Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 178: change destiny

This is also the first time I have heard Uncle Yang tell his story after knowing it for so long.

It sounds sour, but also a bit full of positive energy for her.

Isn't life like this, only through the wind and rain can you become invincible.

The flower in the greenhouse never knows how hard the process of hard work is, but she never knows how the joy in your heart feels when you succeed.

Therefore, poverty is not wrong, but your failure to work hard.

"Uncle Yang, don't worry, unless you don't want to do it yourself, I won't push you away."

Luo Xiaohua felt that she was really lucky, how could she always meet so many good people, because of their help, her road went smoother.

"You two are all right, what other people don't know, do you think you two are father and daughter who have been separated for many years?"

Aunt Yang is a little bit overwhelmed, do these two people want to be so sensational?

"In terms of how to speak, I will treat her as my daughter. If it weren't for Xiao Sanjie's first ascension, she could be my daughter-in-law."

Everyone laughed as soon as this was said.

"Uncle Yang, don't say this. If Wenjie knows about this, he will definitely say that you are not."

Tang Xiaodi also followed with a smile, Uncle Yang really dare to say.

"That stinky kid didn't dare to blame me, I was afraid Xiao San would beat me, hahahaha..."

"It's good for you to start robbing others of your daughter-in-law. It's good to beat you, and you have the heart to kill you."

I don't know when, Xia Wan also came, and said scornfully.

Luo Xiaohua looked back at her younger brother, mother, Mia, this person is afraid that his brain is hot, right?

What are you wearing here?

Xia Wan was not much bigger than Luo Xiaohua, and he had never been polite when talking to them.

And Luo Xiaohua was never polite to him.

Seeing him dressed like a flower girl, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Where is the flower girl from here?"

Hearing what his little cousin said, Xia Wan's face turned black.

"If you don't have a vision, don't bury me. This is the latest model, and many people in this city are wearing it."

"Forget it, you dress like a second-rate, be careful to be held fast."

Recently, the wind is very tight. If anyone makes trouble, he should go to eat a free lunch, or even solve it directly.

"If you can't speak, don't speak."

Xia Wan's face was almost black and turned into coal.

"I won't say you would say, didn't you mean looking for a storefront to open a shop, why hasn't it been there yet?"

She is now waiting for him to open a shop, and then make a little money!

"Fart, the store is expensive, it's better to set up a street stall."

"It's okay to set up a street stall, you see, those street stalls have a very good business."

Nancheng's economy is developing very fast, not only has the transportation become more developed, but the economy has also improved a lot.

However, there are still many people who stick to the city, can't let go of business, and still work with their meager wages.

However, there are also some with a unique vision, who ran out to buy goods, and then came back to sell. In order to save costs, they directly find places with high personal traffic to sell them. This is the so-called street stall.

"Forget it, I won't be embarrassed. It's just like begging, just changed..."

There was a "pop!" and then Xia Wan yelled.

"What are you doing?"

While covering his head with his hand, he cursed and said, if it wasn't for his cousin, he really wanted to hit someone.

"Wake you up, how come you are like an old-fashioned person, as long as you make money with your own hands, you are self-reliant. How can you say that setting up a street stall is just to beg for mouth?"

Luo Xiaohua gritted her teeth with anger, this girl, I'm afraid that his brain is flooded, has he been to the East City because of him?

Looks like it's a vain!

"That beggar is not based on ability, that is also self-reliant, so those thieves are based on ability, and that is also self-reliant?"


(*′???`*) Intellectually disabled

Lost a green onion and rolled his eyes, it seems that this girl is already very sick.

"Then why don't you say that the robbery is also self-reliant?"

I've seen something that doesn't work well in my brain, and I've never seen something that doesn't work well.

"This is what you said?"

"I said it, but the premise is that it has to be a formal channel. What are those who steal and rob, are they making money? That is called possession?"

It's just crookedness, crookedness!


Luo Xiaohua was so angry that she glared at her.


Xia Wan smiled embarrassedly, and then told her true thoughts.

"Dog can't change eating shit!"

After listening to her cousin, Luo Xiaohua took a deep breath and threw this sentence to him.

"Damn! Luo Xiaohua, is there any such thing as a blow to people like you, why can't you tell a dog to eat shit? I haven't driven a skating rink before, right?"

Yes, it is popular in Dongcheng nowadays, which is a mode equivalent to a bar. In fact, it is a group of people partying together. At this time, there is no good sound. They are all portable recorders. They just pull their throats.

After Xia Wan went out for a run, he wanted to come back to do this.

And his outfit really fits Diba's style, but he doesn't care about it. If he gets that, he will go in one day.

Therefore, Luo Xiaohua didn't want him to do that.

"What I mean is, you always like to **** and slip, don't want to do things on your own. Cousin, I said that you are obviously older than me, so you can't think about doing business by yourself, even if you don't want to open a restaurant, You can learn to repair a car, or set up a car repair shop in the future?"

The grandchildren of their aunt's grandmother's family all earned money from the garage. They drove a luxury car and lived in a villa. When talking to them, they felt that they were inferior to others.

So Luo Xiaohua also wants to make a lot of money, not for herself, but also for her family.

"You don't have a backache when you stand and talk, do you think others will teach you just like that?"

Xia Wan shrugged, expressing his disbelief.

"What a fool, don't you and your friends want to go to the bus station to set up a restaurant, you just talk to the auto city, and then set up a shed to do business there. When you are okay, you can have a relationship with them and talk about family affairs. This If you learn from others, you will be taught by others."

In fact, Xia Wanyou friends are engaged in car repairs, that is, the current craftsmanship is taught to the family, not to outsiders.

"Your method seems to work well, I'll try it."

What Xia Wan didn't know was that it was because of Luo Xiaohua's arrangement that he avoided prison.


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