Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 873: Nongmenzhen

   It’s just that what they say in their mouths seems to be very unfavorable to his mother. It seems to mean that others are **** and pee on your head, and you still don’t care about your face.

   Those who don't know the actual situation are certainly not good at commenting, but according to his mother's temperament, that person certainly can't ask for anything, or else Qi Jiayue has given it any benefit. Otherwise, even if the deceased is the greatest, she can still mess up their home.

   However, these things will definitely not be put on the surface.

   Luo San climbed up the pole and took their words.

"The folks in this village should have helped each other. However, the folks in the Shen family are out of touch with us. My mother didn't let the security team take her away. It was because of Qi Jiayue. For the sake of mom’s face, I heard that she was remarried, so why didn’t she get buried there? Uncle Wang, Uncle Li, and my uncle, do you know?"

   The smartest way to stop rumors is to divert them.

  Everyone is in the same village. Many of the previous generations were fertile and did not flow into the fields of outsiders. Therefore, most of this is a bit of a relationship. Therefore, everyone did not say anything bad about the Luo family.

"I don't know about this. The day before yesterday, wasn't a wild boar entering the village? We were all helping with that messy stuff. When your dad talked about building roads, he said that he would take 10,000 yuan to come out. road."

"When you talk about this, I think of one thing. This old Luo was not broken by the dead lady of the Shen family, or because he refused to lose Qi Jiayue's 10,000 yuan. It was all for the village. I didn't know which mouth was broken, so I told it about it. If I knew it, I would definitely give her two ears."

   "It turned out to be because of this. I didn't sleep well the day before yesterday. I went to put a day's water on the day before yesterday. I fell asleep as soon as I touched the bed. I heard you talk about it in the morning."

   "It's for this. If it was his own family's business, he wouldn't be like that. Besides, he wouldn't spend so much money with him."

   "That's true, although this Luo family is not as good as those of the landlords, but the family base is still thick, there is no need to take it. These years, everyone knows that Lao Luo's is not necessary at all."

   "The dead woman just can't see us. It seems that this road is to be repaired quickly, and it must be built into the asphalt road in the city, so that the dead old lady will be **** off."

"Yeah, isn't Qi Jiayue's money used to build roads? Let's repair the roads well and strive to buy a tricycle for every household next year. It is also convenient to go to the city and sell vegetables. You don't need to rub other people's cars to buy new year's goods. It’s also convenient to get into the city."

  Before, because of road construction, Luo Dasheng became a public enemy in the village. It was only after one night, and everyone was like the enemy, and they wanted to help him collect the money so that the people of the Shen family could not get it. Otherwise, the money for the road construction comes from wherever you can, but you can’t contribute money. After all, you only save a small amount of money all year round. This road construction will be spent again. When the time comes, where will the family go? Money to live a life.

Listening to everyone’s conversations, the two brothers didn’t interrupt, just as if they were in the farming front and listened to them. This tree fell and scattered, which is something you often encounter in life. If you have time, you can argue with them. Might as well do more work.

   After the hot weather, the top of the greenhouse has to be covered with black or straw. Otherwise, the temperature inside is too high and the crops will be burnt to death soon.

After the two brothers pulled out the weeds on the side, they didn’t go inside the big shed, because at this time every day, they came to call them home. Of course, it wasn’t for dinner. No matter how sleepy the Luo family were, they wouldn’t fall asleep. At noon, not to mention the question of whether people are tired or not, this is the habit of the farmers.

   As soon as Xia Xia came, the village was short of water, so I had to go to the river to pick it. In order to save water, Luo Xiaohua directly took the three babies into the space to wash.

   "White Night, you really have you, how long I haven't come in now, this has changed again."

Seeing the harvest scene, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help being happy from the heart. The grain growth rate in this space was originally half faster than the outside. Coupled with the nourishment of the spiritual spring water, the harvest of one acre of land, It's two-thirds more than the outside, that is to say. Looking at the full rice grains, Luo Xiaohua felt like she would never be hungry again.

   "It's not easy to want to thank me. Whenever, you can cook me a delicious meal. By the way, you said before that you want to get some seafood in. If you don't act, you are about to greedy me."

   "Okay, what's the problem then."

   "No, I remember, I got a bunch of seafood in."

   After saying this, Luo Xiaohua looked at the nonchalant big golden dragon.

   "Frankly, did you eat seafood?"

   Those shells and shrimps, which she planned to make for her family to eat, did it once, but she put it aside because she was busy with her career and having children. I originally thought it would become a scourge in Lingquan, but I didn't know that it was eaten extinct.

"It’s you who said that as long as there are things I can see in this space, I can eat as long as I don’t waste it. Besides, all the seafood you feed is not good at all. When I go back to the sea, give it to If you catch the deep sea coming in, the taste is just right."

   The big golden dragon's unshakable words made Luo Xiaohua so angry that he was blowing his beard and it was not delicious and she finished eating.

"I said, this person wants a face and a bark. You eat it clean and don’t think it tastes good. That’s good, what you said, if you give me something better, then I’ll wait. If you give it to If I can’t get it, I’ll peel off your skin and use it as a vest."

  The big golden dragon is full of treasures, and anything on his body, as long as it is eaten by humans, not to mention immortality, at least there will be no major diseases.

   "Don't talk about peeling my skin, it's okay to cut off my head and use it as a stool for you to sit on."

   When the big golden dragon spoke, he moved his head over.

   "Go away, I really doubt if you were a pervert in your last life. Even if I wanted to use you as a stool, I would sit on your body."

   "My body, don't you know that I am hermaphrodite?"

   "You go to the labor and management!"

   Fuck the hermaphrodite, Luo Xiaohua is not too angry, uses the wood spirit power, turns a lot of vines, entangles the big golden dragon, and then directly tied it to the apple tree.

  "Growing on the apple tree, and dying on the apple tree, today I will make one of the big golden dragons..."

"shut your mouth!"

   A big apple was just stuffed into the big golden dragon's mouth.

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