Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 861: Conceited

"It should be, and I said it too, but I have always regarded Yue'er as my daughter. Even if she marries another, she is also my daughter-in-law of the Qi family."

Mr. Qi said that he was a heart-hearted person, and it was very useful to the ears of the Shen family.

However, there are also one or two thorns coming out.

"It's not worthwhile that everyone thinks about your family, thinking that marrying a city resident can bring Jiayue a good life and have good learning conditions. This university is admitted, but what's the use? With two kicks, you won’t be able to enjoy a bit of good fortune, and she also lost the reputation of a second marriage. You said that if she didn’t marry another year, she might still be living well now."

"Meizi, this is fate, let's not say anything."

The old lady pulled her second daughter-in-law.

"Mom, I'm not wrong at all. If Brother Qi left some family assets for the eldest sister, the eldest sister wouldn't have to marry, but how much money should be kept, but you can't keep a debt, otherwise it won't appear today. This matter."

Before Boss Qi's accident, he pieced together to build up the family house, and it didn't take long for him to belch. The cost of building this house is not small. I borrowed almost 100 yuan from my brothers and borrowed a lot of stones.

Their family saves less than one hundred yuan all year round, let alone only their wives and children. Without the man, Shen Yue was also in a collapsed place, wishing to go with him like this. Seeing that her son is about to start school again, the family owes a large sum of money for the husband’s funeral. She introduced a man in the city.

Originally, she had no intention of marrying. She didn't expect that the other party was her village and her classmate, and then she was confused and agreed. However, before marrying, she still had one condition, that is, to bring her own son. Not only did the other party agree, but after learning that she still owed her debts, she also helped her to pay it back. It was such a good old man that made her fall into a deadly place.

"What the second aunt said is, but no one expected this kind of thing. I didn't say it. Although my boss doesn't talk much, he is a hardworking man. As long as he works a little bit, he can pay the money within a year. superior."

"The result is that it hasn't been returned. Such a good house is still left. If you don't take care of it, I am afraid that this house will be abandoned."

"This is no way, we also hope that Jiayue will clean up the house, and when he comes back one day, he can live in it."

Qi Jiayue’s father, although simple and honest, seems to have a bad head, but in fact he is a person with a very fast mind. When everyone is still eating in a pot, he goes up the mountain to eat game, and then goes to the city. Change cloth tickets and food stamps so that wives and children can have clothes to wear, and every time they go out, they can save some money to come back. Perhaps it was because he ran a lot and saw a lot, and he ran far and wide. Before the birth, he planned to do business on his own in the future, but he didn't know that something like this would happen in the future.

This Qi Jiayue should have inherited his gene too, and he is really smart in doing business.

"My size..." As soon as she walked to the door of the house, the old lady began to cry, her feet softened, and she crawled towards the mourning hall. When he came to the position of the coffin, the old lady stood up by the side of the coffin, and looked at her familiar face, crying louder, and the people next to her couldn't help crying.

"My size, why did you leave so early, how did you let me live......"

The old lady cried and said, wishing to pick someone up with both hands and shake her awake.

The usually weak old lady turned into a few daughter-in-laws next to the strong man. Ladu couldn't move her, and she just lay on the side crying.

"Mom, take care of your body!"

"Mom, people can't come back from death, and the eldest sister sees you like this, she can't stand it either."


"Jia Yue, tell your grandfather honestly, what the **** is going on with your mother?"

"My mother is sick and has a very serious illness. She wanted to tell you all the time, but she refused, saying that she didn't want you to worry. She wanted to wait until the illness was cured and come back this year during the Chinese New Year. knowledge."

"You didn't hide anything from me, did you?"

The old man looked at his grandson questioningly and expressed doubts. If that was the case, why did those people look at him very differently, a bit like, a bit like watching the excitement, yes, it was as if they were looking for something.

Ordinarily, people in this village must be aware of the situation like his daughters, and they are the ones who are at fault. How could they come to make trouble?

"No, no, what can I hide from you, my mother, the most guilty thing in her life is not being able to serve you and grandmother under your knees."

"If it weren't for me to get ahead, my mother wouldn't have worked so hard. I'm sorry for her."

Seeing the heartbroken grandson, the old man couldn't ask why, but reached out and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't be too sad. Your mother is also for your own good. You have to be worthy of her. From now on, you must be a good person. Your mother likes to come back during the New Year and New Year holidays. Just talk to her."

Speaking of the word "lively", the old man felt sad again. Her daughter likes to lively so much. During the days after marriage, she ran home in two days and asked her why, she said she couldn't bear to be home. Until the birth of a child, she said that she was too busy and had no time to go back. During the New Year's and holidays, she would always let people bring a to let them go over to eat, so that the house would be more lively.

Now watching her lying alone in the cold coffin, the man who killed the pig without blinking couldn't help crying.

Seeing that grandpa was going to see his mother, Qi Jiayue also went to the other side to make arrangements. This grandpa had three tables of guests, and he had to ask the master to arrange a few more tables.

Seeing that his family didn’t say anything, Mr. Qi hurriedly went to work. Sitting at night is a big deal and cannot be perfunctory. Another thing is that Shen Yue died strangely. When the coffin was built in the early morning, he had to let the children in the village. Wake up, these need to be arranged. There is also the burial tomorrow, who will have to carry it. He didn't worry about this before, but now the village is full of rumors, and I don't know if they dare to lift it. This Taoist master doesn't know whether it is famous or not, and I don't know whether the soul delivery tomorrow morning will go smoothly.


The old man's heart is really broken. He has lived for most of his life, and now he is half of his body buried in the soil. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

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