Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 174: Struggle for life,


When Luo Xiaohua told her good sister Tang Xiaodi the whole story, what she got was her incredulous expression.


"Sister Xiaodi, congratulations!"

"Your ugly daughter-in-law has already seen your in-laws. This time, you can see Yueming."

Before Luo Xiaohua could reply, several people in the store had already begun to say congratulations.

"Aunt Yang, Uncle Yang, don't make fun of me. This Huahua said that my mother does not object, not Aunt Luo and the others agree."


Tang Xiaodi smiled awkwardly, and Luo Xiaohua was amused by this look.

"Come on, you, you are cheap and good, I work hard to help you run away, you bride-to-be, you just have to wait for the marriage, how many good things are there in the world?"


It's not easy to be someone else's sister!

The matchmaker is not good too!

The most important thing is the matchmaker. She is unmarried, and the matchmaker can't hang on her head, and she has to let her auntie even act as a matchmaker.

Their requirements for matchmakers here are very high:

The first mouth will say, and it is true that if you can't speak, others will not succeed.

The second one is that it must be married. If you say that if you are unmarried and look very beautiful, it would not be very embarrassing if you ran away with the groom on the day of the wedding. However, it is certainly not because of this.

The third one is that both husband and wife must be alive, and it is also auspicious.

The fourth one is that the husband and wife must be in harmony and have never been divorced. If they are divorced or married, they cannot be the matchmaker.

In addition to the requirements of the matchmaker, to send off relatives and pick up relatives, they must all be the same people. They cannot be divorced. The number of people is also even. There is also no monthly event on the day. Otherwise, you will feel unlucky and see the red.

On the day of the wedding, nothing can be broken, otherwise it will feel unlucky.

"Huahua, this Xiaodi will be your sister-in-law from now on. On the day of your wedding, I just need to give you more red envelopes."

"That's, that's..."

The third brother got married, and she planned to give him a whole suite. This big red envelope was not enough for her.

Business has been a bit bad recently, and she doesn't know what the reason is. She plans to add more to attract people. Otherwise, the third brother's wedding room would be ruined.

However, even if you can’t afford it now, anyway

Dad also said that he would build houses for his third and fourth elders in the village.

Nowadays, it is popular to build stone houses, which can be found on stone mountains, which just require labor. However, it is still a third cheaper than buying a house.

Because he wanted to buy a house for his third brother, Luo Xiaohua planned to find some more projects.

After going around the provincial city during the day, he went back in despair.

The next day I went shopping again, and it ended up the same as the day before.

"Huahua, what happened to you these two days?"

Yang Jialin saw Luo Xiaohua's change in his eyes, and couldn't help worrying in his heart.

"What can she do, it must be that Xiao San is not there, and she is worried in her heart!"

Yang Wenbo and Luo Xiaohua are also very familiar, so they couldn't help but jokingly said.

"You little boy, know what a fart!"

The whole person lay weakly on the table, and then kicked under the table.

Fortunately, Yang Wenbo responded fast enough, otherwise he would definitely fall into a **** this time.

"I'm a little kid? You're just one month older than me. Are you ashamed to say I'm a little kid?"

"Anyway, younger than me, that's a kid, by the way, Uncle Yang, let me ask you something."

Then, Luo Xiaohua told him what she had seen and heard in the past two days and what she had summed up.

"What you mean is that you want to build a vegetable and fruit supermarket, this is afraid..."

Yang Jialin disagrees a bit. You said that when this restaurant is opened, there may not be many people coming to eat. Other people want to buy vegetables and fruits. You can just go to the farmers market to buy them. You can buy them at any supermarket, even if the price is not expensive. It will also feel expensive.

"Do you think this has no market?"

Luo Xiaohua still thinks there is a market, but she is a little worried that she can't take care of it.

Now this restaurant is still guarding it every day. If it is opened again, she will definitely not have the energy to manage it. Therefore, she plans to let it go and let Uncle Yang help manage it.

"It doesn't mean that there is no market. This person has a subconscious mind. For example, if we sell the same things, others will definitely think that roadside stalls are cheaper. Some stores are more expensive. Also, your store has to charge utilities. , If you are really as cheap as a roadside stall, are you going to lose money?"

Yang Jialin has been in the city for many years, and he understands a lot of things.

However, Luo Xiaohua feels that it is because she can see clearly that she will not be aggressive.

"Of course this is true, but you think about it, why are people eating in small restaurants, people eating in state-owned hotels, and people eating in local stalls."

"This is because some have money and some have no money, you mean..."

Yang Jialin didn't even think about it, so he said it directly.

"Yes, that's what I think. I haven't thought about this area. You have been in the city for so many years. You must know where there are more wealthy people and where the consumption power is high."

"I don't know this too!"

Yang Jialin was dumbfounded by Luo Xiaohua. He felt that doing business is to make good taste. The aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and there will always be a day when it bursts.


Luo Xiaohua was messy in the wind, she thought Uncle Yang knew.

It seemed that she would just forget it from the memory of her previous life.

"Ah what? What happened?"

As soon as Luo Old Si walked in, he heard the words of his little sister and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"By the way, fourth brother, you have been an apprentice for a year and a half, have you learned anything?"

Making clothes now is actually not very profitable. If you sell finished products part-time, then you make money, especially when the New Year is approaching, every household will wear new clothes. Therefore, the clothing stores before the New Year are full of households.

"Study is almost done, why, do you have an idea?"

"What ideas can I have? I'm not thinking about you. When you learn to become a teacher, you can quickly find a store to make and sell your own clothes. If you earn money, you can marry your daughter-in-law."

Therefore, Luo Xiaohua now has a new idea. It is definitely not possible to make money by her alone. If they work together, it will definitely be much easier.

"Can you not have a daughter-in-law?"

Thinking of this, Luo fourth is one head and two big ones.

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