Biquge, the fastest update to return to the last chapter of the last days Tian Luo Jing Yu!

I don't know if it's an illusion, Shen Chi seems to feel that when Mingyue speaks, she suddenly feels cold.

After getting in the car, Shen Chi asked: "What the **** did you do?"

"Well, a little ghost." Mingyue said directly.

Shen Chi squinted and looked at him: "... little ghost?"

Mingyue lowered her head and murmured, "Okay, okay, most of my corpse oil collection is not for dipping runes, but to raise little devil ..."

Shen Chi: "..."

I pulled it out, and it turned out to be evil!

"Our Maoshan Zong method of raising little ghosts has always been bright and bright," Mingyue looked stunned, but sighed again. "There are too many dying boys and girls after the end of the world. I only made 13." Take out 13 small glass bottles, "I use the zombies to distill the corpse oil immersed runes, those corpses of oil, I was made as a vicious evil spirit-oh, different from those beheaders in Thailand ! "

"What's different?" Ji Jia asked curiously.

Mingyue is a little proud, "their masters can only find boys, girls, boys and girls to raise them, but my master can use this corpse oil coffin to raise fierce ghosts, such as those who were cruel and fearless of murder. Evil, driven by my soul after death, but much easier to use than those Thai ghosts. "

Shen Chi: "..." It still sounds so evil, this product is a good demon!

No wonder just feeling cold. Shaking his head, Shen Chi put these ideas behind him, "Let's go, let's get some gasoline in town first."

He decided to drive directly to the place where the B-level zombies will appear. The time is urgent. When summer comes, Chongming will become a hell. Whether it is a tsunami storm or the upcoming zombie tide, these ordinary people can't deal with it.

In the town, Shen Chi replaced the eye-catching Land Rover with a bright, low-key black sV. The four of them were more than enough for the spacious model. These days, cars are not only used for transportation, but also for rest. After preparing enough gasoline, Shen Chi got a detailed map of the whole country in a run-down bookstore before he came out.

He didn't actually know that place, but his past experience made him very skilled at maps. Most of the roads were built in peacetime and there was no damage. The traffic was still smooth. But later, gasoline and other things became luxury. Now the car will gradually withdraw from the stage. Shen Chi remembers that seven or eight years later, Beijing GM is a solar vehicle with a thin iron sheet. Of course, it is not as comfortable as a car, but it saves energy and is not bad.

The weather was still cold, but in order to save fuel, Shen Chi would not drive the air conditioner in the car, and the three children were drowsy in their down jackets.

The road became more and more deserted. From time to time, one or two zombies wandered by the car slowly.

There are more survivors in the countryside than in the city, and the distance between the houses is so long that some families have survived. Moreover, the rural areas have a habit of storing food, but they are better than urban people. They can survive for a while and a half.

After arriving here, Shen Chi realized that he thought a little too simple. This place is quite large. He didn't know the specific location, but only knew the time. Whether he could just find it was a problem.

He couldn't help but live in a small town with the three men of Shenliu. Now in this town, in addition to the zombies, it has become an empty city. Six months later, the survivors have taken refuge in remote places. They casually took refuge. I chose a house to live in, and the bedding was ready-made, which was much more comfortable than the road.

Thanks to the surrounding countryside, Shen Chi occasionally meets some fat hares and many more birds than big cities. Fortunately, he is a remote Tangmen. Several little guys around him seem to be remote, and they have broken through to the second-order sinkwood. As a wood-type power, he has an unparalleled affinity for animals. Although Shen Chi feels like Shen Liumu can bleed the hare over without blinking, it ’s a bit subtle. The little guy is under eight ...... It's too far away from the imaginary to be a kind of wood-type power?

"Dad, why it's so hot all of a sudden ..." Shen Liumu in short sleeve shorts complained.

Shen Chizheng stood by the window and watched a solitary zombies waft down the building. In July, there was no buffer at all, and he entered summer from winter. The strong weather changes made many people sick, and in winter there were thick clothes to cover it. In the weather, it is difficult for infected human beings to be infected by zombies.

If you wear too much, you will be killed by heat. If you wear too little, you may accidentally be turned into a zombie. Therefore, most ordinary people still choose to wrap themselves tightly, even if it is so hot that it will make people crazy. .

"It will rain heavily at night and may be slightly better," Shen Chi said inadvertently.

