Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 966: Self-reliance

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"Tell me, who are these people?"

Mother Wang was so angry that she sat in a chair and patted her chest. Fortunately, her son-in-law didn't look at his family. Otherwise, her daughter would really have suffered a big loss, and the house her parents bought could not live in peace of mind.

Thanks to the fact that these people can speak it out, the house they paid for is actually living in other people. Isn't this what it means to occupy the magpie's nest?

"What's the matter, this is so angry, this Fen'er has just given birth to a child, can't you be a little bit less angry as a mother?"

Today, Father Wang, who asked for leave at home to make nutritious soup for his daughters, came over with the soup this morning, and he immediately complained when he heard his wife's resentful words there.

And he was also whispering in his heart that after so many years of marriage, his hot temper has not changed. Fortunately, he is an orphan, otherwise the family will surely make trouble.

"I tell you, you must be upright and honest, don't whisper in your heart, just say anything."

"I can't tell you what happened this morning. Did Fen'er wake up? I stewed pigeon soup and asked her to drink it first when she got up."

Because this was just after giving birth to the baby, he didn't dare to drink the soup, so Dad Wang chose the least greasy pigeon soup.

However, this soup is also very tonic, but it is not as greasy as the chicken soup.

As a man, he really doesn't know what to eat and what not to eat, but he just wants to give the best to his daughter.

"What's the matter? If it wasn't for my foresight, we would count the money together for fear of being sold by others."

If you buy a house for others to live in, isn’t that equivalent to selling yourself?

Not only was the house for others to live in, but also for other people's grandsons to settle in the city. Why didn't she encounter such a good thing?

"Really, these in-laws are not a thing, right? We have treated them very well these years. How can we count our daughters like this?"

Hearing what his wife said, Wang's father was also very angry.

"What did the son-in-law say, does he agree or disagree?"

As a man, he actually wants a son, but he has no parents, and his wife's parents are not in good health. Therefore, if two people procrastinate, there is only one girl.

Now I heard from Zhou's family that after a hundred years of her daughter-in-law and son-in-law, letting her nephew give the child a wrestle, ripples still occurred in her heart.

"Agree, if he dares to agree, I will immediately ask Fen'er to divorce, what happened to the girl, and if they have the ability, they should not ask for a woman from the Zhou family. Anyway, if a man is so capable, then let a man have a baby."

"I said, how can you say such a jerk? If a man can give birth to a woman, why do you make a woman?"

"Are you going to choke with me today? Do you think I didn't give birth to you? You regret it now. Anyway, if you are still young, you can find a woman to give birth. I won't say anything."

"You, didn't I just say something, just crackling here, if I really had such an idea, I wouldn't have made such a choice back then."

After giving birth to a girl, they actually had a child, but because both of them were at work and couldn't spare any time to take care of the child, they chose not to.

"It used to be before, doesn't mean you don't have that idea now."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. I am a grandfather now. What can I think? You should quickly talk about what the son-in-law thinks."

"What can he think? We bought the house, and he can't just let others live."

"That's not enough, this son-in-law is also facing us, why are you angry? Quickly take this in and eat, and prepare a portion for you and son-in-law."

"Really all right?"

Wang Shufen can also hear things outside clearly. In order not to make herself angry, she treats those things as having nothing to do with her.

"It's okay. If they really dare to go in, I will immediately lead people and move them out."

He was already sorry enough for his daughters-in-law in the past, and he will certainly not let them do evil in his own home this time.

Not to mention the daughter-in-law confinement, but usually they are not allowed to live there. It is really too noisy. They are mumbling all the time and don’t know what they’re talking about. People just listen to them. Very upset.

"That's all right, you bring your girl over and let me have a look."

She just glanced at it when she was born. She didn't close her eyes all day and night. She started to sleep after giving birth. She woke up when her in-laws came, but when she was too sleepy, she just fell asleep. Then when she heard her mother go out, she knew there was nothing wrong with herself, so she went to sleep again. She wondered if she did. How can I sleep if I haven't slept for a few days and nights?

"Oh, how ugly!"

Looking at the wrinkled little girl in his own man's arms, Wang Shufen started to complain.

"Husband, do you think you have taken a wrong hold, you look too ugly."

"I don't think it's ugly at all, look at it, this nose and eyes, it looks like... the baby is getting papa."

With the sudden warmth in his hand, Zhou Xingxing glanced at it, and a pile of dark things was on top of the girl's diaper.

"Change quickly, or she will be uncomfortable."

After all, I have brought my baby before, so I still have this experience.

"But, how do you do this?"

When he was a father for the first time, Zhou Xingxing was still confused when he saw this situation.

"Let me come, you first bring the soup and rice to Fen'er. Only when you are full can you have milk."

I haven't held a baby in many years, and Mother Wang was still very cautious when taking over the baby.

While pulling off the diaper, he said to his wife.

"You take this diaper to the washing room in the corridor to wash There is a counter there. Remember to wash it with soap, but don't use detergent. This baby has a tender skin and can't use irritating things."


Looking at the way his wife took it for granted, Dad Wang was full of black lines. Is this a grandpa, and a grandpa again?

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and finish the wash. Come over for dinner together."

After yelling at his wife, Mother Wang, holding the child in one hand and the basin in the other to catch the water.

"I wash our baby's butt, and the **** is clean and refreshing."

"Oh, you can enjoy it just a little bit, this little look is too cute."

While washing her granddaughter's ass, she found that the child was not crying or making trouble, and Mother Wang immediately made a surprised voice.

"So obedient, I heard that several children next door were either crying or making trouble. Adults couldn't sleep well, washing their **** and so on, they were also screaming."

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