Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 136: Group out to catch the liar

"Aren't we still there!"

However, Luo Xiaohua really didn't have any confidence. If she hadn't bought a house for her sister, she might have been able to spend 10,000 yuan. It's a pity that I bought a house some time ago, and the store is opening these days, all the equipment and materials require a large amount of capital. She even pushed back the freezer, ready to wait until she had a lot of money to get it. Anyway, it's the off-season for crayfish, so it's better to wait for the money to get it.

"It's good for you to have this heart. Dad doesn't want you to be too tired!"

Luo Dasheng was also bitter. How could he buy a house for his second child if he didn't save face for him?

"Dad, don't worry, even if you don't find that liar, we will definitely make it for you. No matter what, no family is safe and healthy. As long as we work hard, we will surely make a lot of money!"

Luo Xiaohua also has no bottom. The liar in the previous life was indeed found, but she didn't know if there would be some butterfly effect, that the trajectory of life has changed?

"The two of you don't stay there. You grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige. This matter has not yet reached the end, and no one knows what the ending will be?"

Although he waited a little anxiously, but couldn't he be as depressed as them?

"Okay, Xiao San, then you sit here with my dad for a while, and I will go down and go around."

After all, Luo Xiaohua pushed the car door directly out, and then saw Er Bo wandering around the door of the supply and marketing agency after going out.

"Hi, second uncle, have you bought urea?"

"Flowers...Oh, I haven't bought them yet. Why are they out of stock now? I heard they were in stock yesterday. Why are they missing today?"

This was also the first time for Luo's second uncle to act. When he saw his niece coming over, he didn't react at first. He just said her name and saw her winking at him, and he reacted instantly.

"I don't know about this. Did you ask the comrades of the Commune, I saw someone drag a truck away yesterday!"

"Really, did the comrades of the supply and marketing agency lie to me? I don't worry about putting this money on me. This is everyone's hard-earned money."

Second Uncle Luo's family deliberately touched his trouser pockets with his hands. The bulging trouser pockets really looked like a pile of money!

"Then what to do? Can you discuss with the comrades of the supply and marketing agency, and pay the money first, let's wait to get the goods?"

Luo Xiaohua also pretended to be anxious, but in fact was observing whether there were suspicious people nearby.

Unfortunately, I don't know if the liar is too clever, or her vision is too bad, anyway, she didn't see the person she wanted.

"When I asked, they didn't agree, saying that they would get the goods if they received the money, and they refused to collect the money in advance, hey..."

Looking at the proficient acting skills of the second uncle, Luo Xiaohua really wanted to give him a thumbs up.

However, now is not the time for her to be proud, it is still very early.

"You came here this morning, you must have not eaten breakfast yet, I just didn't have it, let's go to the noodle shop to have a bowl of noodles?"

Dad said, that person took him to the steamed bun shop, then that person should often go shopping around here.

"Forget it, don't go to eat, this thing has not been done, why have time to go?"

The second brother of the Luo family waved his hands again and again.

"Let's go, I don't have the big money as a niece, and I still have small money. I can still afford to ask you to eat a bowl of noodles."

Luo Xiaohua actually took Erbo to the noodle shop, and when passing by the steamed bun shop, Luo's Erbo said again.

They were indeed not too early, and they were indeed a little hungry, but he didn't want his niece to spend too much money, after all, there were still several people in and outside the car!

"Why don't you drink a bowl of porridge? It's too dry to eat noodles in this hot day."

"Okay, does the boss have any porridge?"

Standing at the door and observing, the boss is a very sturdy man, he seems to be honest and honest, he really doesn't look like a liar.

"Yes, do you want some more steamed buns?"

The boss's throat is so big that even Xiao San in the car can hear it. Looking back at the direction of the little daughter-in-law, she can see that she and the second uncle are talking to the boss.

"Uncle Luo, do you think it's that bun shop?"

It seems that this shop is not like Su Erniang's shop at all, so broken and so old.

"Yes, yes, it was the same after the man took me in at that store. I was alone with him and 5 steamed buns and 5 steamed buns. After drinking two taels of wine and then going out, we were given by a rickshaw. I’ve bumped into it. I told you about the following things before."

"Then it should have been planned from the beginning, or it was something added to the wine, or someone else deliberately hit it too hard."

At present, there are only these two possibilities, and the current liar is not like the future. The current liar is relatively simple, and they are all a very direct way to deceive people.

From now on, scammers will also use some psychedelic drugs and the like, so that you can confuse you with one thing and grab all the money and money from you.

"It should be so, and I'm also to blame for taking it lightly." If Qianjin City had hidden his money tightly, it would be impossible for others to discover it. The day before yesterday, because he was about to buy urea for the money, he took the money out before he went in. After taking out the results, the comrades of the supply and marketing agency said that the car hadn’t arrived, so they put the money directly into their pockets and planned to wait at the door. .

"Wait...wait...hurry up, hurry up, do you see if that person is that liar?"

"Yes, yes, ouch!"

After seeing the man who cheated his money, Luo Dasheng became excited, his whole head hit the roof of the car all of a sudden, and he exclaimed in pain.

"Uncle Luo, don't get excited. Slow down. He can't run. I'll help you to see if you have hit..."

"It's okay, I'm okay, you guys get out of the car and grab that person."

Luo Dasheng was anxious, covering his head with one hand, while letting Xiao San and the others hurry down.

"Well, well, let's get down, then you slow down, tell us if you have anything."

Xiao San also felt a headache. UU Reading he was at this age, and he was shocked and frightened, and now he came again.


After Luo Xiaohua and Erbo bought steamed buns and soy milk, they found that there was another person next to them, and that person looked like they were buying buns, but in fact they were chatting with the boss.

When I saw that they had bought it, I approached my second uncle.

"Big brother, are the buns in this bun shop delicious?"

If it wasn't for suspecting that others had a purpose, Luo Xiaohua really couldn't help but roll her eyes. They hadn't started eating yet, how could they know whether it was delicious or not?

"I don't know about this, you can ask the boss?"

The second uncle of the Luo family is not a person who has not experienced the world, and immediately saw a little sign.


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