns in one year.

Although Lao Wang complained, he still hoped that his two sons would give him a long face. If he were so powerful, it wouldn't matter if he suffered a bit in his life.

"Well, you are starting to float again. I can’t help the two girls in my family because they are not studying. I can work early and save worry. My two sons are now enlisted in the army again. I don’t know how to make money now. what?"

When the child was young, he was particularly sloppy. Now that he has grown up, he feels a little confused.

Hearing Old Gu's words, Luo Xiaohua thought of the man who felt like a spring breeze. Boss Gu was the gentlest man she had ever seen, and his voice was particularly pleasant.

And he is still a very helpful person, thinking that back then, because she had business dealings with Uncle Gu, he also came to help from time to time.

Of course, Luo Xiaohua's feelings for him are brothers and sisters, and Gu's boss treats her like a sister, and his girlfriend treats her very well.

Sometimes, she just wondered, wouldn't she and Gu Laodae really have a sibling relationship?

Although it was very good in Luo's family, she actually knew that she was picked up by her grandfather, and then her aunt and the others refused to take her in, so they hung under her mother's name.

Because it was my grandfather who forced their mothers to give them to them, so they also subsidized their family as much as possible. My grandmother also had great opinions on this.

Luo Xiaohua didn't know this until many years later. It's just that it was too late at that time.

Now that she thinks about it, she especially wants to see that Boss Gu, who is like a real brother. She doesn’t know or is sure that Uncle Gu is her father, but she thinks she should stay the same. As for why she was discarded, she Don't know why? Can't think of why?

It has been so busy recently, she has no time to think about these things.

"Hey...hey...what are you thinking about?"

Seeing my daughter-in-law. Staring at the and the water in the pot boiled for a long time, Xiao San had to interrupt her mind.

"Oh, I just thought about it." Quickly shook the pot twice with a spoon, and put the noodles in.

It takes several hours to come here, and then to go back several hours, and there is nothing good to eat in the middle of the night.

Therefore, after taking over the facade, Luo Xiaohua will make some food for them every night.

Sometimes it’s fried noodles, sometimes it’s fried noodles, and sometimes it’s noodles or dumplings. Anyway, it changes a little bit from time to time.

In this regard, Lao Gu and Lao Wang are really super moved. This is the first time that they have received such treatment for so many years.

In fact, they are running long distances. They usually wear biscuits in cold water, which are common things, otherwise they won't suffer from stomach problems.

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