Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 180: Work hard for love

"Enough for you, don't wash me here. Compared with my second uncle, my craft is too far apart."

As the so-called master is in the folk, her second uncle is a very special existence.

Her second uncle is a stone mason, don't even look at it as a stone hammer, a big stone came out of his hand, it was a neat rectangle, and that is, he is also a person who specializes in painting.

There are paintings painted by him on the walls of their home, even on the side of the stove, and those paintings are really lifelike. When she was young, she liked to earn money around her second uncle, holding a pencil, and learning to draw with him.

"Enough for you, don't wash me here. Compared with my second uncle, my craft is too far apart."

As the so-called master is in the folk, her second uncle is a very special existence.

Her second uncle is a stone mason, don't even look at it as a stone hammer, a big stone came out of his hand, it was a neat rectangle, and that is, he is also a person who specializes in painting.

There are paintings painted by him on the walls of their home, even on the side of the stove, and those paintings are really lifelike. When she was young, she liked to earn money around her second uncle, holding a pencil,

"Enough for you, don't wash me here. Compared with my second uncle, my craft is too far apart."

As the so-called master is in the folk, her second uncle is a very special existence.

Her second uncle is a stone mason, don't even look at it as a stone hammer, a big stone came out of his hand, it was a neat rectangle, and that is, he is also a person who specializes in painting.

There are paintings painted by him on the walls of their home, even on the side of the stove, and those paintings are really lifelike. When she was young, she liked to earn money around her second uncle, holding a pencil,

Maybe it's really because she likes to paint. With a little guidance from the second uncle, she can draw it right away.

It's a pity that there is no special art school at this time, otherwise, she can really carry forward this technique.

However, even if there is, there is no money at home to send her to study, right?

Luo Xiaohua liked to write and draw when she was young. Even after getting married, she never gave up studying. In her free time, she uses this to pass the time.

In fact, he used to have a bad temper, but after he got married, for the sake of his family for the children in his stomach, but all this did not allow him to have a happy marriage, but even so, he did not give up on himself. He wanted to do daughter. Prop up a piece of sky to become his strongest backing. If nothing happened later, he believed that even if he was a single mother, he would still have a very happy life.

Your second uncle is more powerful. After listening to Luo Xiaohua's words, they all showed their eyes and looked very envious. This family is too happy. Even though they don’t read much, they are very envious. As a literary person, my Erbao is really good at drawing, and his writing is very beautiful, especially the brush writing. In our village every Chinese New Year, others will come to sign and let him wash the couplets.

Then your Erbao has read a lot of books, why are you still staying in the countryside? Educated people always go to work in government agencies. Without my second uncle, I wanted to learn how to write. My grandmother was very poor at the time and couldn't have enough to eat. There was no money for them to study, so I went to a primary school, but my second uncle. I like reading very much, so I learn by myself and write every day.

Your family's genes are too good, if my son could have it. Able to endure hardship, then I will definitely be able to go to university.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how poor it is, you can’t save on children. The two husbands and wives of the family have never gone to school, so they want his children to at least graduate from college and then go to work in government agencies, so that it won’t be very hard.

"Aunt Yang, don't worry, Wenjie is so diligent and will definitely be able to enter a good university in the future."

Now that the university comes out, the package is allocated. So as long as Yang Wenjie is admitted to university, there is no need to worry about the road from now on.

Then I will lend you auspicious words, hoping that he can really get admitted to university.

A group of people laughed and laughed for a long time, and then Luo Xiaohua also had the idea to embroider Xiao San's insoles and knit a sweater.

No matter who she studied for before, at least she sews him stitch by stitch by herself. With this heart, she believes that he will also be moved.

"Yes, this courtesy is light and affectionate. Besides, Xiao San is very attentive to you. I believe that as long as you can respond, he will be moved."

Marriage is a matter of two people, and one cannot only give, or that kind of marriage is really tiring, at least the one who pays will be tired.

"Ok, I know."

Knowing that Aunt Yang is doing her own good, Luo Xiaohua did not hide it.

This is how the flowers of love bloom.

Xiao San, who was far in the East City, didn't know at this moment. His young daughter-in-law was waiting for him at home and was sewing clothes for him by herself.

"What are you laughing at, why are you laughing so happily?"

The speaker was a very young and beautiful girl, with pretty short hair and a long plaid dress. She looked cute and cute, which was a bit inconsistent with her age.

"You are here, please sit down."

Hearing the sound, Xiao San looked up and found that it was the person he was waiting for. He immediately stood up politely, took a step back by the way, and kept a certain distance from the young girl.

"Are you really going back?"

The girl opened her lips lightly and looked sadly at the man in front of her.

"Since you have all developed here, it is not that you have lost all your previous work when you go back. Besides, my dad still has more projects to do for you. Can't you stay in the East City for me?"

Before Xiao San answered, the girl said again.

Seeing the girl pressing harder step by step, Xiao San also immediately turned to keep her distance again.

"Ali, I'm back. The business here can still work. Uncle I can't get it. Besides, I always treat you as a younger sister. I also hope you can treat me like a brother. I will go home this time. , I intend to marry your sister-in-law. If I have time, I must..."

"Don't listen, don't listen, I don't want to listen, you are mine, you are mine, you will always be..."

"Ali, can you calm down and listen to me to finish?"

No matter what the girl is, Xiao San can always avoid her and keep a distance from her.

Luo Xiaohua didn't know, if she knew it, she would be touched by him. Such a man is a real man.

"No, I don't want to listen, just your ugly fiancée, how can she compare to me?"

From the pitiful to


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