Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 197: 7 aunts and 8 aunts

"Mom, who is this?"

The movement of Luo Xiaohua's side also attracted the attention of many people. No, Luo Xiaohua's second aunt approached, and when she saw Xiao San, she showed a puzzled look.

This woman is a very clear interpretation of "the water thrown out by a daughter who is married out". If there is nothing to do, she will not go back to her natal family, and because there are so many children in the family, her parents’ old mother and father , They never give them a penny. This is nothing. Every time I go back to my natal house, I will take a lot of vegetables.

Because the conditions of her in-laws' family are not good, she can take it back and feed her two daughters more.

"Second aunt, when did you come, why didn't you tell me in advance? Didn't the cousins ​​come?"

Luo Xiaohua actually didn't like this second aunt very much, mainly because their deeds were so brilliant that she couldn't help but sneer at her as a junior.

The second uncle of her family is not stingy. If he is not stingy, it's good to say that he is not stingy. It is better to say that he is not stingy.

Who do you think such a man likes?

Originally a good family, as long as the husband and wife worked hard, there would be no time to lose money, but they would be better off.

As a result, it’s better when I get older. I don’t have a house or a place to stay at home. I spend all day swinging outside, relying on my two daughters to support me.

It is also our traditional virtue to support the elderly. Anyway, raising children to prevent old age, raising a daughter can also prevent old age.

And her second uncle is a strange thing. The two daughters not only support him, but also support his old mother, and he can take the money from his daughter to buy him medicine and give it to women outside.

Luo Xiaohua felt a headache after thinking about it!


If it was she would never forgive such a man!

Once she felt that her second aunt was really pitiful, and it was not until after she got married that she felt that her second aunt was a little rooted.

When I was young, I always wanted to take things from my natal family to my in-law’s house. If my man couldn’t control it, then follow him. It won't be so weird in old age.

"I haven't come. School has started now and is still in school. If it weren't for your grandma to say that your third brother is married, I don't have time to come over."

The second aunt of the Luo family smiled with a brilliant face. Now she is a more charming woman, tall and sweet.

"By the way, who is this man? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"He, it's my fiancé, the baby kiss my dad ordered me when they were young, Xiao San, this is my second aunt, and the one over there is my second uncle."

Since the introduction, of course it is impossible to introduce only the second uncle, Luo Xiaohua pointed to the second uncle who was sitting on the other side playing cards.

Anyway, as long as his second uncle and eldest uncle came to the house, there would be people playing cards at a table, which has always been the case since childhood.

"This guy is handsome, and the conditions at home must be very good, right? They play cards there. Would you like to join them at the table?"

"Second aunt, no need, no, let me see if I can help, and see if I can help."

"Where can this keep you busy? Go and sit there, as this is your home. Feel free to be free. Don't be too cautious."

Seeing how familiar with the second aunt, Luo Xiaohua also felt strange. This second aunt has been modified, and she is usually cold and indifferent to people. How can she be so familiar with Xiao San?

What Luo Xiaohua didn't notice was that her second aunt had already seen what was on her grandma's hand.

"I will not be cautious, I have been here many times, Second Aunt, then you can help here, let me see if Aunt Hui and the others need help?"

After saying this, Xiao San directly took the little wife's hand and went to his future mother-in-law.

Because Luo San was engaged, all the seven aunts and eight aunts who seldom came to this family came here, and they were neater than the Chinese New Year.

When they walked over, when they saw Xiao Shan, they all looked at their figure with doubts, and they were all guessing who this man was?

In fact, Xiao San did it deliberately. Since they are here, why not let the affairs of himself and his daughter-in-law be made known to the world. He believes that his future mother-in-law will also help him and let him hug the beauty earlier.

Today, I will announce their affairs and tell them, so that their affairs can be considered as set. At least there will be no more short-sighted boyfriends to his young daughter-in-law.

Here, as long as girls are over 18 years old, there will be many matchmakers coming to do matchmaking.

"You two are here too, is there nothing wrong on the way?"

Zhu Huifang felt flustered all day today. She didn't know how many times she had seen the door, and she was looking forward to their return.

"It's okay, it's very safe. When we first came here, we didn't come over when we saw you talking to the third aunt and the others. There are so many people here today, don't you say you got married directly?"

"How is it possible? When you want to get married and wait until the New Year, your grandfather said that getting married at an old age is the best. You don't need to look at it anyway. It was your father's idea to let them come over today. He said he was afraid that the Tang family would regret it. Just let everyone come over. After eating a meal, knowing that the two of them have already made it, you won’t be distracted."

Xiao San was also taken aback when he heard the words of the future mother-in-law. It seemed that his future father-in-law was also prescient.

And when he and the little girl got engaged. It should also be vigorous.

Luo Xiaohua didn't know what Xiao San was thinking in her heart. If she wanted to know his subsequent actions, she would never agree. This is not married yet, how could she spend money indiscriminately?

"I think you are afraid of the Tang family's repentance, I think you just want to hug your grandson earlier."

Luo Xiaohua smiled brightly.

Tang Xiaodi also felt very uncomfortable with Luo Xiaohua's playful and poked her with her elbow.

"What's wrong with Sansao? Is there anything wrong?"

Look, look, this is not married yet?

Tang Xiaodi's face immediately became as red as a monkey's buttocks.

"You think you are about to marry as a wife, you are still ashamed?"

"Just say it, just say it, I'll just listen, and I will laugh at you when you get engaged."

"It's okay. When I get engaged, you smile casually. When I get married, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, you get married first."

Is this preemptive strike?

However, Xiao San ignored him, and he was too happy to hear his daughter-in-law mentioning marriage.


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