Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 125: Unabashed love

Xiao San originally thought that this little daughter-in-law was also born again, or that it was okay to know the past.

But he didn't expect it was not at all. Although he was quite disappointed after hearing Luo Xiaohua's words, he was thinking that if she hadn't experienced the pain before, maybe she would live happier in this life?

Anyway, Luo Xiaohua didn't know what Xiao San was thinking in her heart, and talked to her cousin with a smile on her face.

Then I saw Xiao San walking in, and immediately got up to greet him enthusiastically.

"You're here?"

It was this sentence that moved Xiao San's heart.

It made him feel like a man who came home late, and when he got home, his wife greeted him.

"I also left a bowl of ice powder for you. Your stomach must be very hungry now. Eat some food first."

Seeing him before, I still like to eat, so Luo Xiaohua left him a big bowl.

However, because the ice powder is too cold, so. Do not eat on an empty stomach.

It's just that when I heard this in the ears of several other people, I couldn't help but start to taste it.

"Little cousin, you just said that there is no more, you lied to us."

"It would be nice to have your food. If he didn't deliver the goods for me just now, and didn't have time to eat, these have already entered his five internal organs temple."

Luo Si, who was immersed in the sea, said unceremoniously.

"Oh, so you think we didn't work hard? I said you kid, did you know that my little cousin was smart and capable, so you targeted her?"

Luo Yundong and Xiao San also knew each other, because he went to install electricity in several of Xiao San's stores, so he just said jokingly.

"It seems like this..."

Young people would have no scruples when talking together, and Xiao San answered Luo Yundong's words without hesitation.

Before Luo Dasheng was here, they didn't dare to make jokes about Cairo Xiaohua. Now there are no elders here, and they dare to make any jokes.

"Then you two have such a good relationship. Just get married early. At that time, we can still have some wedding candy and some wedding wine."

"You still don't get married, you still persuade me to get married, anyway, mine has been settled, this marriage is a matter of time, and you haven't settled yet?"

Luo Xiaohua couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhu Yunnan's words.

Knowing that Xiao San feels very sorry for him, she can never lose him again in her life, so when facing her cousin and them, she still tells them her thoughts frankly.

And hearing Luo Xiaohua's words, Xiao San was also very happy.

"It's a matter of asking you to eat wedding candy. As long as she fulfills all her dreams, we will get married. Anyway, I will listen to him."

"Hehehe, I haven't gotten married yet, just listen to what my daughter-in-law said. It seems that this girl is really that, by the way, that stupid person has a stupid blessing to find such a good fiance."

"What nonsense, where am I stupid? I am the son of luck, and good luck will always be with me."

When she said this, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but look at the black butterfly on her wrist.

This guy hasn't come out for a long time, and he doesn't know when he will come out.

After knowing that the butterfly mark on her hand is the source of her vitality, she will look at it a few more times every day, just like trying to see it through. Want to know why there is such a power?

Is there anything special about this thing?

But no matter what Luo Xiaohua thinks, it just stays intact anyway, just lying motionless.

Because there is still something to do tomorrow, the three brothers of the Zhu family returned home after eating.

And Luo Si also had a place to live, so when he helped put everything in the car, he also returned home.

Everyone was gone, Xiao San was worried that she was living in the store alone.

"It's not safe for you as a girl to live in a store. If you don't live with me, my house has three bedrooms and two living rooms. Or, it's better to go to the staff dormitory if you don't worry about it."

Seeing his nervous expression, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help laughing. This man looked really handsome when he was nervous.

When she knew that he respected her very much, she was also very happy. Such a man is worthy of her love.

Because a man who thinks with his head is more sensible than a man who thinks with his lower body, and he feels more distressed about his wife.

"It's okay. I'll just live here. My clothes are here. It's not convenient to go. Anyway, there are door locks in the store."

Luo Xiaohua originally planned to buy a house for herself, but she didn't expect the Yang family to buy a house for her sister.

In order to support her sister, she promised to buy her a house. I bought it, but I don’t have much money.

After the store is renovated, the money in the frozen storage is tight. When the time comes, the store will have to spend, at least more than a month, so that she can relax a little.

"Your dad is not here, I don't worry, my place is very close to yours."

Xiao San was very worried that she lived here alone, especially after the store was renovated, some people were jealous of the business, and it was easy to make trouble.

Besides, the store was indeed very unsafe. Luo Xiaohua hesitated and went to the place where he lived.

It took more than a month to do the decoration. Because her father was here, Xiao San didn't ask her to come over to do it.

Now the old man is home, and she is a little girl who is guarding the shop, and he can't rest assured.

"Your house is so clean. Did you ask someone to clean it or do you yourself?"

This is the first time I have come to the place where Xiao San lives. Smelling the faint scent, Liu Xiaohua was surprised. How could this man love cleanliness so much?

She has seen a lot of men's rooms, either messy or smelly, and there are really few rooms as clean as him.

"I clean it no one cleans it. I do it myself. I have enough food and clothing. I just run around all year round. This house is short lived and seems to lack popularity. It feels deserted."

This is indeed the case. A long-term house will give people a warm feeling, but if one does not live in a house very much, it will feel deserted.

"Then you can take your good ones and tell them to live with you?"

"They all have a house and don’t need to live with me at all. By the way, do you plan to buy a house? It’s not that I don’t want you to live, but that it’s much more convenient for you to have a house of your own. It will be more convenient for your parents to live in when they come down."

Although the little daughter-in-law bought a house for her sister, their house is inconvenient after all.

"Let's talk about it later!"

She has no money now, how can she be able to buy it?


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