Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 158: Wonderful 1 family

"Okay, then you can carry my body over, and leave it in your room for a few days by the way..."

"I'll tell you, Tang Xiaodi, if you don't agree today, you have to agree. If you dare to commit suicide, just like your third aunt said, carry it over with the coffin."

Tang Xiaodi was so angry that she burst into tears. She was really disappointed with this family.

Her biological mother actually said such things.

"Okay, I'll just look at you..."

"Mom, I want a daughter-in-law, I don't want him to die!"

Zhang Yangfan limped and walked towards Tang Xiaodi, reaching out to take off her scissors, and one of them was pulled back by his mother.

"This daughter-in-law is disobedient, let's not take it anymore, Sister Tang, please give us the gift money. We don't dare to ask for such a daughter-in-law. What should we do if we ride on my son's head and shit?"

"Sister Zhang, don't stop, my daughter is usually obedient, and I don't know which way of smoking is crazy. You sit down first, and I will persuade you to take a look."

Mother Tang said with a smile on her face, to her daughter, it was like a commodity, she was at the mercy of her.

"Quickly put it down. I gave birth to you and raised you for so many years. You will repay me with death. I don't care today. You agree or disagree with this marriage. Anyway, I will collect the gift money. You can handle it yourself?"

"You are not my mother anymore, you marry me to such a person?"

Tang Xiaodi pointed to Zhang Yangfan, crying.

It is not that she despises the disabled, but that this is forced marriage, not willingly. If she and him meet and love each other, there is no problem. But, are you forced to marry now?

"What's the matter with such a person? His parents are still alive, and there is a suite in the city. It is many times better than those of you who eat in the soil. I don't know if you are my niece. Take care of this mess."

"Forget it, Sangu, I know exactly what kind of person you are, so don't be there to give the rooster a New Year greeting with a weasel. We all know that if you are in peace, there may be houses, and there are so many under the Nancheng Bridge. There are many people living in the broken house, do you think I am a fool?"

"You...I don't care, anyway, your mother's gift money is also collected. I don't care about this mess, I will go back first..." My niece was so angry that she could only choose to run away.

"You can't leave her third aunt, but your sister-in-law has collected the gift money from my family. If this is not done, the gift money must be refunded to me, and the matchmaker's money I gave you two hundred yuan will also be given to me. ."

The woman from the Zhang family quickly stopped the third aunt of the Tang family from letting her go.

But the people in the Tang family couldn’t be mad. They raised such a big daughter for her to eat and wear. The gift money was only five hundred, and her three aunts just made an introduction, and they actually received two hundred. .

"Her sister-in-law, are you too innocent? This matchmaker usually doesn't just take money for shoes and clothes, why are you..."

"Why, I don’t need to pay for traveling, my sister-in-law, I will tell you that you have five hundred is not bad, look at this village, which one can get five hundred yuan as a gift, don’t these there are four big ones? At that time, you will also have seedlings in Beier." 3a reading network

"That's how it is said, the four big pieces are to be given out as dowries..."

"It's hard to say, you ask them to buy an extra set when the time comes, or they don't marry over there, and it's the same for you directly to your family then..."

Tang Xiaodi trembled with anger when she heard Sangu and her mother say no one was around.

This time, she could see the face of the third aunt. She used to think she was only patriarchal, but she didn't expect her heart to be so bad. This person is shameless and the world is invincible, and she is so shameless that she has reached this point.

"Look at it, look at it, what kind of system is this, what are you doing, Xiaodi quickly put down the scissors."

Following the sound, a thin old lady walked in outside the door. This was Tang Xiaodi's grandmother. Her eyes were as small as a slit, and she was particularly acrimonious.

Tang Xiaodi only felt that he was a miraculous existence, buried by them all day, and he did not die of shame.

Don't worry, she will never think that she is caring about herself, she is just an old woman who is profiteering, and the dog can't spit out ivory.

"There are so many adults in this room who can't subdue a child. I really don't know what you ate to grow up. The boss is too useless. This has been the order of the parents since ancient times. This daughter is not obedient. It’s the fault of your parents, that the son is not the godfather. If you are a father, give it a good education. Otherwise, marrying into the Zhang family in the future will also cause trouble to your mother-in-law. Do you think it’s causing you trouble?"

While scolding her child, the old lady stretched out her hands and held the hands of the two people from Zhang's family.

"Your son still looks very bright, and my granddaughter is also a blessed person. It is a blessing to marry into your family and to have a baby at home to do housework and earn money with your husband and wife."

Listening to this, my grandmother knew about this for a long time, and I was afraid that she did not agree, and finally came to sing the finale.

"Grandma, I don't agree, I'm working now, I make money by myself."

People in the city, to put it nicely, are people in the city, but to put it happily, when you marry, you will be a free nanny, not only contracting the family’s work, but also responsible for the birth of a baby. The main reason is that they have no financial resources, and it depends on their faces to eat. Not to mention, there is a husband who can't do anything. Before the marriage, it may be said that the parents-in-law are raising the family. After the marriage, who knows if this is the case, anyway, there is absolutely no good fruit to marry in the past.

To marry such a family, it is better to marry a rural person. At least you won’t be hungry or have nothing to eat. Just look for it in the field.

"You make money by much money can you make? I tell you, don’t listen to the dead girl of the Luo family, she just lied to you and asked you to do things for her. After she made a lot of money, watch I look down on you."

"Also, didn't I tell you before, let you look at Xiao San and climb onto his bed, isn't this just..."

"Grandma...what are you talking about? Luo Xiaohua and I are good sisters. I will never do anything to be sorry for her in my life. Anyway, today..."

As a result, Tang Xiaodi didn't pay attention to the people behind, and was taken down by his elder brother.

"Big Brother, you are too selfish. It's just five hundred yuan. I'll get it back for you. Don't you love money? I'll give you five hundred yuan and then cut off relations with you..."

While being **** by his elder brother, Tang Xiaodi burst into tears, crying and talking.

"Obviously doing a good job, I think you are a stubborn hooves, dare you dare to sing the opposite, and I planned to do a wedding for you before, if you want to make trouble, I will not give you anything, I will send you there today!"


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