Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 969: Respect each other

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"It's okay, Mom, you sit down for a while, and I'll cook a bowl for you."

Luo second smiled and said to his mother-in-law, then turned and walked out.

The whole process did not show any dissatisfaction, and seemed to be happy to do this.

Everyone is from the same village. He knows exactly what kind of temperament my mother-in-law is. After moving the house stuff, it is considered good.

Probably because the Luo family is a native of the village, and Luo Dasheng is the village head, some things require him to help. Therefore, the people of the Tang family are fairly restrained in their family.

It's not like going to her eldest daughter's house, forcing her husband's house to return people.

That's really too much. It doesn't count when a family goes to eat and drink. Every time they come back, they have to bring large bags and small bags to count.

Because she didn't do excessive behaviors in her own home, Luo's second child was relatively polite in terms of the face of her daughter-in-law. After all, this life requires respect for each other, which can last longer.

"Mother-in-law, I'm embarrassed!"

Regarding her daughter's ugly face, Tang's mother pretended not to have seen her, and talked to Zhu Huifang with a smile on her face.

"It's okay, as long as you like to eat, just as my father-in-law said, this is a waste of food without wasting. People have to be willing in their entire life. As the so-called, there is a sacrifice to gain!"

"Yes, that is. But it must be there too!"

"Yes, there will certainly be, but now it is guaranteed to the households, as long as the people are diligent, there will be everything."

"It's one thing to be diligent, but it also requires some skills. You see, your boss is a good example..."

The two in-laws just babbled each other. Luo Xiaohua, who was standing outside the door after feeding the child, was embarrassed to go in. She was really worried that her appearance would disturb the conversation of the two of them.

I was also a little curious, why are the two of them so close?

"Sister, why are you here again? You just brought Xiaobao and the others at home, isn't we here?"

"I'll take a look and go back later."

As a nanny, Luo Xiaohua really went back to breastfeed like this, and then turned back.

"You'd better go back, don't this Xiaoqin still have to go to the store, don't delay business because of our business."

"Don't worry, you won't be able to delay it, isn't this still your brother-in-law at home!"

It's really not easy to marry a man to marry a man to dress and eat, and to find a good man. When she came out, Xiao San brought the baby at home.

Not to mention, this is a different way to be a dad. It comes with a deterrent. The three little guys are doing evil in front of her. It is uncomfortable here or there. You have to hug the other.

As a result, when her father led people, the style of painting was different. One gnawed his fingers, another gnawed toes, and the other was staring at the things on the rocking chair.

The one who gnawed the toe was Xiaobao. She had been reprimanded many times and didn’t change it. That girl was too stubborn. She always gnawed with relish while holding her feet while she was away. She looked like she was gnawing a pig. hoof.

I don't know if that girl really understands, every time she says that her feet are like pig's trotter, she is still very unhappy!

"Yes, he takes care of him very carefully. I dare not hold this little guy in my family."

"Forget it, it is not that he is careful at all, but is forced to take care of his own children, who will take care of them?"

It must be impossible for his grandparents, let alone the old man who is now paralyzed in bed. Just before, it was impossible for the elderly to help with the children. At that age, it would be good to be able to support themselves. Don't expect them to help with the children.

However, they still offered to help them, but they didn't let it go.

"It seems that this potential is really inspired."

Luo Er smiled, and it was at this time that Luo Xiaohua noticed the bowl in his second brother's hand.

"You also boiled poached eggs this morning, and this afternoon it is also poached eggs. What about the millet I gave, haven't you cooked it? Although this egg is highly nutritious, it hasn't been long since she was born. You can't eat it all at once..."

Before I finished speaking many words, I saw my second brother talking to his mother-in-law.

"Mom, I've cooked this sugar egg, you can eat it while it's hot."

Aha (? 0?) Eyes ahhhhhhh!

This time, Luo Xiaohua really didn't believe that she saw it. This was the first time she saw someone who was a mother and came to her daughter. No, it should be said that her grandmother and grandson grabbed the food.

After all, this Tang Xiaodi had only given birth to the baby. All the food he ate was not only to replenish the body, but also to be able to deliver milk so that the baby would not be hungry.

But now, as a grandmother, she is eating the rations of her grandson with peace of mind.

Especially those eggs, but she took them out of the space. I don't know what's going on. Those vegetables and grains grow very fast, but the eggs and ducks don't come out. So, there are not many eggs there until now.

When my mother came over with the egg, she dropped the bag. Although her native eggs are indeed very nutritious, they are still a lot worse than the eggs in her space.

The eggs that were dropped have been given to her sister to eat.

"Oh, you're Huahua. I didn't expect this to have so many children and she is still so beautiful. Xiaodi, you have to learn from Huahua, this woman, you can't treat yourself badly at any time. Otherwise, just Like your mother and me, wrinkles start to appear at a young age. This skin is like that 70-80-year-old woman, and she shaves her hands when she touches it."

" You said it's not enough. Go back when you're done!"

Tang Xiaodi, who wanted to pretend to sleep all the time, couldn't listen anymore. This shame is enough to be ashamed of your own home, and you must run outside to be ashamed.

Anyway, she can't afford to lose this person!

"I'm not happy to say a few words about you. Look at your mother-in-law, who looks better than you now. Don't let me talk too much. Only then will you cry."

"Mom, don't worry, no matter what Xiaodi looks like, I will always treat her the same."

"Marriage is not about who looks good and who has money, who is the boss of the family, but about respecting and growing up with each other, so that we can go further."

When he walked to the bedside of his daughter-in-law, Luo Er shook his daughter-in-law's hand and said vowedly.

"Don't talk so full, no one can predict what it will look like in the future."

"It won't be like you anyway!"

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