Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 154: Crisis 4 volts

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a couple quarreling?"

Stopped by her son and disliked by her wife, Du Zhilan had never been so angry in her life, turned around and entered the house, banged the door, and closed the door.

Luo Xiaohua, who has particularly good ears, also heard this roar from her grandma. However, she didn't take it seriously.

Grandpa treats her better than grandma treats her. She hopes that grandpa can be well.

Good people are safe in their lives!

Grandpa was so weak that he was riding on his neck by grandma all day, always pointing to the nose and cursing.

If, if, he can be hardened, he will live longer.

Grandpa's death was not only a pain in her heart, but also an untouchable pain in her mother's heart.

I don't know how much hatred it takes to make grandma kill her grandpa, and then let him die like this.

Life cannot be repeated, and the result after the impulse is irretrievable pain.

She didn't want to know, nor did she want to know what happened between the two old people. However, she hoped that grandpa could change herself and let him live for himself, not for others.

"Old Zhu, can you tell me the truth?"

Fu Qingchen glanced at Luo Xiaohua with her eyes, her tears were hazy, but Luo Xiaohua didn't see her love for herself in her eyes, on the contrary, she felt a strange feeling.

She didn't know, was it her own illusion, this old lady didn't recognize her relatives, but simply found her?

But why is she? People will come to her after so many years, and grandpa seems to know what she is for, and tries his best to stop her.

"The truth is that the girl is no longer there. Fu Qingchen, I tell you, since you abandoned her back then, don't pretend to be regretful here anymore. If you really regret it, you won't be here now."

There are not too many people coming over this street right now, so Zhu Zhengyi is not polite at all when he speaks, and he is not as polite as he used to speak in the factory.

Originally, Luo Xiaohua really thought that Grandpa would bring the old lady in front of her to her store, but she didn't expect it to be a guise.

"Zhu Zhengyi, didn't you say that you are a messenger of justice, you just have the ability to do this, and you won't help me with this matter?"

When talking about acting, this old lady is a great dramatist, suddenly weak, suddenly strong, suddenly wronged, and suddenly aggressive.

Her changes made her feel too strange, there is absolutely something ulterior to this woman.

"Girl, are you her granddaughter, what are your parents' names?"

Just when Luo Xiaohua hesitated, the old lady hugged her again, this time fortunately she didn't choke her neck, otherwise, she would experience the feeling of death again.

"Fu Qingchen, you crazy woman, I will tell you, don't move my granddaughter, or I will never end with you."

"You said that you didn't play with me. Back then, I asked you to help me take care of my granddaughter. You lost her. I haven't bothered you yet, so that's a minor one."

Fu Qingchen held Luo Xiaohua in both hands, and didn't mean to let go.

"What happened before Fu Qingchen, we all know each other, whether you want me to take care of her, or you throw her away, we all know well, don’t take the previous things as an argument. I’m telling you clearly that she is not here. , I’m not here, this is my granddaughter, my daughter’s daughter, and her mother’s own mother. It has nothing to do with your family. Don’t be foolishly talking here. How many years have passed, but I’m still looking for it. Come to play a rogue."

Zhu Zhengyi's righteous words will also be stunned by what Fu Qingchen said. Fat cat

Before that, Zhu Zhengyi stepped forward and directly pulled his granddaughter Luo Xiaohua behind him.

"Huahua, go back, don't talk to this crazy woman, be careful that she hurts you again, we don't bother with this kind of person."

Seeing her back bend a little, but still wanting to protect her grandfather, Luo Xiaohua's eyes are slightly sour.

Grandpa is the person in this world who treats her especially nicely except for her parents?

She believed him, since grandpa asked her to go back, she would go.

However, Fu Qingchen didn't want to just give up like that, he wanted to stop Luo Xiaohua.

Zhu Zhengyi, who wanted to protect his granddaughter, directly stood in front of her and prevented her from following.

"Lao Zhu, I beg you, my little granddaughter is ill and needs blood transfusion urgently, can you do it?"

"Ha ha……"

Zhu Zhengyi sneered and looked at the old lady in front of him contemptuously.

This drama is simply the bitter drama played on the stage.

The little one is sick and the big one should give his life to heal. Where is this life-saving, that is, one life is exchanged for another life.

"Lao Zhu, what do you mean?"

"I don’t mean anything. Didn’t you all transfuse that girl’s blood back then? Now you want to find her for a blood transfusion. Fu Qingchen, the palms and backs of your hands are all meat. If you do it once, don’t do it a second time. Otherwise, you will be struck by thunder and thunder."

"Don't you have heard of the scourge for thousands of years, and I just want to protect my granddaughter, I did nothing wrong, the child born to that mad woman, that is a mad child, what is worth our heartache..."

"Flap, pop!"

After two loud applause, Fu Qingchen screamed.

"Zhu Zhengyi, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, you are the one who is crazy. If you make a mistake once, don't make the second mistake."

Because she was still thinking about Tang Xiaodi's affairs, Luo Xiaohua was real and ran to the store directly with her third brother.

As soon as he went back, Aunt Yang said nervously. : "Huahua, Huahua, it's not good, Xiaodi was picked up by her brother just why didn't you stop me?"

Luo Xiaohua jumped anxiously.

"Look, you see, it's all delayed by you. I told you how many times I asked you to marry her home, but you don't believe it. Let's do it now."

"Little sister, this marriage is not something that can happen in a short time. It is impossible for everyone to marry her home. There are three books and six rituals to marry a wife. You think you just marry home with a mouth. , Then can I marry every woman home?"

"Why don't you just get married? It's not as difficult as you. If you want to marry, you can marry. If you don't want to marry you, don't give me chirping words here."

Hearing what the younger sister said, Luo Laosan rolled his eyes, his younger sister is just so sturdy.

"Well, you can go back to me quickly, go back to the village, and show me what their family said, if it is a particularly bad man, you can marry her into the door for me."


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