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Chapter 957: Before giving birth

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"Mom said you haven't eaten for most of the day. You think you can't do it with iron. Let go of your hand and I'll buy you something to eat."

Zhou Xingxing touched his wife's forehead, then squeezed her wrinkled face.

Seeing her like this, she must have started to hurt again.

"You be good, no matter whether you can eat or not, let's eat a little bit, or else we won't have the strength to have a baby."

"I don't want to eat it, it hurts too much, you rub it for me."

Wang Shufen lifted the quilt and revealed her belly.

Before Zhou Xingxing's hand stretched out, the belly was bulging.

"This kid is really naughty."

Zhou Xingxing touched it with her hand, and then she began to change places.

"Do you think this is a daughter or a son?"

I don't know if it is the cause of the tranquilizer, or because of the pain, Wang Shufen is not so painful right now, and still has the spirit to chat with his man.

"Daughter and son can do. If it is a daughter, let me protect you mother and daughter in the future. If it is a son, it will be our father and son to protect you."

Wang Shufen smiled shyly when she heard her man's heartwarming words.

In fact, whether it was in the past or in this life, he really had nothing to say to himself.

It's just that the so-called relatives in his family are not a thing.

To be honest, after living for most of her life, she has never figured out why in a family where the three views are not correct, how can she raise a son like him?

"Don't just talk about the useless ones, I will look at the actual actions, if you can continue to do this in the future, hiss..."

"What's wrong, is it painful again, I'll call a doctor."

"Just stay here, I'll call a doctor."

During the time when the daughter and son-in-law were talking, Mother Wang walked out directly, and then hurriedly pushed the door in after hearing the wailing voice of her daughter.

"Doctor, is my wife going to give birth?"

The doctor put away his supplies, Zhou Xingxing asked quickly.

"It will be a while before I point a finger."

"But, she's already in pain. Would you like to think of a solution?"

"There is no pain in giving birth to a child. Those who do not hurt are all fake."


Wang Shufen, who was in pain, was directly amused by the doctor. Although she was telling the truth, she felt a little humorous in the latter sentence.

"That's not necessarily true. My sister-in-law was also born in your hospital. My mother said she was born very quickly. Did you get some medicine?"

Compared with the sudden relaxation of his wife, Zhou Xingxing became nervous.

He didn't tell lies, because his sister-in-law had come to their house before she was born. Although he hadn't seen her childbirth speed with his own eyes, he had heard his mother talk about it.

Just because his sister-in-law's belly was billowing, everyone in this village said it was a boy. So, his mother took out the family's money, ran to their house and waited, and then went to the hospital to give birth.

Just after she shouted that her stomach hurts, she was sent to the hospital. The child's head came out before the door, but she was so happy. She watched her grandson come out with her own eyes as a grandmother. There was nothing more than this. It makes people happy.

Precisely because of this, she said when she met people, it was as if she had delivered the baby herself.

"This.... Everyone's physique is different. Some people live fast and some live slowly. That's all normal."

"But, don't look at people with that kind of old thinking, don't think that giving birth is really like farting. This woman gives birth to a child, that's a trip through a ghost gate."

The doctor, who was almost out of the house, came back and gave an order.

Her instructions are not unreasonable. People in this era, especially in the country, are to save money by asking their midwife to deliver the baby at home. Not to mention the environment is not clean and the sanitation is not hygienic, it is for delivery. None of these tools can guarantee the presence or absence of bacteria.

Many women die not when they give birth to children, but when they are infected with bacteria, because the one who cut the umbilical cord did not cure the virus.

Of course, it doesn't mean that it is all the same. Anyway, most of the accidents are due to this situation, except for the kind of dystocia. After all, hemorrhage, let alone the midwife, is not guaranteed to be 100% sure.

"I know, don't worry, I will be good to my daughter-in-law."

Hearing what the doctor said, Zhou Xingxing nodded repeatedly.

"Don't despise me for talking too much. If it weren't for the people brought by the girl of the Luo family, I wouldn't have said so much."

"Thank you, by the way, doctor, she is so painful that she doesn't want to eat. Since having a baby is a hard work, shouldn't she have to eat?"

"Of course you have to eat it. You can buy something she usually wants to eat but is reluctant to eat it, or you can add some brown sugar water to her to replenish her physical strength. It's impossible to have a baby without eating."

Not only Zhou Xingxing listened to what the doctor said, but also Wang Shufen himself listened, but the stomach hurts so that she can neither sit nor stand nor lie down. She is not sure whether she can eat or not. Got it?

"I heard it now. If you don't eat, you will have no energy to give birth. Just listen to my mother and drink this chicken soup."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mother Wang took out the chicken soup that her wife had brought over.

Even though they all have a unit, they don't want to eat very much at ordinary times. Today, they are given to girls, but they can cure the old hens.

The wife of the distressed girl didn't drink a mouthful of the soup, so she came to the hospital and was dragged by her and ate the chicken. After all, girls are too painful to eat, so if they don’t eat this chicken, it’s a waste.

So, what she brought here now was a pot of soup without any meat.

When the baby is born tomorrow, I can't drink this kind of tonic soup for the first three So, you have to drink some quickly while the baby is not yet born.

"Mom, I just drink a little bit."

"Drinking a little is a little bit. If you don't drink it, you will have no energy."

The mother and daughter were talking to each other in the ward. Zhou Xingxing took a rickshaw and rushed to Luo Xiaohua's shop after leaving the hospital.

As a result, he hurried over, and the beef with pepper and mochi was sold out.

"Or wait a minute, I'll fry a portion for you, just fry it with braised beef, it's very fast."

After learning that Zhou Xingxing's wife was about to give birth to eat, Uncle Yang was not too troublesome at all.

Because of Xiao San's relationship, he knew Zhou Xingxing. Besides, he often brought his brothers over to take care of the business. How could he not know him?

"No trouble, right?"

"No trouble, no trouble, I'll just give you a stir-fry here first."

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