Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 152: The blind cat meets the dead mouse

This is really what is afraid of, whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided, Luo Xiaohua turned around slowly.

"Why are you here, grandma?"

"What are you doing so loudly? I'm not your grandfather who is deaf. I can hear you. You just didn't seem to let me know what you said. What good did you two do secretly, or did your grandfather give you something?"


Luo Xiaohua is really a little bit depressed. Other people's grandmothers are all amiable, so why is her grandmother looking fierce?

Anyway, since childhood, her grandmother never looked at them with her straight eyes.

In the past, she really thought that her family was too poor, and that's why her grandmother didn't like them.

In fact, this is not the case, but after my mother gets married, grandma always asks her mother to borrow money from time to time. If she doesn't borrow money, she cries and makes trouble at home, saying that raising a daughter is useless.

It's really funny to say, the daughter is not only the mother, but the grandmother pinched the mother.

Mom and Dad also had a lot of quarrels about this matter. It was originally the case. The family has a large population, and their own family can’t open the pot. They have to pay grandma. Besides, grandpa’s family conditions are also good. This is always necessary, not that. Ah?

It should be that my father disagreed later, and my grandmother disliked their home more and more. Anyway, the holidays are not here anyway, so my grandfather will come to check it out from time to time.

Grandpa is really good, and the conditions at home are poor. Every time he comes, he will carry large and small bags, either food or clothes.

Anyway, people are what they need. After all, there are many sisters in the family. It is definitely not enough to rely on the little centimeters earned by parents to exchange food.

"No, I didn't say that you knew it just now. In fact, it's like this. I have a good sister. She likes my third brother, but he doesn't agree with my third brother..."

"Then why did it hit me again?"

Old Mrs. Zhu was originally a good person, and she immediately found Luo Xiaohua who was a bit anticlimactic, and she didn't even mention the idea.

"My third brother said that you seemed to have introduced him to a girl before, so I said, then don't let you know, lest you think that my third brother doesn't like your introduction."

And Luo Xiaohua didn't even know that he actually ran into a dead mouse at the cat. It really happened.

"Listening to you, I really thought about it. I said Wangwang, the girl I mentioned to you last time. What do you think of the girl you don’t agree with? Other girls reply."

This topic suddenly turned to the other side, Luo Xiaohua also breathed a sigh of relief to see if it was really thrilling.

And Mr. Zhu in the room was a little depressed.

"I beg you, you can go from behind. You are a granddaughter and you are really gone."

The old man pointed his finger at the door behind him. If it were not to avoid suspicion, he really wanted to push the old lady out of the door directly.

"I said you've been a raking ear for a lifetime, can't you be hardened when you are old? Look at you, just your tigress, what are you afraid of him?"

The old lady had her arms around her chest, and her face was indifferent. Anyway, today, she is about to see her granddaughter.


"I think the girl I just looked a bit like the boss of my family. Could she be my granddaughter?"

After the words were finished, the old lady walked outside immediately, and when she opened the door, she ran into the old lady Zhu who was entering the door.

"Oh, I said why the door is still closed in broad daylight. It turns out that this is an old lover. Then do you want me to help you two go to the guest house to open a room?"

Old Mrs. Zhu was not afraid of things since she was a child, and she was not polite when she spoke.

After hearing her words, the original old lady blushed all at once.

"I said Du Zhilan, you are all old, and you can kill a cow with just one mouth. If I have something to do with Lao Zhu, I'm afraid I won't be your turn now, beep here!"

"You...what are you? You should be the eldest lady of your family if you have the ability. Didn't you look down on Lao Zhu back then, but now I regret it and plan to do it again. Pooh!"

"Anything nonsense, it's an old age, I have nothing to do with her, and we will go out when we go out. You are shameless and I have to shame."

"Lao Zhu, you actually called me to get out, and I told you, if I didn't support this house for you, or if I didn't take the child for you, you are so relaxed now?"

Mrs. Zhu immediately went forward and pointed at Mrs. Zhu's curse.

"Look at the way your shrew cursed the street, if it were my old Zhu today, his life would definitely be better than now."

This is to watch the excitement is not too big a problem, Fu Qingchen immediately added fuel to the fire.

"You go quickly in the morning, don't mess with me here."

"Oh, look how affectionate this is, early in the morning... early in the morning... oh, my heart melted."

Du Zhilan put her hands on her chest, humming like a stage singing.

"What's the matter? There are opinions. If my parents didn't agree, we would have been together a long time ago. There was nothing about Du Zhilan. I told you that I don’t cherish a good man.

Who do you want to show you all the time? "

"Early in the morning, I beg you to stop making trouble. We won't talk about it because it's all old things."

As the name suggests, Zhu Zhengyi has been frank and magnanimous all his life, but what he is most afraid of is dealing with women, especially the two in front of him.

I think back then, the two families lived in a village. Ever since my wife knew what happened to them, she was sour all day long, and commanded her to do this and that at home, as if she owed her in her previous life.

In fact, he and Fu Qingchen had a good impression of each other back then, but her parents did not agree, and because he was a little older, he followed his parents' order of the matchmaker and married Du Zhilan.

The two of them really haven’t had a formal relationship. After all, at that time, UU read the book and fell in love for the purpose of getting married. They were all playing hooliganism. The crime of hooliganism is not light, and thousands of people scold thousands of people. saliva.

"It won't work if you don't mention it, unless you tell me where is my granddaughter?"

Fu Qingchen is not weak either. If she doesn't get what she wants today, she won't leave.

"What are you talking about? Your granddaughter? You are afraid that something is wrong. Your granddaughter is coming to Lao Zhu Yao."

"If I don't ask him for a granddaughter, is it possible to ask him for a son?"

"I'm pooh, we were still boys when we got married, so we didn't get together with you."

"You all know that, maybe we were together back then, and it's possible that I gave him a baby!"

Zhu Zhengyi hugged his head and sat down on the chair. Others said that three women have a play, and the two of them can also perform a big play.


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