Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 325: Father's love

"Not next time!"

This time, Lin Hai was too frightened. He originally thought that his leg was really going to be scrapped, but he didn't expect it to be okay.

After meeting his daughter, he wanted to recognize her even more and asked her to call himself "father", and at her wedding, he could drink a cup of tea from his son-in-law.

For this wish, he intends to let himself abandon the crutches and be able to face others calmly.

Although he has indeed made a lot of money over the years, and the people are very beautiful, only he knows that he is very inferior in his heart. When others look at the crutch in his hand, he has a feeling that others are laughing at him. .

Unexpectedly, he was self-defeating. When trying to walk, he fell directly to the ground.

At that time, he was also anxious and hammered his thigh a few times, so his injury aggravated. When the mood was calm, I struggled to climb into the bed.

"Not next time, I see if you have another one."

Ruan Xue was so angry that he couldn't wait to beat someone. This man is usually very stable, so why did he do such a thing?

"I didn't mean it, so don't be angry."

Knowing that he was wrong, Lin Hai also softened his tone.

He knew that Ruan Xue took care of him very carefully in order to pay off her husband's debts.

Over the years, he was really grateful, if it weren't for her, his legs would definitely be useless.

"I'm not angry, this foot is yours, you don't care about it, no matter how hard others work, it's useless?"

This is the first time Ruan Xue has felt so helpless in so many years.

If she comes later tonight, his leg will definitely be scrapped, then her efforts for so many years will not be in vain.

Also, his leg was definitely not in an accident for no reason, and she didn't want to know the reason.

"Mummy, how is Daddy?"

Lin Xiaoli, who was originally hungry, went outside to buy supper, but didn't want to come back. When she met her family doctor and learned from him that Daddy had injured his leg, she immediately ran over to take a look.

"How do you know... it's okay, you go to bed now?"

Ruan Xue didn't expect that she would meet her daughter as soon as she went out.

"Mommy, I don't think your complexion is very good, is it daddy's hurt badly?"

For so many years, Lin Xiaoli treated Lin Hai as her real father.

And Lin Hai treated her as his own daughter. She really wanted the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. As long as he could do it, she could get it.

Therefore, the relationship between father and daughter is really good these years.

"It's okay, the other person is already asleep, so go to bed as soon as possible."

In order not to worry her daughter, Ruan Xue returned to her room.

Whether at home or away, the room she and Lin Hai live in is two beds.

Lin Xiaoli once asked this question. She felt very curious, why should there be two beds in the room?

In order not to make her daughter feel inferior, she said she was afraid of accidentally kicking her daddy's leg.

Whether it was when she was a child or when she grew up, Lin Xiaoli also believed in this problem.

The most important thing is that Ruan Xue and Lin Hai have always played the loving couple in front of her. She didn't know that her parents were not real couples at all.

Even after learning that Lin Hai was not her biological father, Lin Xiaoli didn't feel anything. After all, Lin Hai always regarded her as her biological daughter.

"Then shall we go tomorrow?"

"Go, why not?"

Ruan Xue only felt uncomfortable in her heart, and a sour sensation came up in her throat.

Although Lin Hai is indeed in place as a father and made the children feel the deep love of the father, but to her wife...

Thinking of this, Ruan Xue felt uncomfortable again. Although she and him were indeed a good couple, but after so many years of getting along with each other, even ordinary cats and dogs will have feelings, let alone her. This person.

She had never expected to get his heart before, but when she saw Wang Lu, she had a feeling of wanting to be in position, especially after seeing Lin Hai again tonight with that stubborn look. This desire in my heart is also stronger.

I don’t know if he wants his daughter or his ex-wife. The woman who abandoned him is even more important than her, the woman who has been with him for so many years. When he thinks of meeting Wang Lu tomorrow, Ruan Xue said in his heart. It's very unpleasant.

Ruan Xue had been thinking about this all night, but compared to her irritability, Lin Hai was extremely happy because she was about to see her daughter again.

Before dawn the next day, Luo Xiaohua got up to prepare the hot pot ingredients, because it was lunch at noon, so many things had to be done in advance.

Fortunately, the condiments used in the hot pot are already bought the day before. You only need to cook it in the morning and then slowly boil it over a low fire. You can just serve it directly at noon.

"It's too spicy, it's too spicy, let me forget it quickly."

Seeing the smell of oily smoke in the kitchen, Zhu Huifang said immediately.

"It's okay, I wear a mask, it can't choke me."

Just for fear of being choked, Luo Xiaohua specially prepared a mask.

She also cherishes her body very much. Since returning to the village, she will also wear a mask when cooking.

"Aren't you made of cotton cloth? How can you stop the oily fume? Let me come quickly, ah... owe..."

Zhu Huifang was choked by the pepper when she spoke.

This stir-fry hot pot ingredients is not very easy, it has to be tolerable.

"Mom, don't stand in my way anymore. I'm really fine. You can let me come. You can wash the dishes quickly. Everyone will come later. We don't have any at home yet. get ready."

"I'm not afraid that you hurt the child, you look at the oily smoke so heavy."

"I'm really okay. Why don't you go get a mask and try it on?"

Seeing my daughter who can’t Huifang, he went out after two noises.

Without his mother to tinker around, Luo Xiaohua has become more comfortable in doing things.

This rural area is so good, there are a lot of big wood, as long as you are diligent enough, there is no shortage of firewood in winter.

As long as the big wood is ignited with fire, there is no need to operate too much, you only need to control the pot yourself.

It’s not the first time that Luo Xiaohua has made hot pot ingredients. He has put all the ingredients on the stove before frying. When the pot is red, she will prepare the salad oil, rapeseed oil, Butter and lard were poured in.

Not to mention, in terms of fragrance, the oil at this time is still authentic, especially the rapeseed oil, which adds a few fragrances.

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