Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 856: It's not that one family doesn't enter one house

   "What can I do?"

  Luo Dasheng immediately let out an annoyance. He is really doing bad things with good intentions. If this old man from the Shen family really has any shortcomings, then he can't get rid of it.

   "Dad, didn't you say you are going to see if there is anyone who needs help from Qi Jiayue? Why haven't you gone?"

   Boss Luo wiped the sweat from his neck with a grin, his face was also flushed, he had just returned from his homeland.

I was asked by my father to sell pork early in the morning, and half of it was settled as soon as he arrived in the city. I thought he had found a buyer, but I didn’t know, the people who bought it at the beginning, but no one came to buy it later. Until noon, there was a lot of money left on this car.

Occasionally, a few people came to ask, but they saw that they didn’t have a single fly on their meat, saying that they must have been stained with some medicine, and they had to go to the responsible place of the farmers’ market to sue them. They thought they were joking, no. The thought is true.

Of course, he has confidence in the meat Luo Dasheng in his hands. This was just cleared out of the village, and he told the person in charge about the source of the wild boar and said his identity. The other party believed it, and He also scolded those who did good things, one by one, he was full and had nothing to do.

   Those people didn't care because they suffered Luo Dasheng. The delay had already reached two o'clock in the afternoon.

Relying on brothers at home and relying on friends when going out is really true. When Luo Dasheng was at a loss, he met the person who lied to him last time. Now that person has changed his mind and started a bicycle business. Luo Xiaohua recommended it to him. This is Nancheng's unique business. It took a year to do it. Seeing Luo Dasheng is really more affectionate than seeing his own father.

After learning that they had a pile of meat that they didn’t sell, he immediately patted his **** and promised to sell him meat, and took them to the canning factory, the garment factory, the cement factory, and the brick factory, especially the cement factory and the brick factory. customer. It may be all physical work. If you don't eat well, you don't have the energy to work. This wild boar is cheaper than domestic pork. Of course, the other party bought it and asked if there will be more rice in the future. If there is some, continue to get it.

  Luo Dasheng doesn't want to see them again, this crop can't stand the toss anymore, if you do it again, it will have to kill them!

   It seems that I haven't moved around a few places, but it's going up and down. It's already sunset, and it's already dark when I get home.

   Boss Luo, who hasn't been to the ground for a day, even knows that his daughter-in-law can help watering, but he still feels uneasy. He took a flashlight and turned around before coming back. Those are all his painstaking efforts. If this is ruined, it will be ruined.

When    went home, everyone in the family was taking a shower in the backyard. They were about to take a shower and go to bed, when they heard that my father was there.

"Oh...what else? Didn't Qi Jiayue's mother leave? They didn't even report to his grandmother. Why don't I just talk about it? I don't know. Called over there and that's it."

   "That's it? That's it, you won't be kind enough to do a favor, others will scold you, right?"

This kind of thing does not exist, anyway, it is not that the family does not enter the house, nor is it that he is a person who talks other people's gossip, but that this Qi family is not a thing, especially Qi Jiayue’s mother, then It's really the kind that protects the calf to the hatred of all people.

   It's normal for this kid to fight and play. If her kid is wronged or injured, he will come to the door to ask for trouble.

The Luo family had suffered this kind of loss several times, especially when he liked to follow his little sister. When something went wrong, the first thing he found was their home. At that time, the Luo boss really really disliked Qi Jiayue. Anyway, it was uncomfortable to see him coming to his own house, just because he was many years older than them, and he couldn't manage it if he wanted to. After all, he had his business.

   Boss Luo still remembers what the Qi family did. Even if he hadn't been in the village for so many years, he still remembered clearly. Thinking of those things, he was indignant.

   "I didn't scold me, as if someone couldn't stand the stimulus and fainted. I hung up before finishing the call."

   Mention this Luo Dasheng feels guilty, if something really happens, he will have a conscience for the rest of his life.

   "Dad, did you call it?"

   "No, I just finished the call, you just came in."

   What Luo Dasheng didn't dare to say was that when he heard that voice, he felt that it was not easy, so he dared to call.

   "Then you haven't called, so I don't know if something has happened, or I will call and ask to see if there is anything wrong?"

   "Then ask, your father, I can't stand it when I'm old, what should I do if something goes wrong?"

   At this time, Luo Dasheng, a warm-hearted person, regretted how he was such a person.

   "Ring Ling Ling Ling Ling.........Ring Ling Ling Ling Ling..."

   Just when Boss Luo was about to make a call, the phone rang.

"Qi Jiayue, if you still recognize my eldest uncle, don't call again. Your mother has already severed the relationship with the Shen family. Since you haven't come back for so many years, it will be forever... ..."

"Hello, you are Qi Jiayue’s uncle, it’s I am from their village, the eldest son of the village head Luo Dasheng, you should have met me, this Qi Jiayue’s mother is yours Sister, sit in the big night tomorrow night, you maidens can come as long as they can come. If you can’t come, we’ll help send a letter. However, I’ll tell you, even though his mother has married another Yes, but the Qi family is still organizing the funeral of the Qi family’s daughter-in-law. You can rest assured that you don’t make her feel uneasy after her death."

   "What are you talking about, Qi Jiayue's mother is gone, what are you going, are you afraid you made the wrong call?"

   There are so many people with the same name and surname in this village. He thinks that the other party must have made a mistake.

"That’s right, Qi Jiayue originally wanted to call by himself, but, as you know, this village has this custom. This dutiful son cannot enter other people’s homes before his parents enter the soil. Therefore, this call is my dad. He knows the phone number of your village, so he asked the people over there to inform your parents."

   "In other words, my elder sister Shen Yue is really gone?"

   Before Boss Luo said one by one, the other party hung up the phone.

   "These people really don't understand a bit of politeness. If you don't say thank you, you have to say I hung up beforehand."

   "This happened so suddenly that no one can accept it. I won't ask for anything in my entire life, just ask you to be safe."


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