Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 286: traitor

Ma Chao waited for only one night in Anding County, and then left Anding County west in the morning to chase Dong Zhuo. Halfway through, Ma Chao received a report from the scout that the remnants led by Guo Bang had arrived in Jincheng, but the prefect of Jincheng Yu Feng burned the pontoon on the Yellow River ahead of time, making it impossible for Guo Bang's army to cross the river on the south bank. Guo Bang didn't have time to find Yu Feng to settle his accounts, and immediately led his army upstream, probably because he wanted to find a place upstream to cross the river. When Ma Chao heard the news, he hurriedly led his army towards Jincheng.

In other words, when Li Ru learned that Niu Fu had led an army of hundreds of thousands of Qiang people, he couldn't help but rejoice in the past, and quickly led his men out to welcome him.

The city gate opened, and Li Ru and others rushed out of the city to meet Niu Fu. Seeing Niu Fu coming forward, Li Ru clasped his fists with joy and said: "I didn't expect the general to come. This is really a surprise! If the Taishi knew that the general was here, he would be overjoyed! "

Niu Fu took the battle axe and glanced at the city gate, to Li Rudao; "Master Li is here, it seems that Taishi is here!"

Li Ru immediately said: "The Taishi is resting in the hall! The general, let me go to see the Taishi!"

Niu Fu suddenly shouted: "No need!" For example, he asked in a puzzled manner; "What does the general mean?"

Niu Fu stepped forward on horseback, suddenly raised his battle axe and slashed towards Li Ru! Li Ru couldn't fully react and was chopped into two under the battle axe! The people on Li Ru's side were shocked when they saw this scene suddenly! Niu Fu raised his battle axe and roared, "Go in!" The impatient Qiang screamed like a flood into the city like a flood! As soon as the Qiang people entered the city, they broke into the homes of the people one after another, trespassing, looting and doing no evil, the people's cries and the rampant laughter of the Qiang people, a city seemed to be turned into a **** on earth in an instant!

Niu Fu waited and rushed towards the hall. In one fell swoop rushed into the hall, the action Ji concubines ran away in fright, the Zhongqiang people were busy arresting those Ji concubines, haha ​​laughter seemed so harsh in the cry of the Ji concubines.

Niu Fu caught a flying bear army officer and asked, "Where is Dong Zhuo? Where is his treasure?"

The officer stared and shouted, "Shameless traitor! I won't tell you anything!"

Niu Fu was furious and chopped the officer with an axe. Then he grabbed a servant and asked with a ferocious look: "Where is Dong Zhuo? Where is the treasure?" The servant swallowed and pointed to the back door and said, "Too, the teacher ran away from there!" Niu Fu He immediately shouted anxiously and asked; "Where is the treasure? Where is Dong Zhuo's treasure?" The servant shook his head tremblingly; "No, no treasure!"

Niu Fu chopped off the servants with an axe, and immediately led the officers and soldiers to chase the back door. Chased out the back door, and soon encountered a group of flying bears. Niu Fu waved his army to kill. Although the flying bear army fought hard to resist, it was outnumbered, and dozens of people were killed in battle. Niu Fu killed the Flying Bear Army but did not see Dong Zhuo. It is estimated that Dong Zhuo hid nearby and immediately divided his troops to search. Soon after, Niu Fu found Dong Zhuo curled up and hiding in a pyre in the backyard of a family. Niu Fu personally pulled Dong Zhuo out, put the **** axe on his neck, and shouted wildly: "Dong Zhuo, I didn't expect to have today!"

Seeing that it was Niu Fu, Dong Zhuo exclaimed in disbelief; "It's you! What are you doing?"

Niu Fu shouted with a sullen expression on his face; "Hand over your treasure, I can spare your dog's life!" Dong Zhuo stared and roared: "You are bold!" Niu Fu's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but back down. But thinking of Dong Zhuo’s current situation, the panic disappeared without a trace, and he mocked: "Master! Do you think you are the master who can dominate me and instruct you? Tell you, you It's over!" Then he pressed the blade of the axe to the neck of the action, and shouted sharply: "Teach the treasure! Otherwise, I will chop you up and feed the dog!" Seeing Niu Fu's fierce appearance, Dong Zhuo couldn't help swallowing. Drooling, asked tremblingly; "You, what treasure are you talking about?"

Niu Fu exclaimed in annoyance; "Don't pretend to be stupid with me! You have robbed so many Xiliang clans in this period of time, and you have gained countless treasures of gold and silver! Where did you hide them? Come on!"

Dong Zhuo quickly said; "These are not there, not in my hands!"

Niu Fu grinned and said; "Who can these treasures be in your hands? Dong Zhuo, don't be smart with me. If you don't hand over the treasures, I will take off your dog's head!" Put out a posture to kill people. Dong Zhuo was so frightened, he hurriedly shouted: "I, what I said is true! I did not lie to you! My treasure is in Xiliang, and Zhang Ji betrayed me. My treasure is gone!"

