Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 171: Come to propose

"Are you sure you want to marry the youngest daughter of the Tang family?"

Everyone made the Lian Dingmei of auntie, that is the famous celebrity in the village. As long as it is the marriage she takes over, nine out of ten will succeed, and the husband and wife are happy and harmonious.

However, before the introduction, she will first inquire, and then judge whether they are compatible or not based on the personalities of the two people.

"Don't get me wrong, this Tang family's youngest daughter is indeed a good person. I heard that she has a good relationship with Huahua. This good sister will become an aunt in the future, and that's a kiss."

"Aunt Lian Ciao, I called you over today, just to ask you to help my third child to mention this marriage."

"Village chief, don't be polite to me. This is the Tang family. I can't guarantee that it will be done. You know, some time ago, that incident caused a lot of trouble in the village. If you go to propose a marriage now, you will definitely suffer a slap in the face."

"Blanking eyes or anything, that is nothing. I also went there the day before yesterday. In addition to the 388 gift money, they also need four major items. These four major items are..."

"I... the village chief, don't scare me. These are the four major items. They are simply golden eight treasures. In our village, so far, there is no family that can afford these four major items."

Lian Dingmei was really frightened. As a parent, who doesn't want his children to marry well and marry well. However, you have to do what you can. It is impossible. You have no talents and virtues. Marry a talented person, right?

Just like the Tang family, let alone the big four, just give the gift money to marry the child. Every daughter has to be like a sale.

What's more, in this village, there is really no way to buy the four major pieces.

"So, Auntie Ciao, I would like to trouble you to take a trip and see if there is any room for change?"

It was him who married the wife, and Luo San still didn't step aside like a okay person.

"I said you are the kid. Aunt Cousin introduced you so much before and I didn’t like it. It turned out to be the youngest daughter of the Tang family. Why didn’t you say it earlier? I'll marry your daughter-in-law. But now, I'm afraid that because of the last time, your daughter-in-law is a little troublesome."

What happened last time has been spread all over the village, and it is still a topic for everyone after dinner, especially those who have always disliked the actions of the Tang family. I’m all saying—“It seems that I have to have more daughters. One daughter is 1,000, two daughters are 2,000, three daughters are 3,000, and so on. All of them can make a fortune with this. NS."

Of course, these words were all satirizing the Tang family. In their case, marrying a daughter is losing money, so there is no way to make money.

In general, the wife will not only add a little bit for the bridegroom to take back with her daughter, but also buy a wedding dress. The three big and four big ones will also be returned to the man.

There are a lot of dowries. The sheets are covered with new quilts, and the quilts are all made with good cotton. Generally, preparations are started after the engagement, and then the dowry is brought to the man on the day of the wedding.

"Auntie Biao, in fact, this matter is not troublesome at all. I will bother you to take a trip today. The rest of this matter is for us."

It is better to have an intermediary, at least the other party will not speak badly.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua doesn't have to worry at all. Last time her father asked them what they wanted, others just opened their mouths.

But now it's an official marriage proposal. If their family doesn't even give the village head's face, then there is really something wrong with their brains.

"wait for me."

Luo Dasheng turned around and entered the house. When he came out, he carried a piece of meat and two handfuls of noodles.

"Dad, are you planning to go?"

"When you go to someone else's house to propose a marriage, you definitely can't do it empty-handed. Just walk around and get to work quickly."

Don't look at the day-to-day things like nothing, just poke it east and poke it west, and the day will be over.

"Where did you get this?"

When I walked out of the gate, I saw a small tin car parked in front of the house, and his son opened the door, which shocked Luo Dasheng.

People from the Tang family, if they see this thing, they still have to let their family buy one.

"Get in the car, I'll tell you as soon as I get in the car."

Of course, this car is not hers. With the little money she makes now, she can't buy a single tire.

This car belonged to Xiao San, who was specifically asked to drive the third brother back to pretend to be forced.

Don’t this Tang family dislike the poor and love the rich, let them also see what it's like to have a car.

"Your daughter, she is really a genius, the Tang family, I'm afraid that if you take them around, you won't want any of the four major items."

"Forget it, auntie, you think that Xiaodi's mother is so foolish. She's a monkey-like monkey-like person. As for me, driving this car back is to give myself more confidence and let her know that we It also has potential."

The most important thing is that everyone is in the same village, and in the future they will be in-laws. If there is any need for help, it is not a matter of a word.

"Right, you are right, this is a good way."

As a result, when the car drove out, there were many children chasing after him. Luo Xiaohua was taken aback, got out of the car immediately, stopped them, and then took their hands and gave them safety knowledge.

Now there are trucks in the village when they are dragging grain and seed fertilizers, but in a few years, when every family builds large brick houses, there will be an endless stream of trucks.

Some children are stimulating, some are convenient, and some are purely curious about what it's like to ride in a car. Therefore, there are an endless stream of children who ran to chase the truck, and then they hung themselves behind.

I was busy going behind, one of them didn't pay attention and fell off, and then the car's hind legs were gone.

In their village, there were several such accidents that year. The teachers and parents had troubles with each other. The bear children still didn’t buy it. Later, they couldn’t. Only let the delivery person add a person to see if there was a bear behind. The child climbs the car.

"Have you heard what your sister said?"

"heard it!"

Luo Xiaohua's popularity is very good, with a dozen children, she doesn't make any noise when she talks.

"Then you supervise each other. If you follow the car again, tell me. When I come back to bring you sweets next time, he won't have his share."

"Okay, we must supervise each other."

"Then you follow your sister, and sister will ask you to sit in the car later."

After listening to Luo Xiaohua's words, a group of bear kids were extremely happy. Everyone followed Luo Xiaohua with one word.

There are two more, humming and singing brother.

Luo Xiaohua, who is still very familiar with nursery rhymes, began to sing along.

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