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Chapter 980: See life in the ward, human nature in the delivery room, and heart in pregnancy

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"I'm old enough, no one looks at dressing up. You are still young. Don't think about making money all the time. You have to think more about yourself. When Mom was young, she thought too much to live so well. Depressed, don't follow me."

Recalling those past events, Wang Lu still had lingering fears.

To be honest, she didn't even know how she came here during the time when she was in the Wang family.

The man is not home, and her mother-in-law is always aiming at her, all kinds of provocations, making her wonder if she is that bad at all?

Especially when she gave birth to Xiaoqin, she almost jumped into the river with her daughter.

Originally, because she suffered a big loss when she gave birth to her daughter, she was in a trance. The mother-in-law kept saying that she was useless. The first child was a girl, and the second child was still a girl. She had to take her daughter out and throw her away. Pregnant again.

At that time, she was really so angry that her liver hurts, and the girl who was born to her death desperately survived, how she was obscured by her.

Not only that, but my husband also helped her mother-in-law to speak, saying that their Cao family was a single pass from four generations, and he actually gave birth to a daughter in his generation. It must be because she should not have had a daughter before. If she knew this, she should be straightforward. Throw her into the river.

This series of blows made her lose confidence in life. During her confinement period, she went to the hospital twice, causing her daughters to never eat milk, and she was a lot shorter than her peers.

Fortunately, it survived later, and was not shocked by them.

It's really "the ward sees life, the delivery room sees human nature, and pregnancy sees people's hearts."

In fact, from pregnancy to childbirth, she felt that she was a fertility machine in the eyes of her husband, and she did not feel any love at all. And, during her pregnancy, he often stayed away at night. When she questioned him, her mother-in-law also said that she was ignorant. Her man went outside in the wind and rain, so she just wanted to make more money.

It was not until later that she knew that he had a home outside of his home, that she understood that she was a servant of their family, or that she was a kind of inverted post. After getting married, pregnant and having children, she only knew how much she had posted. That is when she was sober during that song, she was really deceived.

So, after she was out of confinement, she began to develop her career.

It’s easy to start a business and it’s hard to keep the job, so she who is dedicated to her career has also suffered a lot. It is precisely because she is devoted to her career. When she learned that her daughter was pregnant, her whole person began to collapse.

Taking care of her career and not taking care of her children, she suffered so many years of grievances.

"Mom, you have done well enough, and it's not your fault. You can only say that you are not good at meeting people!"

As a girl with no social experience, under the double deception of her in-laws and her natal family, how could she not get on the thief ship.

This person's heart is separated from his belly, and those flowers intestines, if you don't have a bright eye, you really can't tell.

"By the way, Mom, some time ago, my aunt came to find the box I asked you to give me, the one with jewels on it."

"It was given by my grandmother. What is she doing here?"

Wang Lu thought about it suspiciously. The box was given to her by her grandmother. Not only the people on her side knew it, but also the people on her uncle's side.

"I heard what she said, it seems that grandma asked her to come and take it, but I didn't give it, and she thought it was in your house, so she coaxed Xiaoqin to find it in your room!"

When Luo Xiaohua told her what had happened before, she made Wang Lu a laugh.

"There are really you guys. Her ten fingers did not touch the sun and spring water. She gave her all the clothes and cleared her clothes. In the end, she couldn't find what she wanted, so her mouth was crooked."

My sister-in-law is indeed of noble origin. Although she is a relative of the emperor, she still has the high air after marrying their family. She can't understand it if she is a child. If she is not a royal family, she I didn't bother to go back, let alone listen to her words of three observances and four virtues from time to time. Just like a fine point, if anyone is from a good background like her and married well, who doesn't want to be married to each other and live the life of a rich wife.

If a woman wants to be as beautiful as a flower, she must have a man who earns money and takes care of the family like her elder brother.

And she didn't meet it, so you need to work **** her own. As a result, her efforts have always been described as too strong by her.

The most important point is that you always say that you can't beat her, that's really too sad.

Therefore, if Wang Lu can go home less, then go home less.

And it was the woman who sang so high that she was able to put down her figure and help her daughter clean the clothes that had been washed by the flood for a box.

"Isn't it? It was intentional to scold me and Xiaoqin. However, we did it deliberately. Whoever makes her look at people with a superior posture all the time, I will rub her arrogance."

People are riding to the neck, if she doesn't resist, she always feels a little sorry for her.

"By the way, Mom, that box looks very expensive, you just gave it to me, didn't you..."

"If you give it to you, just keep it. You can still use it for emergencies in the future. However, you should not open it at ordinary times. You must keep it. There is also this set, and you have to keep it. This is very If you have a collection value, even if you don’t want to wear it, put it away."

Wang Lu pointed to the set of jade jewelry in front of her.

"Originally, I wanted to buy gold for you. I saw that those rich ladies in Dongcheng wear this kind of gold, so I decided to buy this. Don't say it, it really feels more tasteful to wear."

"That's not it, it's more expensive than gold!"

Both jade and gold have room for appreciation, but jade is not easy to preserve, especially the inside of the bracelet. If you accidentally knock it out, it will make you vomit Anyway, you keep it well. If you go out to participate in some activities, you can wear it on your body to support the scene. "

"Thank you mom, by the way, why didn't you wear the necklace I gave you?"

It was at this time that Luo Xiaohua realized that the necklace on her mother's neck was gone, and there was a very shallow scar.

"You said, who did this?"

The atmosphere just now became tense.

Wang Lu didn't expect that after hiding so well, she was discovered by her daughter.


"Mom, if you think it over, if I find out, if you lie to me, you know what the consequences are."

"It's like this, that, isn't it that when we walked out of the train station, someone suddenly grabbed my neck..."

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