Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 354: Bridal makeup

Before dawn, the door of the room was knocked, and Luo Xiaohua, who hadn't been asleep for a long time, couldn't help but want to lose his temper.

It's a pity that today is her wedding day, so she can't be too arbitrary.


The person here was not her relatives, but her cousin, the cousin who worked in Dongcheng, Luo Xiaohua stretched out her hand and hugged her.

"Good guy, you sleep too soundly, look at your stunned look, I don't know where this sleeping beauty is."

Xia Qiuyan really inherited the good genes of her parents. She was tall and well-proportioned. She was a natural clothes hanger. Whatever clothes she wears, she looks even more attractive.

Luo Xiaohua's favorite thing is to see her in professional attire. At that time, her cousin said that she definitely liked her.

"Don't hit me, who dares to compare with you."

What Luo Xiaohua admired most was her height. Her cousin's height was inherited from her grandma's height, while she inherited from her grandfather's height. There is a difference of several centimeters between the two!

"Hey, you said you dare not compare with me, look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, this face is almost like a freshly peeled egg, better than the baby's skin, or the two of us Change it?"

"Let's just don't praise anyone. What are you busy with all day? You haven't come to me after coming back for so long. I didn't see you at the banquet yesterday, so I just came here today."

"It's not yet at my classmate's singles party, otherwise why would I have come here long ago."

Hehe twice!

Xia Qiuyan and Luo Xiaohua have similar personalities. Compared to her second sister, Luo Xiaohua is actually more willing to stay with her.

"Oh, that's the case, did you say goodbye to being single last night?"

"Fuck you, sister, am I such a casual person?"

"Of course not, you just get up and are not human."

I think that my cousin was thrown down by her violently. Although she was drunk, she must have that meaning.

"I'm not, sister, I'm very reserved. Yes, I put makeup on you, remember to ask your man to give a red envelope later!"

This makeup is not albino, no matter who it is, she must give a red envelope, otherwise, what did she run over so early?

"That is necessary, you need it yourself later."

Anyway, getting married, what you want is a celebration.

They get married here too, but there is no such vulgar way of making trouble, and it's usually just fun.

"Okay, that's what you said, if you give it a little later, I will look for you, or you can find aunt, but don't feel bad if you give it too much."

She and the cousin hadn’t met yet, and the lion had to speak out for the first time.

"No problem, you are free."

She doesn't know her cousin's temperament. Anyway, she likes to make fun. As long as it doesn't make everyone unhappy, she will let her go.

Because you have to wait for the welcoming team to come before you can change your clothes, so now it's time to put on makeup on your face and curl your hair.

Pantou was always done by the elders, but after hearing her aunt said that her cousin was very good at making-up skills, so she was asked to come. Anyway, it is popular for makeup artists to pantou in marriages in the city.

"Your hair seems to be much better than before. Have you eaten something good?"

When Xia Qiuyan combed Luo Xiaohua's hair, she felt that her hair was black and shiny, which was the hair quality she had always wanted.

If she remembers correctly, Huahua's hair is the kind of coarse and frizzy hair.

"No, I just eat these things, I don't have that much money, just to nourish my hair."

"Really not? I got this hair, how come it's not as good as you?"

Xia Qiuyan pouted her mouth and opened her eyes wide to express her incomprehension.

"You worry too much, I just don't worry."

My cousin is now doing sales in Dongcheng. That line must be very tiring. She stands every day without talking, and she has to worry about her performance.

Although the salary is fixed now, who doesn't want a high salary!

"I will fix your hair with some mousse. If you want to wash it, you should moisten it with water first, and then do it. If you don't want to wash it, it doesn't matter if you wait two or three days."

This mousse is the most popular thing now, whether it is a woman or a man likes to wipe a little.

Especially the boy with a short head, he likes to use this model to set the shape. A big head directly gives people a feeling of greasy uncle. Anyway, she doesn't like it, and Xiao San is strictly forbidden to not let it. Get this hairstyle, or she will shave his hair straight away.

"Then you give me a little less, or sleep will be uncomfortable."

She is not used to sleeping with her head crossed, and if this mousse stays on her hair for a long time, it will breed dandruff!

"I'll get it for you first, don't say anything, or I won't know how to do it later."

Xia Qiuyan also likes to do beauty makeup, plus she deliberately studied it. This makeup technique is not bad, and Luo Xiaohua has a good foundation. Under her, Luo Xiaohua's appearance has become more familiar and autumnal.

Luo Xiaohua's skin is good, she just thickened her thin eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil, which also looked very energetic.

For her face, after applying toner, lotion and cream, I gave her some powder and then put on some rouge.

There are a lot of cosmetics now, but they are still far behind the later generations.

"What color do you like for this lipstick?"

The makeup on the face has been done, that is, there must be a finishing touch, and that is the lipstick.

"Just use this!"

When she took out a delicate lipstick from the drawer, Xia Qiuyan was shocked and speechless.

"Ouch, my god, where did you get this from?"

Looking at the lipstick in her Xia Qiuyan is really envious.

"What's the difference?"

In her previous life, she only cared about making money. After becoming A Piao, she didn't have any energy to pay attention to other things. She was just floating in the village without touching any new things.

Back in this life, she is constantly making money, and she doesn't even know what brand.

"Boss, this is an exclusive custom lipstick. As far as I know, there are not ten in the world."

"Just blow it!"

Luo Xiaohua didn't believe it, let alone the world, she might not know how many in the country.

This is not the era when the Internet is prevalent in the later generations. Any piece of news will be known to everyone. The current news is so closed that it makes you crazy.

"You believe it or not, anyway, I believe it, if you run out, give me this shell, I will use it for verification, maybe this shell can be sold for a lot of money!"

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