Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 1000: (The long writing journey requires persistence)

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To be honest, although I have been writing for three years, I really need to learn too much in terms of writing. However, being able to persist until now, I think I am quite good.

I don’t know if I saw this. Anyway, I’m still happy. I believe that one day I will write a novel that will satisfy myself and book friends. Come on!

Originally, after hearing what Luo Xiaohua had said before, they came over to watch and watch the excitement one by one.

However, the following words immediately made her stop the pace of leaving.

Although my own girl is not worth money, she can help at home, and is better at doing things than the kid at home. If this is sent out, it would be equivalent to a lack of labor. If it was placed ten years ago, That is one centimeter short.

Therefore, after thinking about it, I still feel that it is not worthwhile to send it out.

If it is the kind who wants a girl, she can still send it out, and when she is older, she can still complain about it, saying that it was sent out when she was really unable to support it. In that way, not only did she recognize her daughter, she also let other people raise her for so many years in vain. Even if the girl does not come back, one more relative will leave when the time comes.

It's just that Luo Xiaohua has said this now. With her violent temper, if she really dares to recognize it, she is afraid that her legs will be interrupted.

However, there are also those who are bold, and there are indeed many daughters in the family.

"Huahua, or if I give you my sweet-scented osmanthus, you also know what kind of conditions our house is. If she gives it to you, I won't say that it is better to eat and dress well in the future, at least... ....."

"Mom, I don't want it, I don't want it."

Before the woman was finished, a girl in tattered clothes hugged her leg without letting go.

"Osmanthus, mom really can't help it, your dad, the alcoholic, took all the money from our family to buy wine. If you follow Huamao, you don't have to worry about being hungry in the future."

Hearing what the woman said, Luo Xiaohua remembered that this woman was the first in their village to marry into the city, and she married earlier than her sister. At that time, the people in the village were envied to death, especially the young girls, one by one, they all wished they could marry in the city. The days in this country are very free, but it’s too hard. This side is facing the loess and it’s back to the sky. It’s exposed to the sun all day long, and the small leather shoes in the city are walking on, carrying a bag in your hand, and wearing broken clothes. Compared with women in flower skirts and still scenting fragrance, that kind of life is what they dream of.

I heard that her man is in a machinery factory, the salary is very high, and the treatment is also super good. Every year, the factory will send out a lot of daily necessities. Soap soap and shampoo are things that no one can buy. , Their home is endlessly useful. Even the woman's maidens followed, and her mother directly washed her face with soap, which made the villagers jealous.

It's just that, how could a person who had been envied by others be mixed up like this now? Luo Xiaohua still didn't understand, no matter how bad he was, he wouldn't be so bad even if he used his old books.

"Sister An'an, this child is better raised by herself. I mean the kind of people who don’t like their daughters and like to abuse their daughters. You have such a good relationship with Osmanthus, you don’t need to give her to me. Here is my phone number and address. , If you need any help in the future, you can call directly or go to the store to find me."

Although this Tian Anan is a few years older than her, and she has never played with her, but she is a well-known hardworking person in the village. If she really has trouble with men, she really has a place to go to her. , That is, the house I bought with Zeng Jianguo needs someone to take care of, and the group of children living there also need someone to take care of, just don’t know if she wants it or not.

However, there are too many things today, Luo Xiaohua did not ask her now.

"Okay, it's okay, everyone go back first, don't delay your work because of my family's affairs."

After all, it's the housework of other people's homes, so the excitement still has to be a certain degree, so everyone is gone after hearing Luo Xiaohua's words.

"Sister, I'm sorry for making you so angry."

Just after the crowd dispersed, Xiao Yu pulled Lalo Xiaohua's clothes and said apologetically.

"Don’t say sorry to me, right is right, wrong is wrong, we can’t swallow grievances by ourselves, remember that if anyone dares to bully you or beat you in the future, you will fight back and let them Come to me."

"What you said, I am not..."

"Uncle, you are my elder. I don't want to argue with you. You must know how I was bullied by my elder brother and my second brother when I was a child. Because they were boys, I deserved to be bullied. It’s stupid, but I’m not stupid now. If anyone dares to bully my niece again, who will I fight desperately."

"Why are you looking at me, Bo Wen Bo Wu was pushed into the water by her, and anyone who looks at it will get angry!"

"Yes, you are their grandmother, and you will definitely get angry when you see it, so why didn't you stop it in advance when they bullied Xiao Yu?"

"I...I...I didn't see it, I don't know how to stop it when I see it?"

"You can't see if they bully You can see them when they fall into the water. This is a selective look at things, then I really don't blame you."

"Luo Xiaohua, Luo Xiaohua, you call me blind, I'm your aunt."

"If you are an elder, you have to look like an elder. If you don’t take yourself seriously, don’t blame me and don’t take it personally. You didn’t always say that it’s all children who can make a name for themselves. Now When it’s your turn to be wronged by the people in your house, then the old and the young will be bullied together. The ones who love your family are people, and the ones who love your family are not people.”

While talking, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but choked up.

Just because I heard that she was the daughter picked up by the Luo family, and others scolded her and beat her, she never went home to file a complaint. Not only because mom and dad are busy, but also because she doesn't want to worry about her problems and have conflicts with her uncles and aunts.

"Sister Xu, what did you do to my girl in the back, you can remember so clearly for so many years, I have always regarded you as a sister-in-law, and a family man and a strict family, I am just myself. The child hurts, and if there is anything delicious, it is called my family to come and eat with my family, you actually treat my house like this."

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