Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 995: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

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"Okay, Grandpa Liu, this is what happened. I went to work in the fields early this morning. I found out that my field was too dry. Then I went to open the canal, but I didn't expect the water to be too big. Everyone has flown into the big shed of Mr. Luo."

"Then what?"

Uncle Liu spoke again when he watched him scratching his head and not talking about things.

"Then Boss Luo came and said that I had opened the mouth too much and ruined his seedlings, and then he scolded."

"Boy Luo family, isn't it like this?"

"Grandpa Liu is like this. I was too anxious. I didn't close my eyes to get the seedlings for days or nights. He destroyed them. The shed cost a dollar!"

"You are a lie, that shed can spend so much money on vegetables, you are simply ruining people. Old branch secretary, you are going to be the master of my orphans and widows!"

"Howl, go away quickly, or I won't deal with this matter."

"Can I leave it alone?"

This duck with a mouth can't fly anymore, as soon as the old man spoke, she immediately persuaded her.

"Go on, then why do you say you fell into the river again? Did he push you?"

"It wasn't me who pushed me. I just think he was talking too exaggerated. It's just a seedling from a shed. Where is so much worth of money? We are all farmers, so we don't know what the price is!"

"The seedlings are worthless, so you can buy a few packs tomorrow, and you will pay him if the seedlings sprout, and by the way, make the soil its original shape."

As an old farmer, although he didn't know much about the Luo family's greenhouse, he knew that the Luo family's boss treasured not only the seedlings but also the soil, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry.

"Hey, it's not that the Luo family compensated us for the house. How could we lose their house? The old party secretary's eccentricity can't be skewed to one side, but this weight must be held steady."

"I have weighed this steelyard for decades, so I don't need you to teach it. Li Xiaojiang, you continue to talk about how you fell into the water?"

Don't tell me, this person with high morals is different. A stare scared the old lady back.

"That's not a gangster. He said that his shed was flooded, so I went to the riverbank to plug the ridge. I didn't know if I accidentally dropped it. If... .If it weren’t a Gangzi, I would have been washed away by the water, because he saved me, he also scratched a piece of his leg and shed a lot of blood."

Speaking of the back, Li Xiaojiang also lowered his head.

"Huahua, I don't use the house anymore. It's all my fault. I deliberately corrupted you."

"If you know what you are wrong, just correct it, you can............"

"That won't work. If we say that the house will pay us, then we must pay us, otherwise I won't let it go."

There really is what kind of mother there is, and Li Xiaojiang has become like this because of his mother.

"Mom, don't talk about it, this matter..."

"You stupid son, do you know that you have been tricked by them, and that is a pretense of compensation for the house, that is, you want me to invite the old party secretary, and then start to turn your face."

"I respect you as an elder. I still have to make some sense in this statement. If my elder brother did something wrong, I will definitely pay. If Li Xiaojiang is seriously injured, I will also pay. Now it is not only you who are wrong. Li Xiaojiang also has nothing to do with life. How do you want us to compensate? As long as you can tell us a reason for compensation, let alone this one, I can compensate you. Or, how about you now? Just kill him here, then this house belongs to you."

"You bastard, a married man is here to join in the fun, it's your shit, the water thrown out by the married daughter, just take care of yourself."

"It's your shit, at least I'm in my own house, and you ran to my house, you still have a beep."

Luo Xiaohua, who was staggered by a woman's gravity and almost fell to the ground, yelled at the woman angrily.

"Isn't it what you said just now, to compensate us for this house, why are you doing something wrong now?"

"I didn't turn back. I just said that if it is our responsibility, then the compensation must be paid, but now it is clearly your responsibility. Why should our family pay the compensation? Our family is not taken advantage of, let you Come to bully. Don't think that my parents are good talking, just want to be a master in my house, I tell you it's impossible!"

Mrs. Liu came to realize only then that Luo Xiaohua's compensation for the house was false, and it was true if they told them to tell the truth.

"This girl is really too smart. No wonder she made the family so good. You said it would be great if our kid married her back then!"

"Don't talk nonsense about this. If grandchildren hear this, they should be unhappy. As elderly people, if we want to be able to enjoy the blessing of our children and grandchildren, we need to speak less and not add chaos to us. "

Many people are old, relying on their own age, instructing their sons and wives to do this, asking people to accompany them to talk every day, that kind of old people are the most annoying. This young man has things about young people. As an old man, just enjoy the good fortune at home, so that they can get their good looks.

Sometimes it's really not that children and grandchildren are not filial, but that they have to work hard for life.

"I know what you said. Look at what I messed up for them."

"Old secretary, are you going to be the master for us?"

The old lady who thought that she could take advantage of it, panicked at the moment, and directly kneeled down to Mr. What do I do for you, this Luo family's greenhouse will have more dishes by your family. If it is ruined, should you pay their family 500 yuan? "

"Isn't it only one hundred? How did it become five hundred?"

The old lady stared at her palm, only to think that her eyes had begun to show stars.

"You ask Gangzi, is it five hundred?"

Old man Liu looked at Boss Luo.

"More than five hundred, the greenhouse was also damaged by water, I have to repair it again, and the soil is also destructive, I have to get it, and it is not vegetable seedlings at all, but pepper seedlings. It’s the method I found after entrusting the relationship, and finally succeeded. If this seedling grows at a normal rate, three months later, my shed will sell for about two to three thousand."

"Two or three thousand, you are afraid that you are crazy about money, son, let's go."

The old lady, who was so scared that her hands started to tremble, took her son and went out. At first glance, she was worried that the Luo family would find her to lose money.

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