Niu Fu's complexion was green and white. He originally thought that Dong Zhuo would bring the most precious treasures of gold and silver with him, so he seduced all the Qiang tribes to attack Zhangye with the goal of seizing Dong Zhuo's treasure. But he didn't expect that this abacus would have come to nothing. Today Dong Zhuo is a stupid pig with nothing at all.

"General, what should I do now?" Li Jun asked in a low voice.

Dong Zhuo said quickly; "Niu Fu, I'm not thin to you, you can't kill me!"

Niu Fu cursed: "Fart! How dare you say that you are not thin to me! I like Dong Yuan, but why didn't you marry her to me! You dare to say that you are not thin to me!" Niu Fu became more and more angry and couldn't help it. Swing the axe and chop over! Dong Zhuo saw that the opponent suddenly swung an axe and cut it over. He was so scared that he wanted to escape, but couldn't avoid it. With a click, the head of a generation of heroes was chopped off by his subordinates! The huge body crashed down! Niu Fuwu was puzzled, and he raised the axe to chop Dong Zhuo's corpse several times, and then he was relieved!

Li Jun could not help but sigh when he saw that a generation of heroes could die in this way. Walking to Niu Fu's side, he said, "General, although Dong Zhuo said that he did not bring out the treasures, but this is not necessarily true. The subordinates think that people should search around, maybe they can find those treasures!" Niu The assistant nodded, and immediately ordered the officers and soldiers to look around.

In the morning of the next day, Li Jun and others came to see Niu Fu. Niu Fu asked anxiously: "Have you not found it yet?" Li Jun clasped his fists with a frustrated expression: "We almost turned this city over. But nothing was found! It seems that what Dong Zhuo said is true, all his gold and silver treasures were left in Xiliang and did not bring them out!" Niu Fu scolded, "Damn it! Damn it! This **** idiot!"

At this moment, a soldier rushed in anxiously, and said anxiously: "General, the leaders of the Qiang people are here!" As soon as the voice fell, I saw a large crowd rushing in, and the leaders were those few. The leader of the Qiang people.

The sturdy Qiang leader asked with anger, "Niu Fu, you said that there are a lot of gold and silver treasures here, it's not like that at all! Where are the gold and silver treasures?" The leaders agreed.

There was a fire in Niu Fu's heart, and he said in an angry manner: "The entire city has been wiped out by you, and all the young women have become your trophies! Isn't this enough?"

The elder leader said, "General Niu Fu, what you said is nothing like that! I heard that Dong Zhuo previously looted the property of the entire Xiliang clans, and we must divide most of these properties! You Han said to do business. Yes, the big capital should have the greatest benefit. In this operation, you have only a thousand people under General Niu Fu, but we Qiang have mobilized hundreds of thousands of people. Therefore, we Qiang should be allocated. Ninety-nine percent of the treasures are reasonable! If you want to swallow those treasures, we won't stop!" The leaders of the Qiang people shouted one after another, as if they were about to do something.

Niu Fu was shocked. There were only a thousand people under his hand. How could he feel the same as the hundreds of thousands of Qiang people? He hurriedly lowered his breath: "It's true that we have been searching for a day and a night, but we still haven't found Dong Zhuo's treasure! Before he died, Dong Zhuo said his treasure was in Xiliang, this should be true!"

The strong leader immediately yelled: "We don't believe it!" All the Qiang people followed and shouted, all very angry.

Li Jun hurriedly explained; "Great kings, the whole city is yours. If we really find the gold and silver treasures, how can we hide it from you! We really didn't find it!" Niu Fu echoed.

The leaders looked at each other and felt that what the other party said was reasonable. If the other party really found so many gold and silver treasures in the legend, it would be impossible to hide it! The leaders couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and the eyes of Niu Fu and the others became bad.

Niu Fu was shocked when he saw this scene, knowing that these bandits had been murdered when they saw that they were useless! Li Jun hurriedly said to the leaders: "Everyone, since we already know that the gold and silver treasures are in Xiliang, the distance here is not far, so let's kill and sack Xiliang!" The leaders couldn't help but move, that strong. "Since I know that the treasures of gold and silver are hidden in Xiliang, I shouldn't let it go! Let's go right away!" All the leaders howled in excitement. The older leader glanced at Niu Fu and said with a smile; "I also ask the general to walk with us to help us seize Xiliang in one fell swoop! After the matter is done, the benefits of the general are indispensable!" How dare Niu Fu object and quickly agreed.

The leaders of the Qiang people left. Li Jun said to Niu Fu; "General, I think the Qiang people have already acted murderously on us. The reason why they did not do it is that Xiliang is still in Dong Zhuojun's hands and can use us to capture Xiliang. I'm sure, wait for them to find out. After we are actually useless, not only will we not get the slightest benefit, but we will definitely be killed by them! Now is the only chance, we should run away quickly!" Niu Fu nodded in sympathy.

Later that day, a Qiang scout suddenly rushed in front of the leaders of the Qiang people and reported it; "Tell you all, Niu Fu and the others just went out of the city suddenly!"

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