Ji Jiatou has been completely sweaty. She is concentrating on making a doll. Her puppet doll has expanded to three, one is Zhang Kai's one eye, the other is the female power eye. Take out the small plane from the small kit and carefully handle the puppet arm. This puppet's face is already in shape, but one pair of eyes is missing, and Shen Chi occasionally swipes it. Well, it ’s not so much in my heart, and I am calm when I see more. Already. Ping Su Jijia always carried a small goose yellow backpack, and the long braided puppet doll was hung on the backpack. She was still holding her "big yellow". After the long braided doll was finished, the original "small yellow" became With "Rhu Huang", the long braided doll is Xiao Huang.

Mingyue squatted next to her to watch her make a doll. "Since this is called Dahuang and Xiaohuang, what about this in your hand?"

Ji Jia smiled sweetly, "Look at the clothes. The first baby I made a yellow vest for him, so his name is rhubarb, and this long braid is also yellow clothes-oh, it was made of cloth on my original skirt. This doll's dress is made of that long-headed sister's black skirt, of course it's called Xiao Hei. "

Rhubarb, little yellow, little black, okay, this name is really level ...

Quite, Ji Jia sighed childishly, "Unfortunately, Xiao Hei still has a pair of eyes."

"Relax, most people will be killed in the last days." Shen Chi said faintly, there are many in his list.

Ji Jia looked up. "Uncle Shen, I have a very strange thing. After making a doll with their eyes, it seems that the doll will also have special abilities."


"Uncle, look." Xiao Huang jumped off the original backpack, and Ji Jia made the driftwood for the dead yellow grass with a long braid. The stupid and ugly puppet that walked up stretched out like a stranger that day. The inflexible wooden finger pulled out a "head". When he saw the black snake moving up and down, Shen Chi felt his fingers were a bit numb. Ji Jia's ability turned out to be far more terrible than she thought. Not everyone says that she is a good puppet master, but a master who specializes in hunting for power, and I am afraid that she will become famous!

Shen Chi didn't know if Ji Jia had the secret in his last life, but he thought that Ji Jia might not have tried to use human or other creature eyes to make puppet dolls.

It was just an eye, which gave Ji Jia puppets an incomparable weird feeling.

"But it can only last for a little while." Ji Jia pointed to change back to the grass snake, "It's so troublesome, I want to put her back when I pull out my head ..."

Shen Liumu glanced at the blade of grass, "What's this, I can give you an instant!"

Mingyue did not hesitate to praise, "Jia Jia, you are amazing."

Ji Jia smiled a little.

Shen Chi thought with a bit of thought, "Jia Jia, would you be another puppet?"


"Like animals."

Ji Jia said honestly: "No, but you can try it."

"You guys are staying well today. I'll go out and see if there is gasoline in the gas station in town." Shen Chi thought for a while, and had a preliminary idea. If Ji Jia and their help to make a large animal-like puppet, hollowed out, it is almost Can be used as a mobile castle for them, especially if you find some giant mutant animals with eyes, maybe ...

Because of this idea, Shen Chi's heart is a bit hot. Unfortunately, it is not suitable here. He turned out the map to find the famous mountains. The deep mountain is the evolutionary animal paradise. However, it is a bit troublesome. Many modern mountain areas have undergone excessive development. There was no reservation of purely ecological areas. Later, he selected Huangshan. There are still undeveloped areas here, and it is important that it is only six or seven hours' drive from here.

Gasoline is certainly available. Although everyone knows that gasoline is very important when driving away, there are no people in the remote towns such as the north, and there is certainly no one at gas stations. People who escaped from the town would have long been away. The cars are abandoned. What's the use of gasoline? Can't drink it.

Shen Chi prepared the oil. It was about a month before the appearance of the B-class zombies, and it was more than enough time to go to Huangshan.

I ate breakfast early the next day and four people came out. Even if it was hot in the car in this weather, it was more comfortable to wind in than to stay where I was, so I only heard about three children all the way. Laughter and screaming.

After all, I was still a child, and when I was in a good mood, I showed my lively nature, which made me feel better late.

No car can be seen on the high road, no longer like it can be seen in peacetime.

"Bang!" A pitch-black bird hit their windshield, pecked hard and sharp beak, and the windshield suddenly cracked.

Shen Liumu flexed his way out of the car window, quickly germinated a seed in his hand, and bound the bird tightly, showing a streamlined bird shape with a bit of a finch profile, but both the size and fierceness were similar to the bird. Classes can't be compared at all!

Mingyue caught the struggling bird, "Jiajia, try it."

