Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 394: New year

I don't know if it was because of pregnancy that he became squeamish, or because he was used to having him by his side.

When Xiao San was lying on the bed, Luo Xiaohua immediately turned her side, then put her arm on the pillow, her hand wrapped around his waist, one foot on his leg, the slightly bulging belly , Just resting on his stomach.

   Luo Xiaohua usually likes to roll around the whole bed. Since getting married, Xiao San has made it a fixed habit. Now, as long as two people are in bed, her sleeping position is like this.

   When the wife's body is leaning over, Xiao San's arms will also take the initiative to unfold, and then she will give the owner to make her sleep more comfortable.

   "Is the waist still sore?" The big hand holding the wife's wife, slipped down just at the position of her waist, just enough to rub her.

   And his other hand is wrapped around her waist, trying to reduce the weight of her belly, making her sleep more comfortable.

   "What you said." When he heard what he said, Luo Xiaohua smiled, and then leaned close to his face and kissed.

   Her third sister-in-law, Tang Xiaodi, when she just entered the door the day before yesterday, she saw her sleeping position leaning against him, and she couldn't help but exhort her.

   Of course, it’s for her to be restrained. Others are still injured. If she touches her leg injury, it’s not worth the loss.

   At that time, she really made a big mess. No matter how hungry she didn't choose food, she wouldn't be so casual and didn't have to choose a place to sprinkle?

   "Don't think about it crooked, I don't mean that."

   It should be one or two in the morning at this moment, even if he is not sleeping, the wife will be sleeping.

   Although it is really itchy to hold her daughter-in-law, it's too early, so she has to let her sleep first.

   The most important thing is that tomorrow is the New Year, they have to get up early to pay the New Year's greetings.

   "If you want it, I don't mind."

   Seeing Xiao San's evil smile, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but want to tease him again.

I thought of putting my hand in his clothes and scratching his back, and then I felt his whole body tense up. At this moment, Luo Xiaohua started to get up. You and I are going to sleep. In the next action, Luo Xiaohua's words were like a scoop of cold water poured directly on him, okay, you just wanted to run when you got angry, and there was no door. The temperature in the room is getting hotter and hotter as the two people are fighting. In this New Year's time, the two couples also get up with each other this time.

   It was a bit late at dawn in winter. When the husband and wife were still asleep, everyone in the family also got up.

   In the kitchen, Wang Lu and Cao Xiaoqin, two mothers and daughters, as well as the old lady of the Xiao family, the three women are busy cooking glutinous rice **** in the kitchen.

   In Nancheng, they ate glutinous rice **** on the morning of the first day of the first lunar month, and they would put a coin in the glutinous rice **** in order to be lucky, and then said that those who ate the coins would have good luck this year.

   Therefore, this coin-covered glutinous rice dumpling is usually eaten by the pillars of the family.

   They all understood this in class, but this year is a bit different, so they plan to get four coins.

   The first one is of course Father Xiao, who is the elder of the family after all, so he must have one.

   The second one is Xiao San. As a man in the family, he is the backbone, so he will definitely have his share.

   The third one is Daddy Lin. Although he is not from the Xiao family, in Wang Lu's eyes, she is her pillar. Since they are here for the New Year, this will definitely not miss him.

   The fourth one is Luo Xiaohua. As a pregnant woman, everyone hopes that she will give birth to a child safely and wish her business prosperous.

   "Mom, the glutinous rice **** are all cooked, do you want to get sisters to get up?"

   Looking at the white glutinous rice **** in the pot, Cao Xiaoqin asked.

   "No, wait for them to get up by themselves!"

  As the first day of the new year, here they are, but people who cannot go to sleep will be urged to do things that year.

   Another one is that you can’t beat your child, otherwise the child will be beaten for a year.

   Anyway, there are a lot of rules on the first day of the first lunar month, and you have to be taboo even when you speak.

   "Why don't you call me?"

   The moment he opened his eyes, Luo Xiaohua immediately became nervous when seeing the bright light outside the window, she couldn't help complaining when she met her husband with a smile in her eyes.

   This man is too, even if she can't wake her up, she can just push with her hands!

   "You don't have to do anything anyway, what do you get up and do?" Xiao San said indifferently, not to mention that you can see the daughter-in-law when you open your eyes. It's really happy.

   It seems that in the future, this business will have to be transferred back. It is the most important thing to be with his wife and children.


   There are not only two of them in this family. If it is only two of them, it will be okay to sleep until noon.

   But, at home, I am my grandparents, and her parents, as the new daughter-in-law, if it were in ancient times, I would pay. That must be punished.

   "But what? You are a pregnant woman. Snooze is normal. Besides, it's in your own home. Why do you become so cautious?"

   Xiao San just doesn't like the way his daughter-in-law cares about He wants her to live for herself, to be a person who does what she wants, and to live happily and freely.

   "You said that, you..." You are a new daughter-in-law, and the parents-in-law are not there. If you are disliked by your grandparents, will you be able to live better in the future?

   "My grandparents are very reasonable. If you want to behave, wait until you have given birth to behave." Not to mention that the month is old now, that is, when the two talents are together, he didn't let her get up and make breakfast.

   "Okay, then!" Turned over gently, then lifted the quilt, and when I saw the clothes hanging by the bed, I was touched again.

   This man is so careful, if this goes on for a long time, he will be nourished by him.

   "Move slowly, and don't shout again when your stomach hurts."

   Seeing her big movements, Xiao San couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for her.

   Not only is the month old now, but when she was just pregnant, as long as she got up too fast, her stomach would feel a little bit painful. I asked the doctor and there was no accurate answer.

   "I know, but occasionally forget."

   "Forgot that you are a pregnant woman? It doesn't matter, I will help you think about it."

  I am used to one person, and suddenly there is one more person. This is something that no one can get used to.

   But when she gets used to it, I'm afraid that the baby will be born, right?

   Thinking of this, Xiao San couldn't help but want to laugh again.

   It seems that the daughter-in-law is really a treasure.

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