Poor this door-to-door evolution bird gave Jia Jia the eyes, and the rest of the eyes would be their lunch at noon.

The little puppet bird flew up crookedly, cheering in the car, "Dad! Okay!"

Shen Chi was also relieved, "Let's go to Huangshan!"

"Go to Huangshan to Huangshan!" Ji Jia also laughed, the laughter was crisp and sweet, as if it wasn't the last days, but Shen Chi was going to take them to travel with joy.

And the puppet bird fluttered its wings, and it was able to follow their car out the window, without lagging behind! Looking at the sharp beak cut by Ji Jia, they have no doubt about the attack of this little thing, and because of its small size, it is also a good hand to monitor the way.

Now Ji Jia can only control a puppet with ease. When she advances, she will undoubtedly become powerful.

If it was Huangshan in the past, this season is the peak tourist season in July and August. Now there is a depression at the gate, but the mountain seems to be lush and verdant. Obviously, there is less human disturbance. This mountain is actually much more prosperous. Plants have also got a relationship to evolution.

"Don't run around in the mountains." Shen Chi told him at the moment that he was glad to find that although they were not normal children, Liu Mu was always reluctant to leave himself. Ji Jia was very obedient. Although Mingyue was quiet, he was also a stable child. There are not many children of this age who are playful and playful.

The mountains are much cooler than the outside world. Giant trees cover the sky. The dark forests and steep mountains make Ji Jia and Shen Liumu feel a little surprised, but the moon is dismissive.

"What's this, I grew up in the mountains since I was young," he said proudly.

The puppet birds fluttered their wings, and from time to time they circled over their heads, Shen Chi has begun to look at the map, just like the red dots on the zombie map, so will the dangerous evolutionary animals and plants, and the red dots on the map are very dense, but Most of them should also be zombies and evolved plants. Finding their targets is not easy, and one of the red dots is not far away from them!

"Uncle Shen, someone!" Ji Jia cried suddenly.

Shen Chi stepped on his feet, gently lifted himself up and jumped on the branches. A few simple tents were set up in a relatively flat place not far away, and some simple daily necessities were piled around. Obviously some people live here, but in the form of surrounding vegetation Look, they should live here and soon.

He smiled coldly, with ridicule, these people thought that it was good to hide here and avoid the zombies, but the mountains and forests are far more dangerous than the cities, as if the peaceful era here was not an easy place for humans. There are zombies in the city. There are more than zombies in the mountains. Animals are more terrible than humans. Especially some mosquitoes may not hurt the power person. For ordinary people, it is deadly. Fortunately, mosquitoes The probability of turning into a zombie is 100% smaller than that of humans. Only less than 1% of the probability will be rare in cities, but the mountain forests are more dense than humans imagine! Not to mention some beasts, dangerous plants, and zombie beasts that have evolved.

These will not be able to make humans appear for a long time until the end, which makes Shen Chi hate that Dr. Yu is famous for his academic paper on the topic of animal zombies.


"Damn, kill him!"

"It's all your idea, this is the fourth one to become a zombie. What the **** is going on!"

"How do I know! It's all hot outside, can you live without coming to the mountains?"

"Everything is eaten, the city is full of zombies, where can we go if we don't get here!"

"Don't make a noise, Hong Dong, you gun!"

"In the tent ..."



Standing closer to the tent, Shen Chi had heard messy footsteps and talking sounds. It seems that a fourth zombie appeared in this group because of the mosquito bites, but they have not yet found the cause of their infection.

"Bang!" The gunshot stunned the birds in the forest. Shen Chi was surprised and not far away from the red dot. He was still quietly not far from the human tent.

It seems likely that this is a threatening evolutionary plant, not an animal he imagined. Plants can be shown as hostile red dots, first explaining how dangerous they are.


Shen Chi raised an eyebrow, and unexpectedly someone appeared to him.

Falling gently from the tree, he looked straight at the person who said, "Are you a hearing power?"

The ordinary youth looked at him suddenly, his eyes were full of vigilance.

It seems that at the end of half a year, people have had such a defense mentality. Seven or eight people faintly stood in a row in front of this handsome man who suddenly appeared.

"Dad." A cute, pretty little boy turned from behind the tree and flung it into the man's arms. He was followed by a girl of almost the same size.

The youth were relieved immediately.

Shen Chi smiled mockingly. After a few years, they would not lose their defenses because of their age.

The last days are such an age that can turn children into demons.

Think about it this way, what is it like Liumu, Jijia and Mingyue?

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